The present monograph is an effort to show the fact that Translation Studies is non a mere subdivision of linguistics but an extended subject with many subdivisions and really important consequences. In the following pages, there will be four chief parts: the first portion will concentrate on the development of interlingual rendition surveies from Hagiographas on interlingual rendition to interlingual rendition surveies as an academic subject. The 2nd portion will cover chiefly with the Islamic civilization and its rules, and will seek to give an reply to the inquiry “ Is the Muslim civilization translatable? ” The 3rd portion will be an debut to the different types of civilization and will demo their different degrees of untranslatability. The same portion will besides concentrate on the transcriber ‘s accomplishments presenting them as major factors taking to a better mark text. As a concluding measure, the 4th and last portion will associate interlingual rendition to the Islamic civilization, in an effort to foreground the untranslatability of the Islamic civilization in the Qur’anic discourse, particularly the material side of it, and besides to province the remarks of Muslim bookmans on the interlingual renditions of the holy Qur’an.

Translation is a procedure based on the theory that it is possible to abstract the significance of a text from its signifiers and reproduce that intending with the really different signifiers of a 2nd linguistic communication.

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“ Translation, so, consists of analyzing the vocabulary, grammatical construction, communicating state of affairs, and cultural context of the beginning linguistic communication text, analysing it in order to find its significance, and so retracing this same significance utilizing the vocabulary and grammatical construction which are appropriate in the receptor linguistic communication and its cultural context. ” ( Larson l998, p. 3 )

Diagram from Larson l998, p. 4

In pattern, there is considerable fluctuation in the types of interlingual renditions produced by transcribers. Some transcribers work merely in two linguistic communications and are competent in both, while others work from their first linguistic communication to their 2nd linguistic communication, and still others from their 2nd linguistic communication to their first linguistic communication. Depending on these affairs of linguistic communication proficiency, the processs used will change from undertaking to project.


On the development of interlingual rendition surveies

“ I see interlingual rendition as an effort to bring forth a text so crystalline that it does non look to be translated. A good interlingual rendition is like a window glass of glass, you merely notice that it ‘s at that place when there are small imperfections- abrasions, bubbles. Ideally, there should n’t be any. It should ne’er name attending to itself. ”

Norman Shapiro


First, it has to be clearly asserted that there exist many traditions refering the first Hagiographas on interlingual rendition, and as it is impossible to advert all of them, the focal point will be about Europe and the Arab universe. This chapter deals with the outgrowth of the earliest Hagiographas on interlingual rendition and besides the birth of the new subject “ interlingual rendition surveies ” in the last few decennaries.

Hagiographas on Translation


Among the first Hagiographas on interlingual rendition were Cicero ‘s[ 1 ]Libellus de optimo genere oratorun, Horace ‘s[ 2 ]Ars poetica of circa and the interlingual rendition of the Bible as a practical side. For this ground, Europeans believe that interlingual rendition started with the Romans and the Greeks, but it is really of import to bear in head that interlingual rendition might hold started so long earlier. And there are cogent evidences for that in many parts of the universe. Hung and Pollard ( 1998:366 ) claim that there were authorities functionaries with duty for interlingual rendition in China 9th century BC. But Cicero and Horace gave much importance to the jobs of interlingual rendition, produced different theories and extremely influenced the following coevals of transcribers. “ It is they who initiated the differentiation between ‘word to word ‘ and ‘sense for sense ‘ interlingual rendition, which retains its significance boulder clay now ”[ 3 ]. It is a fact today that India, China, Iraq and Spain have in many ways shaped the European civilization. In the 9th and 10th century in Baghdad the scientific and philosophical plants of ancient Greece were translated into Arabic, with the outgrowth of the celebrated library called “ beitu Al hikma ” established by the Abbasside khalifa “ Al Ma’moon ” . Those translated into Arabic books which transmit the Grecian Culture, including faiths, mythology and doctrine, spread to Europe through Spain which was at that clip under Muslim administration. Subsequently on, with the school of Toledo, interlingual renditions were made from Arabic to Latin and helped in the European Renaissance.

Another of import tradition that was influential in Europe is Bible interlingual rendition. It is believed that with the interlingual rendition of Bible started the first ideas about interlingual rendition theory. It was really of import, for Bible transcribers, at that clip, to esteem the sacred books, and at the same clip to vouch that the mark text would be apprehensible after interlingual rendition. The first transcriber to finish the interlingual rendition of the Bible into English is John Wycliffite who believed that everyone in the universe should hold entree to the word of God in one ‘s linguistic communication. After that came the interlingual rendition made by 47 bookmans and transcribers, eight old ages after the accession of King James to the English throne[ 4 ], which is the principle version adopted in many Christian states.

The “ modern period ” of Bible interlingual rendition started by the alterations of the Bible, and new interlingual renditions have been made. Nida ( 1998:27-28 ) says that Bible transcribers ( in the modern period ) frequently work in squads of three to five full clip transcribers.

One notices that Bible transcribers in the modern period made great attempts to do the mark text as clear and apprehensible as possible, without pretermiting the add-on of the necessary background information utilizing the footer system and other techniques in order to esteem the original text.

The Arab World

The early interlingual renditions in the Arab universe day of the month back to the period of Syrians. They translated into Arabic a big heritage. Syrians were extremely influenced by the Grecian interlingual renditions. Syrian ‘s interlingual renditions were more actual and faithful to the original claims Ayad ( 1993:168, qtd by Addidaoui, 2000 )[ 5 ]. Harmonizing to Addidaoui, Jarjas was one of the best Syrian transcribers ; his celebrated Syrian interlingual rendition of Aristotle ‘s book In The World was really faithful and close to the original.

In add-on to that, the coming of Islam was really important to the development of interlingual rendition in the Arab universe ; Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him tried to distribute Islam through different agencies. One of those agencies was communicating ; he communicated with Jews, Romans and others, and that is what pushed him to promote the acquisition of others ‘ linguistic communications and to look for transcribers to assist in communicating. At that period of clip, Prophet Mohammed exchanged letters with male monarchs of Persia, Syria, Jews and Rome, and Zaid Ibn Tabet was the Prophet ‘s transcriber.

The history of interlingual rendition in the Arab universe highlighted besides the name of Al Jahid ; one of the of import theoreticians in interlingual rendition. The theories of Al Jahid are still used today by many professional Arab transcribers. Al Jahid ( 1969:75 ) says: “ the transcriber should cognize the construction of the address, wonts of the people and their ways of understanding each other. ”[ 6 ]In add-on to the construction and the wonts, Al Jahid talked besides about the significance of re-translating and set a broad scope of theories in his two books Al-Hayawan ( 1969 ) and Al-Bayan WA Attabyyin ( 1968 ) .

In short, the history of interlingual rendition in the Arab universe knew many alterations, and became really rich in theories. New theoreticians appeared in each epoch with new perceptual experiences and new ways of analysing. Translation in the Arab universe, today, started to develop, and new Fieldss of research in interlingual rendition appear each twelvemonth, particularly with the attempts of the Arabic Academia in Translation surveies.

Translation Surveies: An academic Discipline

“ Translation surveies ” is an academic subject which concerns itself with the survey of interlingual rendition[ 7 ]; the term today is understood to mention to the survey of the academic subject at big, including non literary interlingual rendition, reading, teaching method and other issues.

As an academic subject, ‘translation surveies ‘ is merely a few decennaries old. Get downing from 1950, bookmans and experts were interested in organizing consistent theories and carry oning research on interlingual rendition, but it is besides true that non so much had been done within the model of this new subject, and there are still issues to be analyzed and discussed. That is because bookmans went profoundly in associating “ interlingual rendition surveies ” to other subjects such as psychological science, anthropology and, really late, cultural surveies.

One has now to admit the fact that interlingual rendition surveies as a subject found its topographic point among other academic subjects and has become independent.

Thankss to the Dutch bookman James S. Holmes, interlingual rendition surveies is defined as a subject being concerned with “ the complex jobs clustered round the phenomenon of interpreting and interlingual renditions ” ( Holmes 1988b/2000: 173 )

Mona baker, in 1997, stated that the new subject is really rich and it brings together bookmans from a assortment of more traditional subjects.[ 8 ]


The Islamic civilization

“ If everybody is looking for it, so cipher is happening it. If we were cultured, we would non be witting of deficient civilization. We would see it as something natural and would non do so much dither about it. And if we knew the existent value of this word we would be cultured plenty non to give it so much importance. ”

Pablo Picasso

2.1 Introduction

In the present chapter, several points are to be accentuated. First, the impression of civilization ; what is meant by the word ‘culture ‘ from different points of position. Second, I will seek to associate civilization to Islam ; I will specify the Islamic civilization and discourse its degrees and I will advert some rules of the Islamic civilization and hopefully clear up them. The last point to be dealt with is the translatability of the Islamic civilization ; to what extent is the Muslim civilization translatable?

2.2 The impression of civilization

Culture is the imposts, thoughts, civilisation, etc. of a peculiar society or a group of people[ 9 ]. It is a set of thoughts, beliefs and ways of behaving of an organisation or a group of people[ 10 ].

The impression of civilization is rather really difficult to specify. The two significances stated above are the most widespread ; they define civilization as “ a sum-up of human gaining in its interaction with its physical and societal environment and spiritual beginnings ”[ 11 ].

It is highly necessary to maintain in head that there are some dominant civilizations, may be for the ground that they are powerful, and as a consequence influential.

Translation, affecting the heterotaxy of ideas expressed in one linguistic communication by one societal group into the appropriate look of another group, entails a procedure of cultural de-coding, re-coding and en-coding. As civilizations are progressively brought into greater contact with one another, multicultural considerations are brought to bear to an ever-increasing grade. One is non merely covering with words written in a certain clip, infinite and sociopolitical state of affairs ; most significantly it is the “ cultural ” facet of the text that should be taken into history. The procedure of transportation, i.e. , re-coding across civilizations, should accordingly apportion matching properties vis-a-vis the mark civilization to guarantee credibleness in the eyes of the mark reader.

Indeed, right interlingual rendition is non word for word permutation from one linguistic communication into another, but it requires some apprehension of the manner people live and think. The significance of a word in a linguistic communication is derived from its civilization and represents the chief connexion between linguistic communication and civilization.

2.2.1 Religion and civilization

It is universally acknowledged that faith represents the really first component in a group of people ‘s civilization which perceptibly influences their manner of life. For this ground, peoples ‘ civilizations differ as the faiths differ.

It is a fact that most of the looks used, by a group of people, in the linguistic communication of mundane life is by and large based on spiritual vocabulary. One may detect the civilization of the others merely through their addresss, particularly those people who keep on being faithful to the spiritual linguistic communication. Muslims, for case represent the most noticeable instance for there are many Qur’anic looks in Muslims ‘ day-to-day life ; in Moroccan Arabic it is common to state: “ U…O§ U‡US U?U…O§ U„U?U†U‡O§ ” . This look is derived from the Qur’an “ they said “ pray to your Lord for us, that He may do clear to us what sort it should be. ” ” “ They said “ pray to your Lord for us, that He may do clear to us what its colour should be. ”[ 12 ]This look is used in the Moroccan Arabic to show how hard it is to make or possess something.

2.3 The rules of Islamic civilization

One of the dominant civilizations today in the whole universe is the Muslim civilization. This civilization has two chief facets: the first is stable ( Sacred Sources ) and the 2nd is altering ( the interaction with environment ) .[ 13 ]

The Islamic civilization, as all other civilizations, has rules most of which are shared with other human communities:

Respect of the other.

Co-operation with others.

Reliance on scientific discipline and cognition.

Common aid and support.

Disapproval of incorrect workss.

These are considered the most of import rules of the Islamic civilization.

2.4 The Muslim civilization: Translatable?

The inquiry that can be raised, in this portion, is: to what extent is the Muslim Culture Translatable?

It is a fact that the Islamic civilization portions a batch in common with other civilizations with different faiths. E.g. the word “ O§U„U„U‡ ” exists in some other linguistic communications, the talkers of which besides believe that there is one A«A GodA A» . As a consequence, the word “ Allah ” is translatable. But there are words and senses which are specific to the Islamic civilization, and which will be dealt with in the last portion of this paper.

This highlights the fact that the footings covering with the spiritual facets of a civilization are the most hard, both in understanding the SLT and supplying the best equality in the TLT, Larson ( 1984:180 ) . The 2nd point which is of import as good is that “ sameness can non be between two linguistic communications ” , Bassnett ( 1991:30 ) , for the ground that the TL reader is non cognizant of the different facets of intending involved.


Cultural untranslatability

“ A interlingual rendition is no interlingual rendition, he said, unless it will give you the music of a verse form along with the words of it. ”

John Millington Synge

3.1 Introduction

Modern lingual surveies showed that linguistic communication is non a mere physiological, but besides a cultural phenomenon, and interlingual rendition is by nature a really of import facet in cross-cultural communicating. The function of interlingual rendition, hence, is to present one civilization to another by agencies of interpreting. But really frequently cultural factors become the barrier in interlingual rendition and consequence in untranslatability.

3.2 Types of cultural untranslatability

Harmonizing to some interlingual rendition bookmans, such as Nida, there exist five distinguishable types of civilization: historical civilization, geographical and psychological civilization, material civilization, imposts and traditions every bit good as spiritual civilization.

3.2.1 Historical Culture

It refers to the civilization settled and formed during a state ‘s development. The historical civilization differs from one society to another because the historical development differs every bit good. This sort of difference impedes intercultural communicating. To outdo illustrate this hindrance, “ Adam ‘s apple ” , which refers to the ball on the forepart of a adult male ‘s pharynx, can ne’er be translated into Chinese except by its actual significance because this term is originated from a Biblical narrative.

3.2.2 Geographical and psychological civilization

Different states ‘ geographical and psychological civilization is besides a chief barrier in interlingual rendition. Because of the different geographical environments and different states ‘ outlooks, the same word will hold wholly different significances in two different civilizations. “ East air current ” in Japan and English is a graphic illustration. Nipponese people favor the E air current, for it is ever a symbol of “ spring ” and “ affection ” while people in Britain dislike the E air current, because the east air current is from the northern portion of the European continent, so it ever symbolizes “ coldness ” and “ unhappiness ” . In Britain the favourite air current is the West air current. That is the ground why word for word interlingual rendition ne’er works.

Besides significances of some “ colourss ” are different. In English, “ green ” is ever connected with “ enviousness ” and “ bluish ” with “ Moon ” , so there are such looks “ green with enviousness ” and “ one time in a bluish Moon ” . Those looks can non be translated into Arabic utilizing the words “ green ” and “ bluish ” . Therefore, they are translated as O?USU?O±- U…O±O© U?US O§U„O?U†O© alternatively.

3.2.3 Material civilization

One should pay much more attending when translating words which reflect the material civilization. For illustration, the word “ cricket ” is an of import word in the English linguistic communication, for it is a popular out-of-door game in Britain, and plays an of import function in people ‘s day-to-day life. The undermentioned stating “ It is every bit important as a game of cricket. ” best illustrates this point. If we want to interpret this sentence, we should add some background information for the TL reader sing that playing cricket is non widely spread in other states.

Another illustration is the term “ meat engineer ” . Maroc readers may experience baffled if the term is translated as “ O?U‚U†US U„O­U?U… ” . While harmonizing to its cultural background, this term merely means the “ meatman ” , because “ meat engineer ” is a euphemism for the “ meatman ” in western states. By utilizing this term, meatmans may believe extremely of their profession.

“ Food is for many the most sensitive and of import look of national civilization ; nutrient footings are capable to the widest assortment of interlingual rendition processs ” ( Newmark, 1988:97 ) . The footings coming under this class are farther complicated due to the “ foreign ” elements present. One such instance is the mention to the brilliantly coloured patisseries tunisiennes. Translating harmonizing to the Gallic thought of patisseries would connote utilizing the English “ bars ” or “ pastries ” yet in the context of Tunisian civilization this barely seems appropriate, bearing in head the difference in signifier of the TL mention. This illustrates the theory developed by Mounin ( 1963 ) who underlines the importance of the meaning of a lexical point claiming that merely if this impression is considered will the translated point carry through its map right. In this instance the interlingual rendition as “ Sweets ” seems to match to the thought of the original meaning, even if it is a more abstract interlingual rendition of the Gallic master, and is hence more appropriate refering its map in the TT than a interlingual rendition of formal equality.

Another illustration of material civilization includes an eponym, viz. bouteilles de Sidi Brahim. In France this low-quality, Algerian vino is widely known and is the traditional drink with North African dishes, hence widely sold in supermarkets every bit good as this type of little store. This illustration can be seen as matching to the new ideal reader as described by Coulthard, holding different cultural cognition ( Coulthard, 1992:12 ) as an English-speaking reader would non needfully cognize the name of this vino and even less its associations. By utilizing purely formal equality, all significance would be lost. It would nevertheless be possible to neutralize the original term Sidi Brahim by interpreting as “ vino ” or else to present a signifier of componential analysis, interpreting as “ inexpensive, Algerian vino. ” Sidi Brahim being the country where the vino is produced, it seems appropriate to maintain the original term in the TT but it is necessary to add a qualifier, here “ vino. ” In this manner, although the cultural deductions are non every bit strong as for an “ initiated ” Gallic reader, the information is passed on and elucidated by a qualifier. The cultural deductions automatically understood by the ST reader, viz. the impression of inexpensive, low-quality vino, are non nevertheless conveyed, the accent in this context being on the alien nature of the merchandise as conveyed by Sidi Brahim and non on the low cost.

3.2.4 Customss and traditions

The different imposts and traditions in the day-to-day activities around the universe reflect the different cultural outlooks. For case, In China, when people meet each other in the street, they ever greet like this “ where will you travel ” or “ what will you make ” . In fact, this sort of salutations is really ill-mannered and impolite in western states, for it is an intervention with privateness. Alternatively, they are translated as “ hullo ” “ good forenoon ” or “ how are you ” .

3.2.5 Religious civilization

Religious civilization means the civilization formed by a state ‘s spiritual beliefs and common sense. This type of civilization normally impedes the transportation of intending to a TL since different peoples have different faiths. The phrase ( O?U† O?O§O? O§U„U„U‡ ) is an Arabic term “ God willing ” or “ If it is God ‘s will ” is a good illustration. It derives from Islamic Bible, Surat Al Kahf ( 18 ) :24:

“ But merely If God wills! ‘ And retrieve your Lord when you forget ”

This phrase is now used overly in Moroccan Arabic. Unfortunately, it is frequently used to detain events or to avoid giving a definite reply.

3.3 Degrees of Cultural untranslatability

Catford states that Cultural untranslatability takes topographic point when a relevant situational characteristic in the SL is absent in the TL. This cultural untranslatability has different degrees. The degree alterations for the ground that some words are wholly untranslatable whereas other words are really difficult to happen equality to in the TL. For this specific ground, the transcriber has to be adept and experient. The transcriber has to be bilingual every bit good as bicultural in order to hold a better TLT.

3.4 The transcriber ‘s accomplishments: an of import factor

It is now a common belief that the transcriber ‘s accomplishments play a major function in presenting a good interlingual rendition. A good interlingual rendition is one that carries all the thoughts of the original every bit good as its structural and cultural characteristics. Massoud ( 1988 )[ 14 ]sets standards for a good interlingual rendition as follows:

A good interlingual rendition is easy understood.

A good interlingual rendition is fluid and smooth.

A good interlingual rendition is idiomatic.

A good interlingual rendition conveys, to some extent, the literary nuances of the original.

A good interlingual rendition distinguishes between the metaphorical and the actual.

A good interlingual rendition reconstructs the cultural/historical context of the original.

A good interlingual rendition makes explicit what is inexplicit in abbreviations, and in allusions to expressions, vocals, and nursery rimes.

A good interlingual rendition will convey, every bit much as possible, the significance of the original text.

Enani ( 1994:5 )[ 15 ]defines the transcriber as “ a author who formulates thoughts in words addressed to readers. The lone difference between him and the original author is that these thoughts are the latter ‘s ” . Another difference is that the work of the transcriber is even more hard than that of the creative person. The creative person is supposed to bring forth straight his/her thoughts and emotions in his/her ain linguistic communication nevertheless intricate and complicated his/her ideas are. The transcriber ‘s duty is much greater, for s/he has to live over the experiences of a different individual, states Antar S. Abdullah[ 16 ].

To reason, the above analysis shows that “ translating is an activity which necessarily involves at least two linguistic communications and two cultural traditions ” ( Toury, 1978: 200 )[ 17 ]. As this statement implies, transcribers are for good faced with the jobs of how to handle the cultural facets in a beginning text ( ST ) and of happening the most appropriate technique to successfully convey these facets in the mark linguistic communication.


Translation and the Islamic civilization

“ Indeed, there has come to you light and a clear book from Allah ; with it ( the Qur’an ) Allah guide him who seeks His pleasance into the ways of safety and convey them out of arrant darkness into light by his will and steer them to the right way. ”

( Almaidah V: 15-16 )

4.1 Introduction

The Qur’an, for the Muslim, comprehends the complete codification for all human existences to populate a good, chaste, abundant and honoring life in obeisance to the commandments of Allah. It is the “ chart of life ” for every human being, and it is the “ fundamental law ” of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The Qur’an was an unwritten text throughout the life-time of Muhammad. It was besides a fluid text. The complete text resided merely in the memories of Muhammad and his followings. As he added poetries and reorganized the text, his followings would rememorize the text in the visible radiation of the add-ons or edits. This means that the Qur’an was a living text during the life-time of Muhammad. Certain verses revealed to Muhammad were subsequently repudiated by him as “ demonic ” poetries revealed non by Gabriel but by Satan. These poetries were expunged from the text that so many had memorized.

4.2 The untranslatability of the Qur’an

Because the Qur’an is for every human being, it transcends the boundaries of the Arab universe and goes beyond it. The Qur’an is addressed to all peoples without exclusion. It carries a cosmopolitan message to all human existences irrespective of their race or colour.

It is true in our yearss that the interlingual rendition of the Qur’an represents one of the most of import elements in the Qur’anic surveies, chiefly, because it is the first book non-Muslims brush when trying to good understand Islam.

The Qur’an exists in its original linguistic communication, i.e. , Arabic. Some Muslim bookmans agree that the true Qur’an is in Arabic, in its original diction as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) ; hence, it should merely be recited in the Arabic linguistic communication. The interlingual renditions nevertheless are the work of worlds. And since these interlingual renditions subtly change the significance, they are frequently called “ readings. ” For case, Pickthall ( 1930 ) called his interlingual rendition The Meaning of the Glorious Koran instead than merely The Koran.

Part of the miracles of the Qur’an is said to be based on I’jaz O?O?O¬O§O? , or Inimitability. Even for native Arabic talkers, the Qur’an is a hard papers. Its antediluvian linguistic communication and poetry construction are hard hurdlings to traverse. People ever admitted their inability to bring forth something similar to the Qur’an. And the interlingual renditions of the Qur’an are considered, by some bookmans, to be one signifier of seeking to bring forth a similar Book.

Translators of the Qur’an, it is of import to observe, encounter many troubles in the procedure of interlingual rendition. Those troubles encountered are due to different grounds.

First, some poetries in the Qur’an complement each other, for that ground the transcriber of the Qur’an has to travel back to the related poetries in order to interpret one poetry ; this stresses the thought that word for word interlingual rendition is non to be used, particularly in this context. The poetry U?O?O­U„ O§U„U„U‡ O§U„O?USO? U?O­O±U… O§U„O±O?O§ best illustrates this trouble. This poetry has two significances: an internal significance which is, trading is licit while vigorish is illicit, and it has besides an external significance: the two footings are different ; they are non the same. This 2nd significance is non included in the text, but understood when 1 goes back to the old poetry:

“ O°U„U? O?O?U†U‡U… U‚O§U„U?O§ O?U†U…O§ O§U„O?USO? U…O«U„ O§U„O±O?O§O? U?O?O­U„ O§U„U„U‡ O§U„O?USO? U?O­O±U… O§U„O±O?O§ ” O§U„O?U‚O±O© 275

The external significance, it has to be clear, is necessary in order to understand and interpret a poetry of the Qur’an. And that is the ground why some of the early transcribers of the Qur’an fell in ambiguities.

The 2nd job that impedes the interlingual rendition of the Qur’an is that some poetries may be general ; the signifier used in those poetries includes everything, but the significance of the poetry is related to another poetry which is specific. The poetry: U?U?U? O±U‚O?O© is considered a graphic illustration in this instance. The reader can non cognize the faith of the slave to liberate. But, if the transcriber goes back to the poetry 92 of Surat Anissa ‘ :

U?O?O­O±USO± O±U‚O?O© U…O¤U…U†O© ” O§U„U†O?O§O? 92 “

it becomes clear that the slave should be Muslim.

The inquiry of whether or non one should try to interpret the Qur’an should be seen, chiefly, in the context of translatability in general, alternatively of ever associating it to the Arabic linguistic communication.

The Material Culture of the Qur’an

Material civilization includes all of the physical objects that people create and give significance to. Clothing, architectural elements, and hand-crafted rugs would be illustrations. An object merely becomes portion of civilization after significance has been given to it. Human existences perceive and understand the material things about them as they have learned to from their civilization.

In Arabic, there exist many footings that, even if they have their equality in other linguistic communications, they can non be easy translated because they have a peculiar connotative significance. Larson ( 1984: 132 ) warns the transcriber of the jobs of the SL connotative significance. In some poetries of the Qur’an, there is mention to the donkey and the Canis familiaris. Those two words have a negative intension in Arabic, but they are impersonal when translated into English for case.

U?U…O«U„U‡ U?U…O«U„ O§U„U?U„O? O?U† O?O­U…U„ O?U„USU‡ USU„U‡O« O?U? O?O?O±U?U‡ USU„U‡O« . O§U„O?O?O±O§U? O?USO© 176

U?U…O«U„ O§U„O­U…O§O± USO­U…U„ O?O?U?O§O±O§ . O§U„O¬U…O?O© O?USO© 5

The two words, in English, have a different connotative significance. For illustration, the word “ Canis familiaris ” is a symbol of trueness ( the Canis familiaris is the adult male ‘s best friend ) , whereas the donkey is considered, in the Islamic civilization, a symbol of arrant stupidity.

4.3 Translation of the Qur’an and the Muslim bookmans

Because the Qur’an stresses its Arabic nature, some Muslim bookmans believe that any interlingual rendition can non be more than an approximative reading, intended merely as a tool for the survey and apprehension of the original Arabic text. They argue that the Qur’anic text can non be reproduced in another linguistic communication or signifier. Furthermore, an Arabic word may hold a scope of significances depending on the context, doing an accurate interlingual rendition even more hard. This factor is made more complex by the fact that the use of words has changed a great trade between classical and modern Arabic. They argue besides that the undertaking of interlingual rendition is non an easy one ; some native Arab-speakers will corroborate that some Qur’anic transitions are hard to understand even in the original Arabic. As a consequence, even Qur’anic poetries which seem absolutely clear to native talkers accustomed to modern vocabulary and use may non stand for the original significance of the poetry.

The original significance of a Qur’anic transition will besides be dependent on the historical fortunes of the Prophet Muhammad ‘s life and early community in which it originated. For this ground, one finds a elaborate historical background in the debut of any reading of the Qur’an.


The four parts discussed in this research undertaking are non to be viewed as complete merchandises, but they need to be polished and enriched farther with other illustrations.

The four chief parts of this monograph seem to be really distinguishable, but, at near examination, these parts are so closely linked because they portion the same purpose which is to foreground the fact that interlingual rendition, as a field of cognition, is really rich, and may be related to many other Fieldss.

As an interdisciplinary subject, interlingual rendition surveies borrows much from the different Fieldss of survey that support interlingual rendition. These include comparative literature, computing machine scientific discipline, history, linguistics, linguistics, doctrine, semiologies, nomenclature, and so forth.

The present monograph, being an effort to associate interlingual rendition to other Fieldss, attempts to convey together interlingual rendition and Islam in an effort to demo the untranslatable side of the Islamic civilization, get downing with a definition and a historical background of interlingual rendition, and specifying the term civilization. The monograph coatings with a general decision asseverating that the Qur’an is untranslatable because of many grounds:

The Qur’an exists in its original linguistic communication.

The relationship between poetries: poetries complement each other.

Problems of the external significance.

The generalization of some poetries in the Qur’an.

These jobs, among many others, hinder the interlingual rendition of the Qur’an, and do the undertaking harder for the transcriber to convey the exact significance in the TLT.

In add-on to that, Culture plays a really of import function in interlingual rendition as interlingual rendition requires the transportation of intending from one civilization to another.

To reason, interlingual rendition surveies is neither an stray field of survey nor a mere subdivision of linguistics. It is an independent field of cognition able to pass on with all other Fieldss and subdivisions.


Addidaoui, M. , 2000, Attarjama wa Attawasoul [ Translation and communicating ] , Casablanca/Beirut, Al Markaz AttaqA?fi Alarabi.

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O?U†O§U†U‰ , U…O­U…O? 1994. U?U† O§U„O?O±O¬U…O© . O· 2. O§U„U‚O§U‡O±O© : O§U„O?O±U?O© O§U„U…OµO±USO© O§U„O?O§U„U…USO© U„U„U†O?O±- U„U?U†O¬U…O§U† .

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