Programs are often smaller pieces of a larger human services organization. How will the organization’s mission affect your program? Why it is important to make sure your program is oriented to the organization’s mission and purpose? The organization’s mission is the reason an organization exists and it serves as a roadmap on how the organization is ran. Other names an organization’s mission may be called by are: Purpose or corporate philosophy, and they all mean the inspiration that gives focus to the direction the organization would like to move in.

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The mission of an organization usually has a mission statement that is a broad description of the organization’s mission and values. The statement tells about the target population, it tells in detail how it plans to succeed, and how sets boundaries on what and how things need to be done. The programs in an organization will need to follow the same mission the organization set up the guidelines set in the mission will direct the program and ensure that the program represents the organization and the mission completely.

If the mission is to ensure that individuals that have been abused find mental and physical rehabilitation you would not want to treat those individuals the way you would a violent predator that needs rehabilitation. The mission of an organization is an agreement to a plan on how the organization will be an effective organization. The direction of the organization is set up and followed through the mission and serves as a guideline to each program on how to follow through with the values the organization would like to represent.

Without a mission the organization would not know how or what to focus on leaving the organization unsuccessful and the same rings true for the individual programs. If the programs don’t focus on the mission it leaves the whole organization vulnerable to failure. Reference Mission and Vision Statements. ” Encyclopedia of Management. Ed. Marilyn M. Helms. Vol. 1. Gale Cengage, 2006. eNotes. com. 11 Aug, 2012 http://www. enotes. com/mission-vision-statements-reference

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