What will happen? Q 6. How lysosomes resemble immune system? Q 7. How osmosis is a special case of diffusion? Q 8. Can a cell without nucleus (its nucleus is removed) work properly? (3 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (3 marks) (2 marks) Q 9. Does photosynthesis takes place in animal cells? Why plastids are necessary for photosynthesis? (2 marks) Q 10. Why plant cells cannot change their shape? (1 mark) Answers to HOTS Questions: Ans 1: The organelle shown in the above diagram is mitochondria. (1 mark)

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Mitochondria is the site of completion of respiration so energy releasing reactions takes place in it and energy released is stored in the form of ATP for future use. (1 mark) Ans 2: When an egg is kept in a concentrated salt solution the egg shrinks as water concentration is less in the solution in comparison to the egg. (1 mark) Thus water moves out of the egg by exosmosis. (1 mark) Ans 3: Endoplasmic reticulum is a network of tubes connected to nuclear membrane. There are two types of ER on the basis of their structure and function. Rough ER- This type of ER has ribosomes attached to its surface thus it synthesises proteins. (1 mark) Smooth ER- This type of ER has smooth outer surface, they synthesises lipids. (1 mark) Ans 4: Organs are: 1. Kitchen of plant- plastids 2. Storage organ – vacuole 3. Brain – nucleus • (1X3=3 marks) Ans 5: A deshelled boiled egg when placed in hypotonic solution, no change occurs in the egg. (1 mark) Water will neither enter nor leave the cell because osmosis does not take place in dead cells. (1 mark) Ans 6.

Lysosomes are cell organelles which contain powerful hydrolytic enzymes. (1 mark) They engulf the foreign particles such as bacteria and kill them thus they protect cells from harmful organisms and thus they perform a similar function as that of immune system. (1 mark) Ans 7. In both osmosis and diffusion substance moves from its higher concentration to lower concentration. (1 mark) In osmosis this movement takes place through a semi permeable membrane and it takes place in fluids. (1 mark) Diffusion occurs in all the states of matter. (1 mark)

No, because nucleus is the control room of the cell. (1 mark) It controls the activities of cell as well as it has the hereditary material which passes information from one generation to another. (1 mark) Ans 9: No, animal cells are not able to do photosynthesis as they do not have plastids which store pigments. (1 mark) These pigments are necessary as they convert light energy into chemical energy. (1 mark) Ans 10: Plants cell have an additional covering called cell wall which is rigid due to which they are not able to change their shape.

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