Summary:This section of the book talks about Freud’s methods on physical therapy and how it is involved with the association of different feelings and comparing them to previous experience or current problems. One of the therapies that was influenced by Freud was Psychodynamic therapy, which is when therapist try to understand a patients current symptoms by focusing on themes across important relationships. Carl Rodgers developed the humanistic technique called “Client centered therapy” which focuses on the persons self perception but is also a non-directive therapy-when a therapists listen but doesn’t judge.

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During therapy there are many techniques that is used, examples would be counter conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive therapies. Individuals not only use therapy but family and groups as well. Free Response Questions: 1. You are a therapist for young teens. A patient comes in who has been diagnosed with depression. Based on the different types of psychological therapy, which form would be the most useful in order to eliminate negative thoughts and behaviors? 2. Sarah has had a fear of spiders since a young age and her friend suggests she visit a therapist to overcome her fear.

Explain how behavior therapy could help her overcome her phobia3. Jimmy is a child who has autism. Please explain how the principles and therapies of operant conditioning would aid Jimmy in is integration into a social setting. Do you think they are the best ways of conditioning a behavior into a child’s mind? Why or why not? 4. Jen has a toddler, and shes trying to potty train him. She constantly  tells him if you have to go potty use the restroom. He keeps going to the restroom in his underwear . How could you use Aversive conditioning to potty train him?

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