A philosophy for maintaining a competitive advantage based on the concept of continuous improvement and elimination of waste. Just-in-time is a management philosophy that originated and was applied in manufacturing organizations in Japan since the early 1970’s. In its early stages, JIT was utilized as a means to meet customer demand and minimize delays. The emphasis of JIT referred to a process where the production of goods met customer needs for quality and quantity. The Japanese plants and processes were arranged for maximum output and improved efficiencies.

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Today JIT has new insight and means by striving to produce with the minimum amount of waste. Waste is referred as time, materials, and resources. JIT’s elements are as follows: * Continuous improvement. * Identifying and attacking fundamental problems that do not add value to a given product. * Standard parts and fewer bills of material levels. * Developing systems to allow for identification of problems. * Easier systems, some paperless, that could be more comprehensive, easily managed with minimum amount of errors.

A process that allows product to be produced in less time by limiting movement of materials and parts. Keeping the labor force accountable for quality and output. * Methods that are “foolproof” and prevent errors. * Preventative maintenance that assures machinery and equipment are functional when they are required to be. * Suppliers typically locate facilities closer to their customers. * Waste Elimination. Types of waste are as follows: * Waste generated from overproduction. * Waste from poor time management. * Transportation waste. * Processing waste. * Wasted materials (inventory). * Waste of motion from too many steps (inefficiency). * Waste generated from product defects.

Clean and organized workplace. Reduction of time spent to setup. This increases the amount of flexibility when producing and allows for smaller batches in production. * Employee force is multi-skilled that benefit the multi-processes within the operation. * Even production volume providing flow of products typically using a pull system. * Tools to facilitate the pull process. The pull process takes place when products are produced as needed. This process provides minimal storage requirements. * Jidoka (Autonomation) – Machines have the option of autonomous capability; therefore workers can be more productive while machinery is operating. Andon (trouble lights) – Lights that signal problems to initiate corrective action.

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