The best way to study for these questions is to review the reading, lectures, and quizzes. The multiple-choice questions will address the following topics: 1. Roles and responsibilities of a business systems analyst a. ensure that the needs and wants of the client are represented correctly so that a solution can be developed and implemented by capturing and documenting the requirements needed to (design and) implement a solution i. Analyzes the business processes to identify areas of inefficiency ii. Analyzes business requirements iii.

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Translate business requirements into IT projects to increase efficiency or profitability then works with the IT people to ensure the solution meets client’s needs 2. Business analyst’s problem-solving approach a. A systems analyst solves business problems using information systems technology b. Problem solving means looking into business problem in great detail, completely understanding problem, and choosing best solution

Down the left side, in time order, are Requirements Gathering (Analysis), Design, and Build or Acquire (Implementation); followed by, going up the right side, the testing activities of Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and Usability and Acceptance Testing. Horizontally, the relationships are that Requirements Gathering (Analysis) is tested by Usability and Acceptance Testing, Design is tested by Integration Testing, and Build or Acquire (Implementation) is tested by Unit Testing.

Types of events to be considered during event decomposition 18. Types of relationships: unary, binary, ternary, n-ary 19. Use case diagrams: purpose and how to develop 20. Multiplicity of associations in class diagrams 21. or relationships in use case diagrams 22. Types of testing: definitions and when to use each. Test TypeDescriptionPurposePerformed By Unit test (sometimes called stub test)Check each system component by itself. Ensure that each component was implemented correctly before integrating it into the larger system.

Programmers (usually) Integration testCheck the components in combination with each other. Ensure that components work together, doing what they were designed to do. Programmers or QA staff System test (sometimes called end-to-end test)Check the operation of the complete system in a controlled environment. Ensure that the system, as a whole, satisfies requirements. QA staff Acceptance testTry out the system with actual users in a realistic setting.

Determine if system meets user needs and will be accepted as complete by the user organization. Users a. Functional – Does it meet functional requirments . Audit – performed by outside independent party to verify that a critical system complies with certain standards c. Performance – speed and processing capacity of system d. Load- examine how well system perfoms under high deman (# users) e. Usability- ease of use f. Security- examine vulnerability to security threats, hacking, viruses g. Black Box – consider only input and output, the system is a black box that no one can see inside h. White Boxalso called glass-box looks at internal details like code and database records, or values of program variables.

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