Understand the principles of developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults. 2. 1 Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults. We communicate for a number of reasons, mainly in a social capacity as it is in our nature to crave the company of others, but also to pass on information to make sure we are all heading towards the same goal on the same path.

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It is important that schools work in partnership with pupil’s families to promote the development of positive relationships between home and school. When you do this be mindful not to use jargon that they wont understand. Children benefit from a shared commitment to their education. Effective communication requires everyone involved to be able to express their own thoughts and messages in a confident manner. It is a skill that everybody that works in a school needs to perfect and constantly review. It is important to be able to communicate with your colleagues on a professional basis. As a T. A you are responsible for the children’s learning, care and safety. You must be able to approach each other in confidence and comfortably. You must be able to pass on information in a tactful manner and show diplomacy.

It is of vital importance that you understand that you have to differentiate your language and the complexity of your sentence to suit the person you are talking to. This way what you communicate will be transferred successfully and understood. Having good communication skills will benefit you when you are trying to make good relationships with people of all ages; you should show you are approachable by; * Having good body posture. Do not slouch, or stand with your arms folded. You should turn towards them, but keep a decent amount of distance between you-remember your personal boundaries. Give eye contact, but if you notice your student is uncomfortable with that, change your posture so that you are not looking directly at their eyes. Don’t make your time with them uncomfortable by forcing prolonged eye contact; they need to feel comfortable when they are with you.

Actively listen. Show you are interested in what they are saying. Don’t butt in, but ask questions, and give suggestions to answer their questions. Never turn your back on someone that is talking to you. * Show good manners, speak at the right time, don’t raise your voice or speak over somebody. Show interpersonal skills by treating them with respect and treat each person the same. * Use the correct tone of voice, if you are dealing with a sensitive issue use a soft clear voice with soothing tones. If you are trying to gain control of a situation use deeper tones without shouting. * Speak to them at their level of communication. * Be honest in all situations, even when its tricky. Adults and young people always respond well to positive communication with adults, if you have good relationships they are likely to want to be at school more.

When you are working with adults in a school, you must offer mutual support as you will need support from your colleagues, this can include; * practical support with resources and equipment * Informative support – helping people who don’t have the right information for the task at hand. * Professional support – planning and observations etc. * Emotional support. Building a good relationship with people that have different cultural backgrounds may be difficult if they have different attitudes, views and beliefs.

The important thing to do is to keep communication open, clear and reliable, don’t ignore the situation or the person you are experiencing difficulties with because it can make matters worse. Some cultures do not allow eye contact, which we rely on in our culture to show signs of interest and understanding. We believe you can tell a lot about a person by their eyes. The key to keeping this relationship open would be to obtain a level of understanding of that person’s culture and be willing to accept that you may have to communicate in a different manner and adapt your own views.

Having good communication skills allows you to be a strong member of a team. You will be regarded as an honest trustworthy person with ideas and valuable thoughts of your own. 2. 2 Explain the principals of relationship building with children, young people and adults. In order to build relationships with children, young people and adults we need to be adaptable; our interactions should show them and let them know that they are valued, all children are special. Show them that you are reliable and trustworthy.

Be realistic with answers and expectations so that they can feel like they are achieving. Be sure to show no favourites and let them know that you treat all people the same. When you are building relationships with children and young people be aware of any issues that they may feel are important such as, getting less attention from grandma, a pet dying or simply knowing where art class is going to be held. Consider how you approach people and how you answer them. Parents that come into school provide good support to pupils and teachers when communication is strong.

Be mindful of personal boundaries such as personal space, gifts and hugs. Children easily become attached to staff especially if relationships are lacking at home. It is important that you let them know you are there for support but not as a parent figure, it is doubtful that you would allow this to happen purposefully but be aware of it especially when you are working closely with students on a one to one basis. You may very well live in the area around your school and so children may know where you live, it is important that under no circumstances you lead hildren to think it is ok to knock on your door after school and that your relationship with them is purely one at school, your own children may be bring school friends home, in which case they must know that this is home time and you are no longer the T. A but a friends mum. When you are at work, be resourceful with materials, information ideas and equipment. There are many factors that can enhance relationships these include; mutual respect. Active listening. Honesty. Trust. Tact. Tone and consistency.

Children and young people need to have a sense of belonging and feel secure, you must at all times be honest with them, especially if one comes to you with a personal problem. You must let them know that you will keep it confidential but if you feel that they are at risk you must share that information with the appropriate person. Remember that if they cannot talk to you it does not mean that you cannot talk to them. It may well be that they are just looking for reassurance from somebody that they feel they can relate to or that they feel will understand and empathise with them.

Ways to make positive relationships with children and young people can be easy and is very rewarding some small tricks that will help gain their respect can include; * Avoiding stereotyping and judging them on face value. * Remember names and how to pronounce them. * Get children’s own explanation about behaviour before criticising them and drawing conclusions. * Try to look at the world from a child’s point of view. * A positive form of communication motivates children to try harder and to take pride in what they have done. * However over praising can make them doubt your honesty.

Explain how different social, professional and cultural contexts may affect relationships and the way people communicate. Different areas of the country, creates different dialects and different social belief, which plays a large part in the way people view life. You need to be aware of the different religions and the different ways of life they may bring. It is not to say that any other way of life, but our own is wrong, but that we need to develop an understanding of others beliefs around us and work on the way in which we communicate. Effective communication with people of different cultures is challenging.

Cultures provide people with a way of thinking, seeing, hearing and interpreting the world. And so we all have different views. This can mean that the same words mean different things even when people speak the same language and different signs mean different things. Different geographical places bring different dialect and accents, these can be hard to understand, especially when they are mixed with fast speech and their own abbreviations of words and their own slang it can become a cause of confusion and make it harder for that person to fit in.

When languages are different and translation is needed the risk of misunderstanding is increased. When you are talking to someone of a different culture, give them your full attention, you must be aware that communication is not only the words spoken but also attention to body language, tone, how things are said, what is not said, and cultural meaning of what is said and how it is said. Be yourself when talking, have quiet confidence, be respectful and attentive. Learning basic pleasantries are a good way to build good relationships by showing that you respect them and that you are willing to try.

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