There are things Christians do in the name of God yet do non look to reflect Godliness at all, for case, killing people and practising evil workss ( Boyd 23 ) .

God has non been just to adult male. God has left many people to endure so much. We ask ourselves if God is certainly at that place, and if He loves His ain, so why people suffer.

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We are told that God is in control but as every twenty-four hours passes we seem to acquire to even deeper jobs so where is the kernel of Christianity, if the religion that I believe in can non assist ( Boyd 24 ) .

We are frequently persuaded to believe in God, whether you are a truster or non. Yet in our consciousness, we question the 1 we put our religion in. These are the beginnings of challenges. Most people would frequently travel back to God retainers in church for replies. To the work forces of God, where we run for safety in times of problem, is where we find humiliation and agony. If God is the 1 who has sent these people, so they are supposed to stand for Him. Nevertheless, the same peoples kill the inexperienced person. Then why should I believe that God is good if the 1s who represent Him are evil?

Many immature and non-believers once more uncertainty and fail to follow Christianity because the God that is good spoken of is non just at all. How can I endure of disease and frailty while another one is non even appreciating the life he or she has? While others are throwing off nutrient in pleasance, many are enduring in drouth afflicted lands. God can do equal rains on the full Earth surface. If he is able to mend my neighbour, so why ca n’t he mend me? All these inquiries and many others have made many to forbear from Christianity.

Greg Boyd responds to those challenges.

Boyd begins by foregrounding the fact that God is loving and revealed his love to us through His boy Jesus Christ. He says that the God described in the Bible is one that loves freedom. He has given adult male the opportunity to be free in the universe and has non restricted adult male to any picks despite the fact that he has control over him as a supreme Godhead. He has given adult male opportunity to take on good or evil. To this consequence, adult male has hence been free of his actions and has chosen evil. He is a God of freedom, for you can non hold love without freedom ( Boyd 25 )

We can non fault God for the evil done by work forces. This is simply due to their picks. He is a God that loves good and has ensured that everything he does is good. So wholly bad things done or yet to go on are from a different beginning and non Him. Many things on Earth go on in the name of Christianity.

Then Christianity is non a motion or a civilization to which people follow but is the relationship between adult male and his supreme Godhead, Christianity is non a faith or an establishment of any kind: it is a relationship. Boyd ( 26 ) says that in Christian establishments, Jesus Christ redeems people, and their actions are non as the others ‘ but walk under the new disclosure of God.

Such people pattern good and non evil. He urges that we should therefore separate the Christian church and Christianity. If we get to a point of holding a relationship with God so we will hold an evil free universe. On the question of God ‘s equity towards guiltless victims, Boyd starts by foregrounding that it is non delighting at all. But so once more, who has done these workss? If God is the 1 who has made it go on so He certainly has a program in his calendar. There is an evident spread between what Christianity preaches and what God accomplishes.

There are different illustrations given in the Bible about God ‘s actions, which he changes in the class of clip. Job was a rich adult male but in a scintillation of an oculus all was gone and he suffered a great trade. However, in the class of clip He came through for occupation and changed his state of affairs for the better. The same visible radiation shed in our fortunes today. We could be enduring drouth for long months but He will certainly do alteration of season. That troubles merely last for a dark but joy still comes. We should happen a ground to cuss God or make evil out of the agony we are traveling through people like Jeremiah and David. Therefore, God has His clip. He sets everything from the oncoming and achieves them when the clip comes.

We do hold inquiries of why did God hold to allow this and that go on when he could hold stopped it in the power of His might. Well, yes God is almighty and mighty. He made the celestial spheres and the Earth and put in topographic point everything at the vocalization of his words. He is genuinely on control of the full existence. We can non halt God from allowing His will to go on but He opens doors when others near. However, we have gone in front and done things that stop Him from step ining so He besides keeps off non that He can non but because we have blocked His manner. However, he remains a baffling being to many people. Questioning Him or his beginning is ne’er stoping and futile.


Through the reading of this book, I have found replies to my inquiries ; my attitude towards the Christian religion is changed greatly. I now have a clear head about Christianity and my religion is strengthened. Have learned to maintain my head unfastened to the plants and workss of the Almighty God. My thought is non what will reply the inquiries about this Supreme Being yet by being unfastened to his disclosure so can acquire to cognize who God is. We have freedom to make good and bad.

The bad things that I do are out of my ain choosing and non from Him. We can non fault God for what we have non done. In add-on, that I should be careful unto what I believe in and follow in my day-to-day life. Not all that seems to be Christian is Christian and Godly. Many motions have used the Christ ‘s name in order to pattern their cults and beliefs.

Work Cited

Boyd, Gregory, Letters from a skeptic. ( 1st edn. ) . Wheaton, IL: Bible Press Publications,

1994. Print.

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