Plagiarism is defined in dictionaries as the “wrongful appropriation,” “close imitation,” or “purloining and publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions,” and the representation of them as one’s own original work. The factors that aided in this crime are the expansion of the World Wide Web. Search engines such us Google and Yahoo are one of the tools that helped to enhance the rate of plagiarism. Why is it a concern to universities?

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How does give a destructive effect towards mankind? Plagiarism, in other words copying, aids students to not use their intelligence and distort their mental capabilities. How is this possible? A human’s brain power and ability to think, reasons, and other intellectual capabilities will only be enhanced if a person takes initiative to study, and think when doing a task. Narrowing the scope to the main topic, if students keep on copying assignments from other sources in the internet, there thinking skills will not be sharpened or used. Thus, causing them to not benefit from the studies.

The implication of plagiarism those results in education at university level to run out of its track and motive. A new era where students enter universities just for only one motive, which would be to obtain a degree scroll not for knowledge. Plagiarism comes in various forms, mostly is, stealing material from another source and passing it off as their own by buying a paper from a research service either pre-written or specially written; copying a whole paper from a source text without proper acknowledgement; submitting someone else work without their knowledge.

Misconception of plagiarism will be the main factor. Students are not aware that copying and lifting information from the internet and other sources are considered cheating because they do not understand what plagiarism is, and they do not realize that it is wrong. Thus, they meant to do it to be contented Secondly, it is due to poor time management and lack of preparation. Students often do not have the time management skills necessary to complete a large research paper and can become overwhelmed by the large task and procrastinate.

When pressed for time, they will find that plagiarism is the easiest way to complete the paper. The convenience of the internet also contributes as an influential factor. There are millions of websites on the internet which are providing the data about all fields. Therefore, when a student has to produce a research paper, instead of going to the library and purchasing the books, the best way is copying through the website just in a couple of seconds. Students can even find completed research papers online; they simply copy and paste it to a new document, make a few adjustments, and it is ready to turn in.

Laziness of the students which dominates them, lead their pathway to commit plagiarism in order to ease their life. Once the students find what they want from the internet without any hardworking, and get the “ingredients”, they feel relieved and wouldn’t be worrying about it anymore. Thus, they would not gain any general knowledge and will lead them to be a “plagiarism dependent” person. The conclusion is, this “plagiarism virus” should be handled effectively and not in excessive state. Students should not misunderstand about the concept of plagiarism and should take it in a correct and useful way.

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