While there are different ways to live with Lupus, is a challenging autoimmune disease. Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any parts of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Lupus is a disease that flares up and goes into remission. With Lupus, something go wrong with a person’s immune system, which is the part of the body that fights of viruses, bacteria, and germs. Lupus predominantly affects woman more than men, and typically effects multiply organs in the body.

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Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which causes the body’s immune system to attack its own organs, tissues, and joints. Most genes are involved in the development of Lupus. But, Lupus can develop without any family history, but are likely to have other autoimmune diseases within some family members. Diagnosing Lupus is very difficult. There is no single test that can determine if a person has Lupus or not.

Controllable and Uncontrollable Risk Factors Uncontrollable III. Roles the Immune system plays in Recovery & Prevention IV. Reliable Community and Web Resources Lupus Foundation of America—www. lupus. org Leading non-profit voluntary health organization -The Bridge Health Recovery Center —www. the bridgerecoverycenter. com This site helps to educate yourself about the disease and what programs for recovery along with wellness.

The US in lupus—www. usinlupus. com Where people can come together at a time, get support, hear stories ,get hope with Lupus V. Treatment and Prevention of Lupus Treatment—based on age, health, symptoms, lifestyles  -reduce tissue inflammation -suppressing immune systems abnormalities that are responsible for tissue inflammation. preventing flare ups and treating them as they occur -easing symptoms such as join pain and fatique -minimizing complication of disease Prevention –Regular exercise Reduce or minimize stress Help to keep heart healthy Improve muscle stiffness Increase muscle strengths Increase range of motion –Fatigue Establish good sleep pattern.

Complementary and Alternative Health Care Options Diet Hypnotherapy or Hypnosis -Acupuncture- Supplements- Yoga- VII. Conclusion Although there are different ways to live with Lupus. It is a challenging autoimmune disease for 2 main reasons.First, no definite cure. But, most importantly, Effects different parts and functions of the body. Lupus mainly affects woman between the ages of 15 to 44. Lupus is found 2 to 3 time more among women of color than among Caucasian Women (Lupus Foundation)

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