This survey investigated the client service quality to derive client satisfaction of Travelodge Covent Garden. As per I know, this is the first pupil research based on client service quality to derive client satisfaction at the Travelodge London in Covent Garden. This survey was to analyze client service quality of hotel, Impact of client service quality to derive client satisfaction, Importance of client service policy and importance of employee preparation to better client service quality.

A questionnaire was circulated in electronic signifier to 250 clients those who stayed at Travelodge Covent Garden hotel from April to September 2010.Only one fifth ( # 50 ) of the entire clients were the existent respondents.09 employee of Travelodge Convent Garden were involved in this research. That means 59 completed questionnaires were collected. The respondent clients of Travelodge Covent Garden London, provided information of their visit, client service quality, grade of client satisfaction, worst thing that can non fulfill client, why they choose this hotel and their sentiment about the employee of this hotel. The respondent employees provided information how they improve their client service quality and how they motivated their client to come to this hotel.

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The image of this survey was non straight- forward ; some differences which were rather different than common guess were come out. The survey found that clients were expected to acquire high quality of client service provided by hotel staff. From this survey it could be said that that client service quality of this hotel is good but their room service quality fail to acquire client satisfaction.

Based on these findings, some recommendation had been pinched. It was recommended if concern want to acquire competitory in today ‘s planetary market they should concern about their client service policy by supplying developing to their employees, as research shows that merely trained employee can supply better service to their invitees. Customer service director should concern that their client will acquire better client service and at the same clip standard room.

1.0- Introduction:

The chief purpose of this survey is to describe the impact of client service quality to derive client satisfaction of Travelodge Covent Garden.

With so much competition in today ‘s planetary economic system, client service is necessary for any concern. In today ‘s progressively competitory cordial reception sector, every organisation selling schemes and tactics is to do net income and contribute to the growing of organisation. Customer service quality is a comprehensive issue that effects all organisation. Does non count how large or little the organisation is or what is their involvement. Today ‘s concern universe, non needfully cordial reception organisation, all organisation are interested in measuring and implementing selling schemes that aim to better client service quality to derive client satisfaction which will assist them to be differentiate from other. Customer service is a sort of service which involves a series of work designed to acquire client satisfaction. It is one of the most of import elements of the selling mix for merchandises and services. To remain in the competitory market organisations have to see that clients are non merely interested for merchandise or service but besides have some concern of how they are acquiring it. Customers are more educated, more cognizant about their money. Their outlook of the organisations and the people they buy from is much higher, they want better client service. Customer service provides an income for the concern, it besides provides feedback, which can assist the organisation to better service bringing on merchandises, better client service conveying up to day of the month selling, Production and transference equipments. In this assignment my job statement is “ Does client service quality play a critical function in order to derive client satisfaction at Travelodge Covent Garden, London? ”

Quality service is the key to a successful hotel concern. When clients get better services from a hotel they become satisfied and want to come back at the same hotel when they needed. A satisfied client will frequently be a repetition client. Besides that client may state other people and referred them in the same hotel where they get great service, which is one of the cheapest effectual advertisement for that peculiar hotel.

Travelodge Covent Garden is one of the greatest budget hotel situated in the bosom of London. With Travelodge, consumers can anticipate an easy, unagitated, stress-free experience and dependable criterions of quality and service. Travelodge provides them the best budget hotel which has the spatial property of good client service and room quality.

1.2- Research inquiry:

This survey is set up to reply the undermentioned research inquiries:

1. What is the definition of client service?

2. Discourse the importance of holding great client service in hotel.

3. What are the most of import rules of great client service?

4. How to better client service in hotel?

5. How client service builds trueness and net income?

6. Why cordial reception organisation such as “ Travelodge Convent Garden ” should measure the success of their client service policy and how this organisation can utilize this to better the proviso of staff preparation and development.

7. What are the disadvantages of negative client service?

1.3- Significance:

1. Customer service is a service which chiefly helps an industry to maintain a deep apprehension with clients and pull off their client ‘s information to understand what is the demand and desire of their clients.

2. This undertaking will assist an industry to better their client service. Customer service can do or interrupt a concern.

3. This proposed survey has besides critical significance for development of theories of client service which would assist hotel organisations to follow effectual selling scheme.

4. This research is good to acquire some ground of holding a good client service policy in concern.

5. This research has managerial deduction, as directors can acquire advantage and have better apprehension of their clients.

6. It provides that high quality of client service create loyal clients which are good for the hereafter of hotel.

7. Apart from the above mentioned significance, this research will give me a opportunity to research my thoughts and positions, as a station alumnus sheepskin in cordial reception and touristry pupil which will assist me to derive cognition for my future profession.

1.4- Research Objectives/Goals/Aims:

The aims of this survey are to analyze client service direction as a competitory advantage for hotel concern. The research purpose and aims explored in this survey are:

1. To assist the hotel to heighten their competition.

2. To reexamine literature on client service and its effectivity.

3. To acquire loyal clients and to construct good repute and image of hotel.

4. To measure competitory advantage of Customer service. Customer service is every bit of import as merchandise quality of hotel.

5. To analyze whether hotel concern adopts client service direction as a tool to maintain client longer to increase gross.

1.5 Ethical deductions:

Ethical innuendo in a research is chiefly to transport out the research in a moral and responsible manner. As a research worker I must detect a sensible manner of what methodological theory recommends and what is ethical possible from practical point of view.

As a research worker it was ever attempted to continuance objectiveness by doing certain all informations were collected accurately to the full. Some ethical issues I took into consideration are:

a. Ethical intervention of participants:

I designed my study questionnaire in such a method that respondents do non endure uncomfortableness, clumsiness or loss of privateness. In order to protect the respondents I clarified the respondents about the benefits of this research and the participant ‘s rights and protection.

B. Anonymity and Confidentiality:

I offered complete namelessness and privateness to all participants in my research. During the clip of my study questionnaire I ne’er asked name, reference or any personal information which might acknowledge the specific individual. All informations which I collect unbroken confidential and used for lone research intent.

1.6 Hypothesis:

Good client service can assist this peculiar hotel to crush the rivals between the hotels. In today ‘s universe market it is every bit of import as merchandise quality of hotel. It can do or can interrupt.

By supplying great client service quality a peculiar hotel can acquire reiterate client or loyal client which is helpful to salvage money that might be spent on advertisement. Repeat concern and word of oral cavity advertisement are the best ways of keeping a healthy concern.

2.0 Literature reappraisal:

Reviewing literature is indispensable for assignment. It can critically organize the foundation on which research is built. Harmonizing to Jankowicz ( cited in Saunders, al.2007 ) literature reappraisal is a reappraisal which is written for project study should hence be a narrative and critical analysis what other writers have written. This literature reappraisal will present the constructs of client service, importance of client service, and development of client service which can assist a hotel organisation to derive client satisfaction and to be profitable in competitory hotel concern.

2.1Definition of-customer service:

Many research workers have difined client service quality in different ways. Customer service is the judicial admission ofA serviceA toA clients before, during and after a purchase. Harmonizing to Jamier, L. Scott. ( 2002 ) , A ” Customer service is a patterned advance of actions designed to heighten the degree of client satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a merchandise or service has met the client outlook ” . The book ” A Rules to Break and Laws to Follow ” is written by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.D. in 2008.In this book they write that client ne’er bury the services that they get from an organisation. Sometime their trust can be destroyed when they do non acquire proper service quality or it can be destabilized one twenty-four hours at a clip, with a thousand little presentations of incompetency.

In today ‘s hyper-competitive concern environment, Customer service quality is a important factor that helps in distinguishing service merchandises. Harmonizing to assorted literatures, satisfaction of client is obtained with the flight of high quality service and merchandises. Now consumer are more educated, better informed, more value witting and demand more for their money. Their outlooks of the companies and the people they buy from are much higher. In short, they want better client service.

2.2 Importance of Customer Service quality:

Marquardt ( 1989 ) points out that Customer service quality betterment becomes the most valuable fact in the service industry.This service quality can better productiveness, diminish the cost, construct client satisfaction and increase net income for organisation. This is one of the greatest keys for the success of a concern. It can literally do or interrupt concern. In concern, if anyone wants to bring forth net incomes by selling their merchandises and services to people who need and want to purchase. Customers want to cognize how the administration or hotel industry can do their lives better or easier or how the administration can alleviate them of their hurting.

Customer service is the most of import map in today ‘s cordial reception industry. Many research workers ( Olsen2002 ; kang, Nobuyuki and Herbert,2004 ; soderlund and Ohman,2005 ) stated that good client service quality have been correlated to client behavioral purposes like purchase and trueness purpose, willingness to distribute word of oral cavity.

Those clients who experience good client service from a hotel are likely to return to this hotel and even pass more money at other attractive forces in the country.

Jones and Farquhar ( 2003 ) told that good client service quality make an impact to derive loyal client. Bolton ( 1998 ) pointed out ; service quality manipulates client ‘s attendant behavior, purposes and penchants. When a client chooses a subscriber that provides service quality that meets or exceeds his or her outlooks, he or she is more likely to take the same supplier once more. Besides, Cronin and Taylor ( 1994 ) besides found that service quality has a important consequence on redemption purposes. Good client service helps to increase concern. Peoples or clients who leave the hotel which provide them good client service are likely to state theirA friendsA about the good clip they have and besides tell their friends and household what type of services they have got. In return, their friends and household will besides come to the same hotel, constructing a turning client base.

That ‘s why it ‘s indispensable to be consistent in supplying first-class client service, quality nutrient and an inviting or friendly atmosphere.

2.3 Importance of client service policy:

Having client service policy is of import for any cordial reception and touristry concern. It is a construction that describes the company ‘s philosophy of making concern. Many research workers are pointed out some ground of holding good client service policy:

1. Good client service policy helps to increase the trade name name of a hotel. It pushes the trade name ‘s name of any company ‘s into client head. It shows a really positive attitude of clients towards the hotel or company.

2. This policy helps company to acquire more net income continuously which help to magnify gross.

3. It helps to set and acclimatise employee ‘s rules and attack in conformity to company ‘service policies.

4. Good client service policy can experience up whatever consumer want, so consumers spend more for acquiring these services.

5. It helps to acquire good competitory advantage which is helpful to keep company ‘s place up to day of the month and marketable.

6. Repeat of client is achieved by a good client service policy.Customer service policy is a cardinal factor which must be maintained a really standard degree particularly in cordial reception sector in order to accomplish mark market.

Ad is indispensable in turning and keeping a profitable hotel concern. Good client service helps to increasing advertizement for a hotel. Guests expect high-quality service. Lunchars ( 1996 ) said: “ the consequences of a 1990 study of conference participants revealed that eight of the top 10 factors rated most of import for guest satisfaction were related to service quality instead than to the quality of installations ” . While the leisure and concern markets will doubtless hold different specific demands for installations, carry throughing guest outlooks for quality service will be necessary for success across all market sections.

On the other manus Poor client service can bust up the repute of a hotel, eating house. Peoples will speak over the Internet or by word of oral cavity and after acquiring hapless service people will non see this hotel. Customers are non merely external but besides internal every bit good.

Some research workers noticed that a individual who has experienced hapless client service from a eating house will most likely portion their bad experience with an norm of 10 other people. Those 10 people are highly like to go through it on once more, and after that a immense moving ridge of negative promotion has grown. It is revealed that 80 % of all hotel ailments are related to hapless service non for hapless merchandises and one-fourth of those surveyed pointed out they would non of all time return to this hotel where they received hapless service.

These undermentioned policy are indispensable to supply good client service quality in hotel:

1. A general early cheque in or late check-out procedure procedure is maintained.

2. Customer can call off or set their reserve if required. Any cancellation can be done in regard to the type of reserve made.

3. Particular demands can be made in request country when client information is confirmed as a portion of on-line reserve procedure.

By following these basic regulations in keeping good client service, company construct a relationship with their invitees, a relationship that helps their concern grow and prosper.

2.4 Decision of literature reappraisal:

Although many research workers have been done so far on common information of client service and many theories have been described by research workers but merely a few surveies have been provided on explicating the consequence of client service in peculiar hotel. To do a better place in hotel concern, increasing net income and acquiring a trade name name at ‘Travelodge London in Covent Garden it is needed to be researched or studied farther on assorted facets. There is no complete research have been done boulder clay now specially impacts of client service in “ Travelodge hotel ” . A fastest budget hotel like Travelodge in Covent Garden in London is situated in tourer attracted topographic point. Many types of tourer semen here and bask vacation. So it can be said that this country could be the best topographic point to transport out this research.

3.0. Research Methodology:

Harmonizing to Kumar, R. ( 2005 ) research methodological analysis is one technique of happening reply to such inquiries. There are two major types of informations aggregation methods for this analysis: Secondary informations aggregation methods and primary informations aggregation methods. Both informations aggregation methodological analysiss have been used in this research.

3.1 Secondary informations aggregation:

Secondary informations are those types of informations which are existed and has already been examined by an academic. Saunders, Al. ( 2007 ) said that literature beginnings are divided in to three classs: primary like electronic mail, study etc ; secondary like newspapers, books, diary etc and third are those like encyclopaedia, index etc. In this research all informations were collected through the library of London Victoria College, British library, Internet hunt engines, commercial bibliographic database and lexicons.

3.2 Primary informations aggregation:

It is natural informations. This information may be collected by study based on questionnaire or interviews. Survey based questionnaire provide quantitative informations ; on the other manus interviews provide qualitative informations. Guba & A ; Linchon ( 1994 ) said, “ Both qualitative and quantitative method may be used suitably with any research paradigm ” ( cited in Saunders, M. et al.2007, pp.100 ) . Both two types of informations aggregation method were used in this research.

3.2.1 Questionnaire Survey:

A self-administered cyberspace arbitrated questionnaire was planned to roll up natural informations. A semi-structured questionnaire has been prepared and given to about 250 clients whose had stayed Travelodge Covent Garden hotel at least one dark in the old six months. I am contacted those client by electronic mail as my friend who is the client ailment director in this hotel. After explicating him that I am making this research for my survey and it is non harmful for the administration instead than from this research, organisation can be benefited. Then he helps me to acquire those client mail address.Questionnaire inquiry was closed format inquiries as respondent ( client ) can rapidly and easy reply the inquiries. The questionnaire consisted two subdivisions: First subdivision was designed to research the demographic informations of respondent like age, gender ; position ( tourer or local consumer ) etc.Second subdivision of questionnaire identified the impact of client service quality to derive client satisfaction. This questionnaire took 5-10 proceedingss to make full up. Different methods were used for every portion of the questionnaire. For illustration, the questionnaire asked consumer to mean the quality of client service in this hotel, utilizing Liker evaluation graduated table ( really good= 4, satisfactory= 3, poor= 2, really poor= 1 ) . There were some unfastened ended inquiry are besides attached with closed format inquiry like ” If you have responded others delight stipulate “ and besides give them ( respondent ) an chance to show their ain thought.

3.2.2 Interview:

An interview scheme has been carried out to roll up qualitative informations which is connected with philosophically phenomenological. Harmonizing to Kvale, S. ( 1996 ) Qualitative Interviews besides depend really much on the connexion between interviewer and interviewees in developing the unfastened duologue which can let a joint building of considerate in the interview. This technique was applied when the interview was conducted to the H.R director and Guest ailment director and some other employee of Travelodge Covent Garden hotel. The interview was conducted through face to confront conversation.

3.3 Data Analysis:

Data analyses are two types, quantitative and qualitative informations analysis.

3.3.1 Quantitative informations analysis:

Table, graph chart, pie chart has chiefly used to analyze quantitative informations. Quantitative information refers to numerical information which has been given in per centum signifier for better apprehension. Saunders et al. 2007 pointed that Quantitative information is supported on significances derived from Numberss and informations aggregation Markss in numerical results and analysis conducted through the usage of diagrams and statistics.

3.3.2 Qualitative informations analysis:

It is a information analysis procedure which refers to all nonnumeric informations that have non been quantified and this procedure let us to develop theory from informations. Saunders et Al. ( 2007 ) argued that qualitative informations is based on significances articulated through words and aggregation consequences in non-standardized informations necessitating categorization into classs and survey conducted through the usage of conceptualisation.

4. Determination:

Questionnaire was given to 250 clients and it was circulated on August to September 2010. 50 of the entire respondents were clients and 09 people were employee of Travelodge London Convent Garden. That means 59 completed questionnaires were collected. This Questionnaire was designed to acquire information from respondents that client service quality makes an impact and aid to derive client satisfaction in Travelodge Covent Garden, London. In this questionnaire three subdivisions were designed, First subdivision was designed to research the demographic informations, 2nd subdivision of questionnaire identified the information of client ‘s visit and 3rd subdivision designed to place the impact of client service quality to derive client satisfaction.

4.1 Demographic Features:

Demographic informations which provide respondents age, gender, position etc

Table-1 Age of respondents

Age ( old ages )

Number of respondents

Percentage ( % )














This figure shows that biggest Numberss of respondents were aged 21-30 ; the 2nd biggest group of respondents were aged 31-40, that means big Numberss of respondents were aged between the ages of 21-40 ( Table-1 ) .

Figure-1: Gender

This figure shows that 30 out of 50, which means 60 per centum were male and 20 out of 50 agencies 40 per centum were female.

Figure-2: Customer position

Figure II, it shows that most of the invitee who came in Travelodge London Covent Garden were holiday shaper, out of the entire 50 respondents 70 per centum were holiday shaper and the other 30 per centum were concern client.

4.2 Information-customer ‘s Visit:

This subdivision of the questionnaire were designed to acquire information of client service quality of Travelodge London in Covent garden and besides place the degree of satisfaction of those clients who came in this hotel.

Figure 3: Frequency of visit to the Travelodge London Covent Garden.

Respondents were asked how many times they were visited in this hotel. This figure shows that 16 per centum of client visited in this hotel really frequently and 34 per centum were visited frequently, 38 per centum sometimes and 12 per centum seldom, that means most of the client came here sometimes and frequently ( Once in a twelvemonth and one time within six months ) .

Figure-4: Planning to remain at this hotel.

Respondent were asked how many clip they were stayed in this hotel. This figure showed that the biggest figure of client was stayed here 3-5 yearss. The 2nd largest figure of respondent ( 24 per centum ) indicated that they wanted to remain here 2-3 yearss and 20 per centum agreed to remain for a individual dark.

Figure- 5: Main ground to see in this hotel

Figure- 5 showed that 42 per centum invitee visited here with friends and relations, 16 per centum came here for remainder and relaxation, 14 per centum came for concern ground, 22 per centum came for merriment, athleticss and diversion. Merely 6 % came for go toing conference, seminar and other signifiers of instructions.

4.3 Customer service quality in Travelodge Covent Garden:

Majority of invitee expressed their satisfaction with the overall client service quality of Travelodge Covent Garden but they were less satisfied with the quality of the room.

In Figure- 6, Respondents were asked how the client service quality of Travelodge Covent Garden London, figure shows that Majority of client were satisfied about the client service quality f this hotel. As shown in this figure 46 % respondents were satisfied, 14 % respondents said that the client service quality of this hotel was good and 4 % said it was really good.24 % commented that it was hapless and 12 % said it was really hapless. Adding three points ( really good, good and satisfactory ) of mensurating graduated table it could be said that 64 % commented positive attitude towards the client service quality of Travelodge Covent Garden and 36 per centum showed negative attitude towards the client service quality of this hotel.

As found Figure-7, it was evident that the staffs in this hotel are friendly towards their guest. Largest figure of respondents ( 52 per centum ) were agree that their staff ‘s friendliness.22 per centum said they were disagree and 12 per centum commented that they were strongly disagree.

Figure-6: client service quality which is offered by Travelodge London Covent Garden.

Figure-7: Staffs in this hotel is friendly towards the invitee.

Figure-8: Room quality of Travelodge Covent Garden

As per figure-8, it was showed that the invitee of Travelodge Covent Garden did non believe that room quality of this hotel is satisfactory. Merely 4 per centum said it was good.42 per centum respondents said that it was satisfactory while largest figure of invitee ( 38 % +16 % =54 % ) said that was unsatisfactorily ( hapless and really hapless )

Figure-9 Worst ground that can non fulfill client

Figure show that most of the clients ( 70 per centum ) think that service quality is the chief grounds to derive client satisfaction on the other manus 30 per centum think that quality of merchandise is chief ground.

*Motivate client to come once more and once more.

This inquiry was asked to client service director, guest ailment director, human resource director and staffs to cognize how they are fulfilling their clients. First of all they are pulling their clients by their web sites which provide all information about their hotel. They offer last monetary value with great client service quality, clean and comfy suites and do everything which is needed for a good dark ‘s slumber. Travelodge do things otherwise to other hotel companies for pulling more clients.

*Any program to better client service system and room quality?

This inquiry was asked to the client service director, human resource director to cognize about their client service bettering program and bettering about room quality. They inform that they are seeking to get the better of this job. Already their company has taken some program to develop their room quality and client service system. They besides said that by this clip clients ‘ complain rates decreased significantly. They consider that client service quality and room quality are bit by bit increasing and acquire client satisfaction as their client ‘s ailments are diminishing.

5.0 Recommendation and Conclusion:

It is recommended that client service is an of import factor for a hotel to derive satisfied client and this client will be loyal client. Business can be derive more net income by this loyal client and client service aid to do relationship with client.

Training is cardinal for bettering client service. Training procedure aid employee how to look into in, how to look into out, how the reserve system work, how the equipment work, how to supply better service to client and how to cover client nicely.Smile and oculus contact is indispensable for good client service.

Employee of Travelodge London in Convent Garden must necessitate to supply their clients ‘ demands. Today client non merely want better merchandise they besides want services, If company failed to supply better service to their client. In this instance they non merely lose their client who get their service but besides lose their other client because of bad repute.So that company have to concern that the service provided by them is superior to do their clients to be loyal.

The survey discovered that company web site is an of import component to supply better service to their client. For supplying best client service company should utilize web site. In this website client can acquire all sorts of service and thought about this hotel.

From this research, It can be said that client service quality aid to acquire trade name name.

The survey showed that the room service quality of Travelodge Covent Garden failed to fulfill their client ‘s outlook. So it could be suggested that if they want more client they should concern their room service quality.

Frome this survey it is happening that client service quality had effectual relationship with client satisfaction. Customer service quality of hotel had positive relationship with invitee but room quality revealed an unsuspected consequence of a negative relation with consumer. It was discovered that room quality was non good but guest ‘s outlook was high.

Finally, it could be said that farther research is still needed to warrant the result of this research. The research issue may hold been similar but the state of affairs in all the research may be different including this research. Further research workers are welcomed to carry on a similar research as this in the indistinguishable content.

6.0 Mentions:

1. Saunders, M. et Al ( 2007 ) ” Research methods for Business pupils ” .4th edition, Essex, UK: Person Education.

2. Peppers, Don et Al ( 2008 ) ” Rules to Interrupt and Laws to Follow ” Wiley. pp.A 24, 164

3. Marquardt, I. A. ( 1989 ) ” The nexus between Entire Quality Improvement and Market Orientation in Guiry M. and client service: The Critical Focas for a Firm, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Selling Science Institute Conference.

4. Olsen, S.O. ( 2002 ) “ Competative Evaluation and the Relationship between Quality, Satisfaction and repurchase Loyalty ” . Academy of Marketing Science, 30 ( 3 ) , 240-249.

5. Kang, S. S. ; Nobuyuki, O. et Al ( 2004 ) ” Service quality and its Effectss on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Behavioural Intention: Hotel and Ryokan Guest in Japan. Asia Pacific Journal of touristry Research, 9 ( 2 ) , 189-203.

6. Jones, H. & A ; Farquhar, J. D. ( 2003 ) “ Contact Management and Customer Loyalty ” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 8 ( 1 ) , 71-78.

7. Bolton, R. N. ( 1998 ) “ A Dynamic theoretical account of the Duration of the Customer ‘s Relationship with a Continuous Service Provider ” Selling Science, 17 ( 1 ) , 45-66.

8. Cronin, J. J. Jr. , & A ; Taylor, S. A ( 1994 ) “ SERVPERF versus SERVQUAL: Accommodating performance-based and perceptions-minus-expectations measuring of service quality ” .Journal of Marketing, 58 ( 1 ) , pp.125-131.

9. Kumar, R. ( 2005 ) . “ Research Methodology ” Sage Publications Inc p-276

10. Kvale, S. ( 1996 ) Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.

11. Turban, Efraim ( 2002 ) . Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective. Prentice Hall. ISBNA 0131854615.

7.0 Bibliography:

1. Williams, C & A ; Buswell, J ( 2003 ) Service Quality in Leisure and Tourism, UK: CABI publication.

2. Mandi, T. ( 2010 ) ‘Importance of client service in the cordial reception industry ‘ [ Online ] Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // service-hospitality-industry.html, Date accessed 13/08/2010.

3. Article base Soft ( 2010 ) ‘The importance of client service ‘ [ Online ] Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // importance-of customer-servicehtml, Date accessed09/08/2010.

4. Blacharski, D. ( 2006 ) ” Superior client service ” Ocala, Florida: Atlantic printing group.

5. Quinn, L. ( 2006 ) “ Basic Restaurant client -Service-Dos-and-Donts ” , [ Online ] Available at hypertext transfer protocol: // eating house client service/Dos-and-Donts.Date accessed18/10/2010.

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