1- Religion and Morality.

Actually, to cognize the relationship between faith and morality, we need to specify each.

First of all, morality has three chief definitions. At the first one, morality is the belief refering what is moral and what is immoral that means besides what is right and what is incorrect. In this definition, the descriptive use, morality is created from society, doctrine, faith and/or scruples. Besides, we need to cognize that the immoral actions here cause clear injury.

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At the 2nd definition, normative and cosmopolitan sense, “ morality refers to an ideal codification of belief and behavior which would be preferred by the sane moral individual but under specified conditions ” ( Stanford encyclopaedia of doctrine, 2002 ) that means the penchant of the individual plays an of import regulation. If the action is preferred to be immoral, hence, it is immoral and if the action is preferred to be moral, hence, it is moral but of class under certain fortunes. For illustration, it is common in some societies that eating with your ain manus and catching the nutrient is non acceptable, so it is in their society immoral and that could intend that if people see you while eating like that, they will halt unless you truly halt making it any more.

At the last definition, morality is equal someway to moralss in which moralss is the survey of morality philosophically and morality trades with values which are studied by moralss. For test, if you do n’t steal, hence, this is moral or ethical action ( the same ) or we can state you are morally or ethically right.

On the other manus, the definition of faith can be “ a system of human idea which normally includes a set of narrations, symbols, beliefs, and pattern that give significance to the practician ‘s experiences of life through mention to a higher power, divinity, or ultimate truth ” ( Geertz, 1982 ) . Besides, we can advert that the definition of faith can distinguish from people to others. For illustration, the faith for Muslims can intend the best manner to populate the life, because Allah has sent all his massages which received by the Prophetss who make us understand what is traveling on? and what are we? and other things. But for others, faith can non be that thing which can be related to everything in the life. Besides, others could associate the faith to afterlife.

Somehow faith control behaviour, for illustration, it is non allowed to listen to vocals which may act upon person excessively much with non utile feelings such as excessively much of love ( negative love ) , hence, the individual may insulate somehow and his productiveness for the society will be finished, but alternatively of that the faith will propose the individual to listen to vocals that stimulate him to make something utile for the society.

Many sentiments were made and discussed through ancient clip and modern clip harmonizing to many faiths and spiritual bookmans about the strong relationship between faith and morality. Some of them said that the faith including Allah ‘s books ( the spiritual books such as Quran, Bible, … etc ) , the Teachings of the Prophetss, and the categorization and inside informations of the bookmans who came after Prophetss are the resources of morality, in other words, we can state that every action are directed by faith and if there are some actions which are new, we can make a Measurement between those in the spiritual books and the new 1s. But the inquiry is why? And the reply comes from Moslems who say that the world and life and even everything in the universe were/are/are being made by Allah who knows what is suited for human themselves. For case, cheating is prohibited in Islam harmonizing to what prophet Mohammad ( peace be upon him ) said “ the 1 who cheated is non from us ” . This illustration is a direct 1. Another action like taking drugs, Muslims here depend on Measurement, hence, the incorrect and the right actions are studied carefully for a suited clip and under specific conditions before we can state it is moral and immoral. And after all, Muslims found that the drugs are every bit same as vino, which is prohibited and mentioned in Quran, because of its bad effects on world, so the drugs are prohibited and it is immoral to take it. ( Well even though, sometimes some Moslems do n’t use this values and criterions ) .

On the other manus, some philosophers said that the faith does non cover all things that are related to morality, in other words, morality here is non directed by faith, but the faith is a portion of morality and we can state here that if you do something sacredly or non, it is moral either manner ( Surely under conditions ) . So they believe that morality can move without faith. They believe that there are things that we can alter and make, so we as worlds will set the criterions for these things, For illustration, the animate being ‘s right. The animate being ‘s right is “ the thought that the most basic involvements of animate beings should be afforded the same consideration as the similar involvements of worlds ” ( Encyclop?dia Britannica, 2007 ) . Consequently, the animate beings should be treated like homo, for case, they may hold right to acquire a passport, so they can go through the boundary lines with a permission and besides you can add to the animate being ‘s right the rights for life, feeding, … . etc.

2- Conventional and Reflective Moral Standards.

Conventional moral criterions are those which we get them from society and they did non alteration, they may non alter, and they may be right or incorrect. In other words, conventional moral criterions are set of moral things in a society which have been thought to every individual in that society. Besides, we can specify it in another manner which is “ a construct of proper behavior that reflects the values of a peculiar societal or political context, Distinguished from a moral apprehension which is important across infinite and clip ” ( Gumbertb, 2008 ) . For illustration, in some societies the miss should remain virgin till she gets married, irrespective the faith regulations. So from the beginning, it is known that remaining virgin for a miss is a must and that means if she breaks the regulation, she will be punished ( we are non traveling to discourse this issue because it is out of subject ) . After this we can presume that remaining virgin is right to make, so it is moral, and steel or take virginity cognizing that the miss have done something incorrect is incorrect to make, so it is immoral. On the other manus, it is non that large instance in other societies. So, we can state that the conventional moral criterions can be a behaviour.

Another illustration is that in some parts people will non advert their mas ‘ names because they feel like it is non of import and it may be sensitive although they will advert it if it necessary for the constabulary adult male, for illustration. Consequently, people start making this thing particularly when they face a state of affairs or instance.

In 1985, Kohlberg who created the phases of moral development mentioned that conventional but in concluding construct in which “ the ego enters society by make fulling societal functions. Persons are receptive of blessing or disapproval from other people as it reflects society ‘s conformity with the sensed function. They try to be a good male child or good miss to populate up to these outlooks, holding learned that there is built-in value in making so ” . ( We are non traveling to discourse it because it has psychological grounds ) is truly exists and everyone in the society should use it.

For case, people in GCC states are so generous, so all following coevals are besides generous. So we can presume that the generous has developed to be a common behaviour in that society and who does non acknowledge it and make it will damage his/ her celebrity among people, hence, it is moral to be generous, and it is immoral to be non generous ( ungenerous ) .

Besides, we have to advert that we have like a common related universe conventional moral criterions. Actually, these criterions appeared because of the easiness of communicating between two or more societies or groups of people in such a manner the behaviour or action that are traditionally being used in societies may reassign to others. For illustration, when I was seeking in Google months ago, I discovered that Spanish people write ( gagagaga ) when they express joying alternatively of ( hahahahahaha or lol ) which are normally used, and back so I discovered besides that some cats are utilizing it without cognizing that. Actually, I was surprised because it is excessively fast ( I mean how can? ) . So, the media are playing of import function in presenting non merely behaviour but besides about everything.

Brooding moral criterions can be those in which the individual does them because he knows that they may do harm to another individual, in other words, the individual will non make things that hurt others because he thinks about others ‘ rights. For illustration, if the instructor of an high school category gives the all student the same Markss like B+ the weak pupil will non kick, but the good pupil will decidedly kick because he has been harmed and besides it is non fear, hence, the instructor should guarantee that it does non ache good pupils, and he should halt making such an action. So, we can state that if you are traveling to harm, halt playing, but if you are traveling to profit, do n’t halt because harming is immoral and benefiting is moral.

Another illustration is that a authorities will non let oil companies to drop their fragment oil in the sea because it may ache the fishing procedure in which fishermen fish fishes from H2O and in order to non harm the environment.

Indeed, many killing instances were happed because of interrupting the brooding moral criterions, one instance in which one high school male child killed another 1. The constabulary work forces were inquiring him but it was useless. Then they went to that high school to look into. They discovered that all pupils who were friends to the slayer said that he has been kicked after the school was finished since he entered the school by group of pupils. Then the research workers assume that the group of pupils which kicked him helped him to develop hatred, and this hatred was immense plenty to allow him kill one of them. After that the constabulary work forces closed the instance without imprison the slayer, yet they gave him psychological assignments and trials in the infirmary.

Actually, Conventional and Reflective moral criterions are related so much in such manner they are utile for us to happen the moral criterions. Basically, we mean that the moral criterions are gathered from what we can name it society criterions plus the criterions in which we do non harm anyone.

Besides, we can add that the somehow the conventional and brooding moral criterions are non same. Conventional criterions are discuss things that are inherited from the society and related to human behaviour, but Brooding criterions are related to the relationship between the individual and either single or group of people. Consequently, we can make everything that is right, yet we do non halt others ‘ rights.

3- Professional moralss and Morality

“ Ethical motives and the look, ‘moral values ‘ are by and large associated with a personal position of values. Personal ethical motives tend to reflect beliefs associating to sex, imbibing, gaming, etc. They can reflect the influence of faith, civilization, household and friends ” ( Lichtman, 1995 ) . That means morality is transporting the regulation in which we should follow. For illustration, when we say do n’t smoke, do n’t rip off, or do n’t harm people, we expect anyone to state that it is a regulation that we should use. Besides, we can state that the regulation like do n’t rip off because it is incorrect for many grounds like… ..etc or drive slow because it is right for certain grounds, so many people know them as Department of State and don’ts or what is right to make and what is incorrect to non make. For case, when we go to a public topographic point like promenade, we should non smoke because it is incorrect to make in such topographic point. Besides, the morality is influenced by a batch of things such as civilization, faith, behavior, traditions… etc. So we can happen that morality is giving us the regulations in which we should use.

On the other manus, Professional moralss are somewhat different from Morality. “ Professional moralss concerns the moral issues that arise because of the specializer cognition that professionals attain, and how the usage of this cognition should be governed when supplying a service to the populace ” ( Chadwick, 1998 ) . That means how the moral issues, values, and criterions are used and it gives the accounts about the instances under certain fortunes. In other words, the right action is right this what morality is transporting but the grounds, state of affairss, and fortunes are discussed in a certain profession ‘s moralss. For illustration, what is right in concern may non be right in learning. Besides we can add that the incorrect action is decided in the same manner. Therefore, we have moralss in each profession. So we can happen that professions play an of import regulation to link morality and professions.

In fact, the morality has an integrative relationship with professional moralss and it is tough to separate between them even when we write their definitions. Actually, morality provide us with regulations that comes from many resources and so professional moralss take these regulations and alteration, explain, or redact them, consequently, moralss have many types harmonizing to professions. For case, in our university it is non allowed to rip off harmonizing to the AIP ( Academic Integrity Policy ) and cognizing that cheating is prohibited as a moral criterion ; we can see how the moral criterion is moving like professional moralss which is the learning moralss here. So using the moralss can take us to accomplish the moral criterion in our university.

Another illustration is that a new company want to do a regulation list for its workers. They would look at the moral criterions, and so they will make or manufacture the regulations in such a manner it will be suited for workers, and besides it will non harm anyone unless he/she harms the company. In other words, we can happen that the company uses the moral values to make its ain moralss which is the company ‘s moralss.

On the other manus, people use morality every bit good as moralss in which they have the same significance or they are equal to each other. They use morality to make up one’s mind which is good and bad and which is white and black, yet they use moralss to make up one’s mind the same thing in the same manner ( normally usage ) .


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