The first major beginning of divinity is Scripture. Bible is recognized as authoritative for Christian divinity. Most Christians agree with the authorization of Bible, because this is a foundational Christian divinity. Besides God comes to us through Bible. It is the foundation and norm for all Christian sermon and instruction.[ 3 ]In Wilkins, the writer references New Testament mentions of Immanuel ( 14 groundss in the New Testament ) . However, there is a merely one the Old Testament Scripture mentioned ( Proverbs 8:30-31 ) . The “ Immanuel ” in the article means, “ God with us ” ( Matt 1: 28 ) . There are several mentions in the Old Testament non mentioned in the article sing this construct: Isaiah 63:11, Micah 3:8 ; Haggai 2:5 reference that God ‘s Spirit dwells within his people.[ 4 ]And besides in the book of Judges, there are many Judges who “ live with God. ” The Old Testament is a readying for “ God with us ” in the coming of Christ. The writer does non advert any of this, but merely mentions the ‘Incarnation ‘ Jesus.

The 2nd major beginning of divinity is ground. This assumed an exceeding importance, and the significance of ground for Christian divinity has ever been recognized. In the article, there are several theologists ‘ thoughts: Thomas Aquinas ; John Calvin ; Jim Packer ; Duns Scotus ; Colin Gunton. But the job is that they have different positions of the Incarnation. Thomas Aquinas says, “ There was no cause of Christ ‘s coming into the universe except to salvage evildoers. ” But John Calvin says, “ Even though there had been no demand of his interjection to deliver the human race, would still hold become adult male. ”[ 5 ]It seems to confront two picks: either Jesus becomes incarnate for evildoer, or Jesus becomes incarnate for his people no affair what the ground. It makes it confounding and hard to understand. Harmonizing to Olson ‘s thought, ground is logic, the regulation of non-contradiction.[ 6 ]However, this article seems to disregard this.

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The 3rd major beginning is tradition. Tradition is the consensual belief of the Church that began to be developed in the 2nd and 3rd centuries.[ 7 ]Theology is based upon Scripture, and tradition refers to a traditional manner of interpreting Bible.[ 8 ]The article merely quotes Catholic and Protestant divinity to notice on Calvin who was a well-known Reformer. The writer does non reflect adequate voices of the Christian community. Tradition is the consensus of Christian religion in common belief. We need to entree it as the voice of the Christian community to understand tradition. If we follow the authorization of any one theologist or portion of the Christian community blindly, this is non a good theoretical account of tradition.

The 4th major beginning of divinity is experience. Experience is the human experience, non personal experience, peculiarly the spiritual experience in the Christian community.[ 9 ]Experience is the most uncomfortable and ill-defined beginning.[ 10 ]However, experience has to supply a foundational beginning for Christian divinity, and Christian theology provides an interpretative lineation within human experience.[ 11 ]The writer references “ ecofeminism. ” Ecofeminism is a societal and political motion someplace between environmentalism and feminism. However, this is non the full human experience but merely this one peculiar experience. Furthermore it is non spiritual experience.

The 5th major beginning of divinity is creative activity. Creation is that work of the triune God.[ 12 ]The article suggests that the Incarnation was God ‘s intent for creative activity to fall in it in his boy, and the Incarnation God is straight involved in the agonies of his creative activity.[ 13 ]However, Karl Barth says “ This going can non be brought into connexion with creative activity. It can non be regarded as one of its evolutionary possibilitiesaˆ¦ God ‘s Word going a animal must be regarded as a new creationaˆ¦ it is a autonomous Godhead act, and it is an act of lordship different from creative activity. ”[ 14 ]Hence, God and Jesus are non captives,[ 15 ]but they are Jesuss. The writer expresses the Incarnation merely as the hurting of Creation. Jesus is non merely a animal. nevertheless, Jesus is besides the Creator. This article, hence, underestimates Jesus the Creator in the Incarnation.

Last, good divinity is centred on Jesus Christ.[ 16 ]Jesus says “ I am the manner, the truth, and the life.No one comes to the Father except through me ” ( John 14:6 ) . There is no manner to cognize God except through Jesus Christ, if there is a manner to cognize God except through Jesus Christ, this is non the truth. Our intent to analyze divinity is to cognize the manner, the truth and the life of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the lens to see God. Wilkins says “ Christ is the completion of all God ‘s disclosure in the yesteryear. ”[ 17 ]This article mentions Paul ‘s declaration “ there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live ” ( 1Cor 8:6 ) . Wilkins indicates the importance of the huge footing of the linking of Christ and creative activity.[ 18 ]From this point of position, this article embraces good theological point.

In decision, Olson says “ A Christian divinity is one that arises out of Scripture and points to Jesus Christ, is by and large consistent with the consensual tradition of Christian idea, and is logically consistent with other Christian beliefs and illumines the shared experience of Christians. ”[ 19 ]Good divinity is sensible. It besides speaks from a scriptural apprehension of God, Human, and the Creation. Good divinity is non fixed to a individual Christian belief. Good divinity does non interrupt a balance, it speaks efficaciously to all. In add-on, good divinity Tells every part of human experience. It includes economic sciences, scientific discipline, doctrine, political relations, history, and so on. Most of all, Jesus is the chief character and hero in good divinity. This article does non demo us a good balance among these beginnings good, and besides it is non easy to understand. However, this article is centred in Jesus Christ as chief character and hero. Hence, this article holds adequate making to be called good divinity.

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