Work motive is of import to promote a worker to better productiveness and achieve organisational ends. In Islamic position, motive is a signifier of thrust that can act upon worlds to public presentation act. In work topographic point, employers are faced with the undertaking which is actuating employees and making high occupation satisfaction among their staff. Program and policy can develop occupation satisfaction and motivate employees.

When the employer understands the benefits of occupation satisfaction and motive in the workplace, though, the investing in employee-related policies can be justified ( Anderson, 2012 ) . Therefore, research workers believe that there are relationship between occupation satisfaction and motive. This paper is to analyze work motive in Islam the definition of motive in Islamic footings and how it can better or diminish the work motive among Muslim employees.

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The aim of this survey is chiefly focal point on the elements that can lend into work satisfaction and work motive in an Islamic environment such as: occupation satisfaction, matrimonial position, religionism and experience, these are all the independent variables that we would wish to analyze their consequence on work motive among IIUM staff members. Hypothesiss of this survey are: 1. Thos who are married may be motivated to stand out the undertaking than those who are individual.

2. The more experience the individual has the more motivated he became. 3. The more occupation satisfaction addition among workers they tend to be motivated to make the undertaking. 4. The more spiritual the worker is the more he/she motivated to stand out in work. Furthermore, this paper is intended to reply inquiries:

1. How can marital position consequence work motive?
2. What is the function of faith in work motive?
3. What is the relationship between experience and work motive? 4. How can occupation satisfaction addition work motive?

Therefore, the nucleus aims of this paper are:
1. To happen out the impact of occupation satisfaction on work motive. 2. To look into the importance of experience in work motive. 3. To calculate out the consequence of matrimonial position on work motive 4. To find the
function of faith on work motive

5. To reply these inquiries and to analyze the relationship between these variables and work motive.


Motivation is derived from motivation which means demands, desires, wants or thrusts within the persons. It is the procedure of exciting people to actions to carry through the ends and subsequently reinforced by motivate. Motivation literally is grounds for moving or acting in a peculiar manner, desire or willingness to make something ( Oxford dictionaries, 2012 ) . Mahmoud ( 2000 ) refers motivation as interior procedure that activates, energies, drive behaviour to end. It is what causes us to move, whether it is acquiring nutrient to cut down hungry or reading book to make assignment. Motivation in this research means motive as thrust to accomplish end in work field. Therefore, this research focuses on motive in work topographic point.

Technically, Ryan and Deci ( 2000 ) states that motive means person demands at least desire to animate him or her to make some action. This individual who is energized toward an terminal is considered motivated while if this individual has no inspiration to move is considered as unmotivated. They besides distinguish general types of motive based on different end and grounds which are intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motive is making something because of internal factor for illustration individual has involvement on it or like it and desire to make it while extrinsic refers to making something because of external factor such as he or she will acquire salary. Basically, we have to cognize motive theory in order to understand motive.

The undermentioned paragraph is about motive theories which relates to our research. Motivation Theories

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