The intent of this experiment was to happen the specific heat formation of Mg oxide by uniting the two heat reactants utilizing Hess’s Law. The intent was besides to mensurate the delta T which was the concluding temperature minus the initial temperature of the solution. The claim made was. based on the expected heat formation value found in Mg metal and hydrochloric acid. the experimental heat content was much closer to the expected value in comparing the Mg oxide and hydrochloric acid.

The equations used in this experiment were 1. MG ( s ) +2HCl ( aq ) = MgCl2 ( aq ) + H2 ( g ) 2. MgO ( s ) +2HCl ( aq ) =MgCl ( aq ) +H2O ( cubic decimeter ) 3. H2 ( g ) +1/2O2 ( g ) =H2O ( cubic decimeter ) . We combined the listed equations we cancelled certain values utilizing Hess’s Law to organize Mg oxide. Mg ( s ) +1/2O2 ( aq ) =MgO ( s ) . The experimental heat formation of Mg oxide is -467. 684 kJ/mol. Based on the consequences found. utilizing the correlativity coefficient ( R2 ) and the maximal value of temperature concluding ( which was found to be 70. 934 ) we found the correlativity between the tendency lines ( expected ) to the experimental. Based on the information found this information supported our claim.

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There may hold been several mistakes in the experiment one mistake may hold been the deficiency of entering on clip. intending the halt ticker was started subsequently in the reaction. Another ground for mistake was the deficiency of taking the first tests measuring coercing us to gauge a mass which through off the consequences of the experiment in a whole. The concluding ground for mistake was non all of the Mg oxide that was measured was experimented.

These mistake beginnings listed above. may do legion jobs for illustration the estimated mass for the first test cause the consequences to skew. giving us a big mistake per centum of -21 % if this test was taken out the mistake per centum would be much lower. The stop ticker did non get down at the same clip of the experiment which may do an addition in the mistake per centum every bit good ; due to this mistake the temperature concluding would be much higher. The last mistake was the loss of merchandise ( magnesium oxide ) ; this interfered with the experiment for the ground that based on what was expected ( -601. 24 kJ/mol ) and what was experimented -141. 990 kJ/mol was a much lower value.

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