
The squad is a dynamic set of people that has a peculiar intent. Under certain conditions conducive to integrity, the squad is developed into an organized system of mutualist functions, establishments, common ends, values, attitudes and homogenous behaviour, which satisfies the demands of its members.

Although Western civilization promotes independency, people in today ‘s organisations do non work in isolation but in squads so team working is really of import.

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Harmonizing to Guzzo & A ; Shea ( 1992:90 ) a existent ( non an artificial ) squad should hold the undermentioned features:

It is recognized as an bing entity from its members but besides from members who know the squad.

It provides a grade of mutuality among its members.

It provides distinction of undertakings and functions.

Human society is based on squads. From a practical point of view, people participate in squads because:

They feel the demand to construct societal relationships.

Teams are a beginning of information.

Teams provide compensation ( e.g. friendly relationship, acknowledgment, material goods ) .

Engagement in a squad enables the person to accomplish ends that could non be achieved at his/her personal degree.

Peoples are asked to fall in a squad, a fact that occurs chiefly in the workplace. In this instance, it concerns formal groups, which vary from the informal groups that are created spontaneously based on common involvements, friendly relationships, etc. In the typical workplace, the formal ( e.g. section of a concern ) groups and the informal groups coexist.

Team Spirit – Team Work

All companies that want to accomplish high productiveness guarantee that there are team spirit and cooperation among employees. In peculiar, many experts argue that teamwork is really effectual in companies where the demand for airing of information is really high. Therefore, a connexion is seen between information direction and teamwork.

For this ground, it is imperative to make effectual squads, which should be motivated either through pecuniary and non pecuniary wagess to bring forth the best possible consequence.

An effectual squad has clear aims, is consisted of people with similar accomplishments that match the squad ‘s ends. Members should swear each other, trust should be encouraged by an unfastened, honest and concerted concern civilization ( Beer et al. 1984:66 ) .

Human Resources Management is one of the cardinal factors for making such civilization. Good cooperation requires good communicating and good leading.

Furthermore, companies should offer inducements, particularly, squad inducements, which will assist increase cooperation. Apart from pecuniary inducements, companies must supply non-monetary wagess such as employee engagement and authorization.

Effective teamwork can be achieved through the proper organisation of the squads. It is peculiarly good for concerns because it increases flexibleness and velocity. A undertaking is carried out by several people with different accomplishments so it is possible to hold more advanced thoughts and determination devising will be more effectual due to the heterogeneousness of the group. The most of import thing is that the squad should be encouraged and supported in order to increase productiveness to a much greater extent than if the work was performed on an single footing ( Robbins & A ; Coulter 2002:255 ) .

The function of Human Resources Management is seen as peculiarly important to accomplish this end, i.e. the creative activity of efficient squads.

Myths sing squads

Mature persons compose mature squads.

The squad is the amount of persons.

Effective processs, methods and regulations of the squad have cosmopolitan application.

The effectivity of the group depends chiefly on the quality of its leader.

The single must give his freedom to belong to the group.


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Theory of group creative activity

Among the theories that explain the formation of groups, the dominant and most prevalent is the 1 suggested by George Homans ( Albanese and Van Fleet and 1985:250 ) . Harmonizing to this theory, the creative activity of a squad is the consequence of three interconnected forces that constitute the environment in which every societal system exists. These forces are the engineering and know-how ( technological environment ) of the organisation, the elements of the natural environment ( topographic point, installations ) of the organisation, the preparation / civilization of the environment or of the organisation ( norms, values, beliefs ) . These forces affect more people and require certain actions and interactions among them. These imposed actions and interactions in bend create emotional state of affairss ( emotions ) and attitudes among persons. The actions, interactions and emotions are mutualist with each other. For illustration, the more contacts ( interactions ) exist among persons the more positive the emotions become and frailty versa. This combination of these three parametric quantities, Homans calls it “ external system ” because it is caused by the environment of the persons. This combination leads to the initial creative activity of the group.

After the initial creative activity of the group, its operation leads to internal kineticss i.e. developing new attitudes, norms and common benchmarks that are surely non caused by the environment. These parametric quantities of the internal kineticss of the group are harmonizing to Homans ( Albanese and Van Fleet 1985:252 ) the “ internal system ” . Of class, between the internal environment of the group and its “ external environment ” there is a dynamic synergistic relationship.

The formation of a formal team/group

The formation of a formal group follows four consecutive phases ( Tuckman 1965:385, Tuckman & A ; Jensen 1977:421 ) :

The forming phase, which tries to find the place and position of the squad members. At this phase, a group of people form a squad which has a really low degree of adulthood. The aims and regulations are non yet defined. The members do non cognize the behaviour of others in the group, and the undertakings are obscure. At this phase members get to cognize each other and specify the grounds for making the squad. Typically here, the members make attempts to guarantee the being and individuality of the group or to make feelings. Communication is superficial, and people largely think how to act and put the clip, cognition and accomplishments within the group. There is incredulity, misgiving and uncertainty.I‘I?I?I?I±I?I·

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in the ordinary manner


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at that place in

The storming phase where the first marks of struggles and expostulations appear as the differences among the group members become evident. This stage lasts up to the scene of a hierarchy within the group.

At this phase, most members try to keep their individualism in the group. This chiefly involves the creative activity of sub-groups ( coteries ) among members with common chief features ( age, characters, accomplishments, etc. ) . These procedures, nevertheless, lead to a more realistic definition of ends and processs.

Unfortunately, several squads remain long plenty at this phase or they ne’er get over it.I‘I?I?I?I±I?I·

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in the ordinary manner

The phase of set uping criterions ( norming ) , where the squad, after the struggle, begins to do its ain regulations of behavior, which should mention to the functions and position of the members every bit good as to the regulations that should be followed.

The phase of public presentation ( executing ) , where the squad is involved in the undertaking assigned. At this phase, the squad holding made clear its ends and undertakings and holding determined the processs and regulations of operation, focuses on accomplishing its aims. The members develop enterprises and do attempts towards this way.

It is fundamentally a phase of adulthood of the group intending its construction and operating processs are crystallized, the relationships among its members are developed every bit good as its consistence.

Therefore, the squad ‘s attempts are focused on presenting consequences. Of class, the squad sporadically assesses its public presentation, which may take to a redefinition of ends, functions, undertakings, processs and regulations.

It should be stressed that the care of the squad at this phase needs changeless attempt from all members and of class from the leader. It is besides of import to understand that the group may, for assorted grounds ( e.g. alterations in the environment, new members, etc. ) go back to old stages.I‘I?I?I?I±I?I·

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in the ordinary manner


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in the ordinary manner

The phase of disintegration ( dissolution ) , where the squad has done its work and halt all activity. This phase is non ever displayed, while a characteristic illustration concerns the assorted commissions that are formed.

Group determination devising

Many times the effectual squad map brushs certain jobs that directors must be cognizant to place and handle them successfully. Koontz and O ‘ Donnel ( 1968:327 ) suggest the undermentioned squad jobs: the high cost in clip and money, indecisiveness, the rapprochement of members to a last common denominator, the laterality of an person on the squad, the division of duty and the dictatorship of the minority.


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many times

Harmonizing to Janis ( 1972 ) , when a really consistent, hierarchal and disconnected from the societal environment group must make up one’s mind, it is possible that a mechanism is activated to protect the group from internal discord, in which everyone tries to guarantee integrity and consensus and avoid struggle, which significantly reduces the quality of determination.

Janis ( 1972:168 ) suggests the following symptoms of group thought:

The semblance of the flawlessness of the squad

The rationalisation of everything and the depreciation of facts and nonsubjective information

The semblance of moral underpinnings

The devaluation of external environmental factors

The force per unit area for conformity and strong forms of thought

The semblance of unanimity


The obstructions in the heads of others

Small figure of alternate solutions and refusal to review determinations that have been taken or options that have been rejected.

Ignore or underestimate risks.I‘I?I?I?I±I?I·

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The antonym of “ group thought ” is “ brain-storming ” . “ Such an attack means that the squad takes a ” broad “ stance and generates as many thoughts as possible’A» ( Mullins, 1989:409 ) because its members believe that measure of thoughts mean quality of thoughts. One could anticipate that a group of ‘brainstorming “ would bring forth more thoughts to work out jobs instead than if each member worked independently. Nevertheless, researches have shown that this is non true, and that such groups can suppress originative thought.

Whatever promotes societal interaction among all squad members removes the opportunities of via media and favor the visual aspect of sentiments that no 1 dared to show in the group. The struggle is even more efficient ( taking to more polarisation ) in groups where relationships are less formal, the hierarchy is less autocratic and in groups holding flexible regulations of operating i.e. they focus more on the treatment instead than processs ( Isaacs 1993:99 ) . These conditions are non far removed from those that play a positive function in creativeness.


Team public presentation is sometimes impeded by struggles. A struggle is associated with two or more sides, which may be persons, groups, sections, companies, political parties, or even whole states. The struggles between the two sides may hold the undermentioned types ( Stoner 1989:59 ) :

Individual struggles: the struggle in the single decision-making.

Organizational struggles: the struggle of persons or groups within an organisation.

Conflicts among organisations: the struggle among organisations or groups.

These three classs by and large arise from instead different basic mechanisms, although there are some convergences. From an organisational point of position, the struggles could be categorized as:

Hierarchical struggle, i.e. struggle among different hierarchal degrees, e.g. between the Board and the General Manager.

Operational struggles among different maps or sections of the concern, e.g. between gross revenues and production.

Conflicts of executive – fist line employees.

Conflicts between the formal and informal organisation.

The struggles among persons and groups are a common and mundane phenomenon in the workplace. Typical symptoms of struggle are reluctance, vacillation, aggression, apathy, anxiousness and hurt ( Hellerieger & A ; Slocum 1992:222 ) . Persons and groups with different values, experiences, cognition, accomplishments, attitudes, duties, demands and ends, must coexist and collaborate in an organisational environment characterized by uncertainness and complexness in footings of constructions, processs, techniques, regulations, etc. Therefore, struggles are a natural effect of this state of affairs.

The Classical School of Management ( Taylor 1947:89, Fayol 1949:245 ) considers conflict as a negative phenomenon that should be avoided because of the malfunction caused and the negative effects on efficiency. For illustration, Elton Mayo ( 1933:87 ) and Peter Drucker ( 1974:220 ) , in kernel, argue that struggle and tenseness are merely a “ perversion ” from the normal province of human actions, and hence, should be allowed to vanish through preparation.

In peculiar, the traditional construct having an even larger figure of directors ‘ belief, supports that:

-Conflicts can be avoided.

-Conflicts arise from personality jobs of persons and from unsuccessful leading.

-Conflicts cause malfunctions in the organisation and by and large have explosive effects

– Conflicts are solved with the physical remotion of the conflicting parties or with the engagement of senior directors.

However, unlike this traditional position, the development of societal scientific disciplines, led to the development of the modern construct of direction sing struggles and which supports the followers ( Robbins 1998:251 ) :

Conflicts are inevitable and are neither good nor bad, i.e. they may hold either negative or positive effects.

These struggles are chiefly due to the complexness of organisational constructions, processs, regulations, techniques and systems.

The struggles can be addressed positively by taking the grounds that cause them and by work outing the jobs.

So, harmonizing to the modern perceptual experience, struggle is an inevitable and natural phenomenon. Besides its negative effects that are more or less obvious, it can hold positive 1s like enabling people for more action, going a impulsive force for positive alterations in the organisation or going a developmental experience. It is hence, obvious that it is more realistic to believe that struggles have both positive and negative effects. In the positive 1s belong new thoughts, inventions and alterations, better determination devising, increased engagement, a possible addition in productiveness every bit good as the strengthening of dealingss if the struggle is solved positively by both sides. In the negative 1s belong the waste of energy, the decrease of morale ( less occupation satisfaction ) , the creative activity of misgiving and polarisation between the conflicting parties, reduced productiveness, doing colored determinations, and the creative activity of irresponsible behaviour.

It is of import therefore to happen the appropriate degree and strength of the struggle, so the company can harvest the highest benefits.

Harmonizing to Robbins ( 1998:280 ) , an first-class degree of struggle is the 1 that does non make stagnancy, but on the contrary it stimulates creativeness and relieves tenseness, in order to increase productiveness and create conditions for alteration, without doing break and detuning or staff dissatisfaction and tendencies for go forthing the company.

From the above, it becomes obvious that the handling of struggle is one of the chief undertakings of the leader and of the other squad members. The effectivity of these controls doubtless contributes to the overall effectivity of the squad and the company ( cast 1994 ) .

Prevention of inter-organizational struggle

The chief ground of visual aspect of struggles in the organisational context is the cleavage of organisations ( cleavage of sections, undertakings and operations ) , which, nevertheless, is indispensable for their functionality. Given. hence, the bing cleavage, Schein ( 1980:88 ) recommends the undermentioned methods to forestall struggle:

aˆ? Emphasis should be given on the efficiency of the organisation, while emphasizing the function and the part of the single parts to the whole public presentation.

aˆ? There should be communicating and cooperation among the groups of the same organisation.

aˆ? There should be a round rotary motion of the members in assorted sections to advance greater apprehension of the peculiar jobs faced by each section or each group.

aˆ? Competition among sections or groups should be avoided. Emphasis should be given in organizing the forces and actions taking at the overall public presentation of the organisation. The wagess should be allocated every bit among the sections and they should be based on attempt and part and non on the consequence.

Features of effectual squads

Sense of common mission and vision and apprehension of the mutuality.

Comfortable, informal ambiance and positive clime.

Being of normally accepted and optimistic ends, members ‘ committedness to them and the ability to redefine them as necessary.

Align single and team ends.

Ability to choose, right methods, processs and regulations and alter them when it is needed.

Open and effectual communicating.

Free look of feelings, thoughts, sentiments, etc.

Capability of accomplishing consensus through argument and statements.

Ability to self unfavorable judgment and definition of lower limit tolerable efficiency.

Team larning through sharing of cognition and experiences, successes, failures and errors.

Exploiting the cognition, accomplishments, experience and attitudes of all members.

Satisfaction and motive of members.

Ability to guarantee consistence of the squad.

Promote risk-taking enterprises and creativeness.

Committedness and answerability of members.

Common regard, self-respect and common trust among members.

Energy – dynamism.

Effective leading.


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Conclusion – Team public presentation

Sing the productiveness of persons and groups based on experiments, observations and theoretical places of societal psychologists, the undermentioned decisions can be drawn:

It is non certain that a squad performs better than a individual. So when the individual knows the occupation, and there is a moderate degree of struggle, so s/he will execute better than the squad. If the individual has the accomplishments to work out a complex undertaking, s/he will win every bit good but will necessitate more clip. The struggle gives rich and varied solutions to the jobs the group has, nevertheless, it has increased costs in human working hours ( Jehn 1995:270 ) .

In the working groups where the single part to the undertaking can non be identified and evaluated, it is likely that the public presentation of persons and of squads will be reduced ( Jehn, 1997:272 ) .

When the individual works in the presence of others and believes that the others assess his/her public presentation while the work that s/he does is simple or familiar, the opportunities are that s/he will execute good.

The antonym will likely go on when the undertaking is hard or when the person does non cognize it good.

In squads, people evaluate the part of other members. If the individual feels that others will make the occupation so s/he will cut down, presumptively, his ain public presentation ( the phenomenon of the “ free rider ” ) . The same will be done if s/he feels that person is seeking to profit from his work ( the phenomenon of the “ chump “ ) ( Kerr & A ; Brunn, 1983:82 ) .

Many of these phenomena explain partially the inefficiency of public services where there is no public presentation rating of each employee individually.

The deficiency of motive is besides of import and this has resulted in the phenomena of the “ free rider ” and the “ chump ” .

The commissions for work outing jobs or executing undertakings are non ever the best solution, since they lead to a loss of inducements, diffusion of duty and turning away of work by some employees. Excluding the instances naming for diverseness of thoughts and point of views, persons will execute better than squads.

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