Miss Lincoln English 102 19 December 2011 Violence against women Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. It can include physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse; Violence against women is a synonymy of any act of discrimination and physical abuse aimed to hurt a girl or a woman. And it cuts across boundaries of age, race, culture, wealth and geography. It takes place in the home, on the streets, in schools, the workplace, in farm fields, refugee camps, during conflicts and crises.

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It has many manifestations — from the most universally prevalent forms of domestic and sexual violence, to harmful practices, abuse during pregnancy, so-called honour killings and other types of femicide. Nora Almosaed argues In “Violence Against Women: A Cross-Cultural Perspective,” that violence against women committed by men is found in all societies. She gives statistical evidence for the different forms and reasons for violence committed against women by men, and the role that culture plays in fostering this behavior.

She says that male violence against women exists in every socio-economic group. Almosaed noticed that home is a common place to violence that women are its usual victims and men are their preparators. Furthermore, Almosaed says that violence is taking different forms of injustice, including physical, sexual and emotional. According to her, women are never in peace, since safety is never guaranteed, neither at home nor in public regions.

Also women are known by its fragility and impotence, so, it is almost impossible to run away from men to save themselves, so, they are the most frequent victims of family violence including their children also. Almosaed also talks about different forms of violence, and show statistics for that. In addition, she talks about the predominance of men in most areas such like: economics, political , etc… Moreover, Almosaed talks about studies done in New Zealand, UK, Latin American countries, and Arab World that show statistics about men violence against women.

If, all the violence that have done on women, if we put in a bundle and rolled into one, then…… Earth would not hold it, the sky could not enfold it, it could not be lighted and warmed by the sun…! Although the position of women has improved in the society today but still there is a deal of “VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN”. “Violence against women,” includes many kinds of Harmful physical, emotional, and sexual behaviors against women and girls that Are most often carried out by family members, but also at times by strangers.

The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women includes a widely accepted definition of violence against women as:… any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion, or arbitrary deprivations of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life. Women and children are often in great danger in the place where they should be safest: within their families.

For many, ‘home’ is where they face a regime of terror and violence at the hands of somebody close to them – somebody they should be able to trust. Those victimized suffer physically and psychologically. They are unable to make their own decisions, voice their own opinions or protect themselves and their children for fear of further repercussions. Their human rights are denied and their lives are stolen from them by the ever-present threat of violence. Few decades ago, violence against women was not considered an issue worthy of international attention or concern.

Victims of violence suffered in silence, with little public recognition of their plight. This began to change in the 1980s as women’s groups organized locally and internationally to demand attention to the physical, psychological, and economic abuse of women. Gradually, violence against women has come to be recognized as a legitimate human rights issue and as a significant threat to women’s health and well-being. But, male violence against women is not out yet. Nowadays, there are many acts of male violence against women,

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