The definition of job satisfaction can be broadly stated as the positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. In this case, we have seen three different people, in different kinds of job, who are truly satisfied with their job. 1. Do you think only certain individuals are attracted to these type of jobs or is it the characteristics of the job themselves that are satisfying? When we talk about an individual, or certain group of individuals, job satisfaction solely depends on their perspective.

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For them, job satisfaction need not be high salary, better position or other job conditions. What factors may motivate us, may not give us happiness. Personality plays a very important role in job satisfaction. People who believe in their inner self and basic competence are more satisfied than those who don’t have self core evaluation. Hence only certain individuals are attracted to these type of jobs, and it’s not just the characteristics of the job. 2. What characteristics of these jobs might contribute to increased levels of job satisfaction?

Rajesh bisht is an investment banker. The way it has been described about Mr. Rajesh here shows that he is very enthusiastic about his work, which implies that he loves what he does. Being an investment banker requires strong background in finance as it involves a lot of financial analysis of a company or an organization. The work requires him to analyze and give solutions to an organization which might be in crisis. So the entire organization is dependent on Mr. Rajesh’s analysis.

This job requires more involvement and Mr. Rajesh likes his responsibility. In Ravi Goyal’s case, he heads the international marketing team of an engineering firm. Ravi Goyal is always and ever ready to work because his work involves maintaining relationships globally. So Mr. Goyal takes the entire credibility for maintaining relationship of India and the other countries over the world. That motivates him. In this kind of job he gets to meet new people all over the world, learn new techniques about marketing and its trategies which may be the reason behind his success. Mehul Pandya runs an NGO which involves training the school principals all over India. Her motive behind this may be a reason to educate all people and make India a better place to live. Training school principals may lead to successful operation of the school and better performance of the students. Students being the future Indians play a major role in India’s future. This might be her motivating factor which gives her personal satisfaction in her work. 3.

Given that the three individuals we just read about tend to be satisfied with their jobs, how might this satisfaction relate to their job performance, citizenship behavior and turnover? Job performance: happy workers are more productive workers. And the three main factors for an individual’s job satisfaction is motivation, the ability to do work and the work environment. Hence all the three individuals have these factors which give a better job performance Citizenship behavior: when an employee is satisfied with the organization and the kind of work they do, they tend to pass around a positive word of mouth.

This has a major implication on the organization. They tend to go beyond their job expectation. So definitely job satisfaction of these three individuals correlate with their organizational citizenship behavior Turnover: people with high job satisfaction and good citizenship behavior are rarely seen quitting their job. We see that the three individuals involve themselves in their work. Hence their job satisfaction cannot become turnover.

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