The definition of abortion is: any of various surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy, especially during the first six months. The topic of abortion has always been controversial in politics, religious groups and different nations. Today’s modern technology provides numerous ways to perform the abortion procedure with minimal risks. Having an abortion is tough mentally and physically on a woman going through the process, though the procedure itself it not long but the mental road to recovery is tough.

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Reasons why one would want to have an abortion are numerous, but the top reasons are: effect on education and work, poverty, being a single parent, not being ready for a child. Topics covered in this research paper include background information on abortion, effects risks and rehab facilities for abortion, why women choose to have abortions, when “life” begins, and also religious views on abortion. Abortion is a controversial procedure which carries with it many consequences and psychological effects, however there are resources and facilities available to help incorporate with a life changing procedure.

What involves an abortion? Many do not know the steps or risks involved in having an abortion. There is not one, but three ways to have an abortion. There is surgical, non-surgical, and also an emergency contraception. Each type of abortion has its own requirement and risks. Depending on the stage of pregnancy a woman is in she may or may not be able to go forth with the abortion process. The non-surgical approach is when the doctor uses “a non-invasive procedure for terminating a pregnancy,” (“Abortion Access”).

There are 3 steps to the non-surgical procedure and it “usually require at least to visits to the healthcare facility,” (“Abortion Access”). This procedure can take place from up to 7 weeks LMP (last missed period), up until t9 weeks LMP. If still needing an abortion after 9 weeks LMP you will be required to use the surgical approach. There are two types of surgical abortions, the first trimester abortion and the second trimester abortion. Each involve the same process, which “begin(s) with the physician performing a pelvic exam to determine the size and location of the pregnancy in the uterus,” (“Abortion Access”). ou may have a surgical abortion up through 24 weeks LMP.

When making the decision of having a surgical abortion a woman may want to consider the fact that since it is surgical it may be more complicated, also it does involve using anesthesia. The first trimester abortion process “generally take about 5 minutes. After surgery, the patient will be monitored for about 30-45 minutes, or until she is medically cleared to return home,” (“Abortion Access”). Even though the procedure is done the same way in the second trimester abortion the procedure may take up to 1 to 2 days.

They last and third type of abortion is the emergency contraception. This is the easiest and safest type of abortion. It is just 1 pill and “should be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse,” (“Abortion Access”). it should be used only if it is an emergency and not be used as regular birth control. Having “complications during or after an abortion is minimal,” (“Abortion Access”). Many women have stated no physical complication yet, the physiological effect and damage of an abortion is severe. At least “10-20% “(of women who get an abortion) experience severe depression.

The risk factor for such psychological complications originates with abortions performed under pressure, eugenic abortion, or late abortions, and with cultural or religions hostility against abortion,” (Casey). There are four phases women go though after an abortion. Phase 1 is an immediate reaction that pregnancy is over, phase 2 can last for weeks or moths and consists of anxiety and guilt, phase 3 is a pathological phase, “when anxiety is transformed into disease… phase 4 consists of reactivated mouring,” (Casey). There are different types of treatment for the phases, all depending on how bad the situation is.

Post abortion care is not deliberated as much as the process itself. It is crucial to have some sort of rehabilitation in order to stabilize and prevent any psychological, emotional, and physical damage to the patient. “Recovery of the physical, psychic, and social condition that had been present prior to abortion,” is what a woman would need to get back to, (kunz). Useful tools such as post abortion groups, therapy, family support and care and counseling help patients heal from emotional and physical trauma. There are a lot of local clinics and rehab centers that provide help and after care to patients who go thru the abortion process.

Many factors play a role when a woman decides to have an abortion. Most common reason given by women “having a baby would dramatically change my life… [and]I can’t afford a baby now,” (Frohwirth). Having a baby is a lot of responsibility and many women who get abortions are not prepared for such responsibility. Wide range of women claim, that having a baby would interfere with their studies or their job. Many other state that financial difficulties, being a single parent, having another child and being unmarried is why the choose abortion.

Few women state fetal and personal health concludes to the decision of abortion. The article compares surveys done in 1987 and 2004 on the reasons women choose to have an abortion, the top four answers: interference with education and work, poverty, being a single parent and not ready for a child. The reasons were same in 1987 and 2004. Having frequent abortions may lead to many complications in future and may also lead to infertility. As mentioned in the article “it will not necessarily harm a woman, her future health, or her future fertility to have more than one abortion,” (“Abortion Access”).

Even though more than one abortion does not carry many risks, setting a fixed number of abortions per individual will help save the life of the fetus and the mother. State and national governments cannot incorporate setting a limit on abortions per individual. Many individuals are what they call “pro-life”. Who can define “life”, and when does it begin? Does the fetus/unborn child have any rights? “In Roe v. Wade, the Court declared, ’we need to resolve the question of when life begins’,” (Borgmann). These and additional question arrive when discussing abortion.

If life begins when a baby is conceived, then by law that “baby” has human rights, one being the right to stay alive. Liberals who are commonly pro-abortion look at “life” differently. They do not believe that life starts when is it conceived, rather life starts when the baby is actually born, thus making abortion legal. Liberals feel that “women’s liberty demands the right to choose abortion, while leaving the moral question of abortion and personhood unanswered and thus open for each individual to decide,” (Borgmann). This is the biggest and most controversial issue discussed by conservatives and liberals.

The law right now, in most states, allows women to choose to have an abortion. if the law changes and abortion becomes legal in all states, is that taking away the women’s rights? Women’s right vs. the rights of the fetus have been debated over and over again. “Once the distracting and misleading question of embryonic and fetal personhood is taken off the table, a more robust and fruitful debate is possible, one that could actually reveal common ground in this age-old controversy, (Borgmann). Religion plays a great aspect into the decision of getting an abortion or not.

Each religion views “life” differently, just as each political party does. There are many arguments that take place including abortion is the murder of a baby, and it is the destruction of an innocent life. Christians as many religions have different beliefs. The overall Christian conclusion is “life is a gift from god,” (Marshall-Taylor). Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe that killing of human beings is wrong, but the question rises again as to what is considered a human being. “the [Holy] Qur’an says: We created man from an essence of clay: then placed him, a living germ, In a secure enclosure.

The germ We made a leech; and the leech a lump of Flesh; and this We fashioned into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh; Then We develop it into another creation,” (Syed). Christian belief is the same as Islamic belief that life begins when it is a fetus. Jews however believe “for life to be human, it must has a soul. The soul does not enter the body until the first breath of air at birth,” (Ross). Thus for Jews abortion is not considered a sin. With exception to few cases majority of Christians and Muslims believe that abortion is sin, and do not approve of it. ?

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