Christ instruct the Apostles and their replacements to “ learn all states ” , to be “ the visible radiation of the universe ” and to proclaim the Good News in all topographic points at all times. The nazarene wants his Church to be like the sower in the parable, recounted in the Gospel of Mark, who went out to distribute the seed in the dirt. But as the parable narrate, some of the seed fell along the way, on bouldery land or among irritants. This symbolizes those people which listen to the word of God but did non populate harmonizing to it for assorted grounds.

“ During His life on Earth, Christ showed himself to be the perfect Communicator, while the Apostles used what means of societal communicating were available in their clip. It is now necessary that the same message be carried by the agencies of societal communicating that are available today. Indeed it would be hard to propose that Christ ‘s bid was being obeyed unless all the chances offered by the modern media to widen to huge Numberss of people the proclamation of his Good Newss were being used. Therefore the Second Vatican Council invited the people of God “ to utilize efficaciously and at one time the agencies of societal communicating, zealously availing themselves of them for apostolic intents ” . The necessity for making this is rather obvious once it is realized that modern work forces are immersed in the tide of societal communicating when they are organizing their profound strong beliefs and following their attitudes. This is as true of spiritual strong beliefs and attitudes as it is of any other kind. ”[ 1 ]

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All of this guides us to reflect about the methods used by the Church in order to convey the Word of God to the people. How much those partaking in sharing of the Good News are utilizing effectual methodological analysiss, so those who listen will seek to populate harmonizing to this Good News? How much in evangelisation, in the Religion Education classes or in catechesis, those responsible are doing usage of engineering as a modern and effectual manner? The Church in its paperss negotiations about the demand to happen new methods in the spiritual instruction in order to be more effectual in our attack in sharing the Word of God.

One of the methods which we are traveling to concentrate on is engineering, particularly information engineering. There are several paperss issued by the Catholic Church which refers to this new manner of distributing the Gospel message and the instruction of the Church. The Second Vatican Council indicated the demand to seek out more efficient ways of showing the Church instructions to the modern adult male: for the sedimentation of religion is one thing, the mode of showing it is rather another.[ 2 ]

The General Directory for Catechesis issued in 1997, explicitly said that those responsible to distribute the message of Jesus Christ and the Church, “ are non immune from the influences of human state of affairss. ”[ 3 ]The Religious pedagogues have to take into consideration those good facets of the society which can be as benefit for the spreading of God ‘s message of humanity since religion has to be lived by the truster in his life.[ 4 ]

The Church in conveying the religion, discerns modern-day methods in the visible radiation of the teaching method of God and uses with autonomy, “ everything that is true, everything that is baronial, everything that is good and pure, everything that we love and honour and everything that can be thought virtuous or worthy of congratulations ” ( Phil 4:8 ) .

The usage of media and engineering

“ The first Areopagus of the modern age is the universe of communicating, which is consolidative humanity… The agencies of societal communicating have become so of import as to be for many the main agencies of information and instruction, of counsel and inspiration in their behavior as persons, households and within society at big ” .[ 5 ]

For this ground, adding up to the frequent traditional agencies in usage, the media has become critical for evangelization and catechesis. In fact,

“ The Church would experience herself guilty before God if she did non help of those powerful instruments which human accomplishment is invariably developing and honing… In them she finds in a new and more effectual forum a platform or dais from which she can turn to the battalions ” .

All of available media resources, offer a peculiar service and everybody will hold his ain specific usage for them. It is hence necessary to appreciate their importance and to esteem their demands. In every well planned spiritual instruction and catechesis, such AIDSs can non be absent.

Communio et Progressio on the usage of engineering

Communio et Progressio is a pastoral direction of the Roman Catholic Church, issued on 23 May 1971, that was prepared in conformity with the Second Vatican Council ‘s 1963 decree Inter Mirifica.[ 6 ]

It states that engineering and media are really compliment to be used with the established ways of learning. Equally far as possible, this usage of media for schooling should hold a imaginative quality in order to arouse an active response from those being educated or given formation. In this manner, students are non merely led to information but can besides derive knowledge how to show themselves self by utilizing media.[ 7 ]

The usage of engineering and media in spiritual instruction helps those educating to make different demands and involvements since, “ in a professional and attractive mode, they can bring forth the fruits of every type of artistic look ” .[ 8 ]By utilizing engineering, one can make flexible learning methods and course of study stuffs that can each diverse scholars and better pupils entree to the general instruction course of study. To advance improved entree to the general course of study to all scholars, including scholars with disablements, one had to present information in multiple formats and multiple media in order to prosecute pupil ‘s involvement and motivate acquisition.[ 9 ]

It is valuable for teachers to observe the broadcasts, movies and publications that hose in their lovingness are interested in. They can be utile since they can discourse them together in categories or groups and this facilitate to increase the kid ‘s critical powers. As for the more hard or even controversial these productions are, here the parent should, at the right minute, “ assist his immature to detect the human values in the production and to construe its inside informations within the context of the work as a whole. ”[ 10 ]

The usage of engineering and media in spiritual instructions is considered as a extremist alteration that is required in order to give effectual instructions. The media have all the necessary waies of all proficient services required for attention-getting and exciting presentation. As a consequence must attach to the personal work of a day-to-day instructor.[ 11 ]Communio et Progressio continue to foreground that it is a necessity today that “ media should be used every bit much as possible ”[ 12 ]with an every attempt to utilize the most suited technique and attack suiting a communicating to its medium.

Evangelii Nuntiandi and the challenged posed by media and engineering

In the beginning of the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi of Pope Paul VI which originates in 1975, he inquiries, what has happened in our yearss to that concealed energy of the Good News, which is able to hold a powerful consequence on the adult male ‘s scruples.[ 13 ]He refers to the media resources and engineering which are available, which he describes as “ a modern and effectual version of the dais ” .[ 14 ]In the words of the Pope we can non make without these agencies.

However the usage of the agencies of engineering for evangelization nowadayss a challenge. Even though there are a batch of resources for evangelization and installations to do usage of media in schools etc, there is the demand of alteration in the outlook of learning. Teaching had to be a duologue from where cognition elicits from pupils, non from instructors. The media and engineering can give a really assisting manus since through these means the message of God have the capacity of piercing the scruples of each person, of implanting itself in his bosom as though he were the lone individual being speak to with all his most single and personal qualities, and carrying an entirely personal observation and trueness.[ 15 ]

Aetatis Novae and the influence of media and engineering on the society

Footings like ‘information society ‘ , ‘mass media civilization ‘ and ‘media coevals ‘ underscores an of import fact today that work forces and adult females know and think approximately life as conditioned by media to the extent that human experience is the experience of media.[ 16 ]This reflects the attitude of the humanity towards media which is considered as portion of the human life.

We can advert many advantages and disadvantages of the weight which is given to media in our society today. One of the advantages which can be taken into history when covering with engineering in Religious Education is that media can be used to proclaim the Gospel. As media is going more and more of import and intertwined with people ‘s day-to-day life, “ they act upon how people understand the significance of life itself ” ,[ 17 ]so media can be beneficiary for effectual announcement of the Good News.

Aetatis Novae highlighted the fact that through media, non merely proclaiming the message of God, but besides through the message of God aid in advancing the built-in development of the society of persons:

Communicationss in and by the Church is basically communicating of the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is the announcement of the Gospel as a prophetic, emancipating word to the work forces and adult females of our times ; it is testimony, in the face of extremist secularisation, to divine truth and to the transcendent fate of the human individual ; it is the informant given in solidarity with all trusters against struggle and division, to justness and Communion among peoples, states, and civilizations.

This apprehension of communicating on the portion of the Church sheds a alone visible radiation on societal communications and on the function which, in the heaven-sent program of God, the media are intended to play in advancing the built-in development of human individuals and societies.

The influence of media on the society, have led media to be an indispensable agencies in evangelization and catechesis. Indeed “ the Church would experience guilty before the Lord if she did non use these powerful agencies that human accomplishment is day-to-day rendering more perfect ”[ 18 ]The media can and should be an instrument in the Church ‘s plan of re-evangelization and new evangelization in the modern-day universe. The audiovisual facet of media in evangelization should be given due attending.

A cardinal point made by Aetatis Novae is that media is a gift from God.

As the Spirit helped the Prophetss of old to see the Godhead program in the marks of their times, so today the Spirit helps the Church interpret the marks of our times and carry out its prophetic undertakings, among which the survey, rating, and right usage of communications engineering and the media of societal communications are now cardinal.

The Church and the Internet

One of the great resources for spiritual instruction and pastoral work is the cyberspace. The cyberspace is applicable to many workss and plans in the Church. Even though the practical world of internet can non replace the existent interpersonal community, the sacraments and the Holy Eucharist and the immediate and direct proclamation of the Gospel, it can harmonise them, make a Centre of attending for people to fuller experience of the life of religion and “ enrich the spiritual lives of users ” .[ 19 ]

In the age of the Internet, with its huge outreach and impact, the demand is more pressing than of all time to be used in spiritual instruction

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