This book is often called the Gospel of the righteousness of God because of the subject ‘righteousness of God ‘ which is the prevailing subject in the Book of Romans. Get downing with Romans 1:16-17, I will try to follow this of import subject through the Book of Romans and I will besides seek to sort some of its indispensable features and how they influence our current apprehension of this Gospel.


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Apostle Paul the retainer of our Lord Jesus Christ revealed the Gospel of righteousness through the disclosure encountered with Jesus to make the universe. His mission is to unveil the intent of God to Romans through his epistle beginning from ( Rom. 1:16 – 17 ) , “ For I am non ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: For it is the power of God unto redemption to everyone that believeth: to the Jew foremost, and besides to the Greek. For there in is the righteousness of God revealed from religion to faith, as it is written. The merely shall populate by religion ” .

Paul explicitly says, in ( Rom.1:16 ) that he is bold plenty to prophesy the Gospel of Christ to everyone that believes, non that entirely, but have faith in Christ Jesus. He explained farther, he is non ashamed to uncover who Christ is, through Christ ; God had made known the power of redemption to them that have faith in the Gospel. In the Gospel, Paul explained that there is ageless power which God had prepared for everybody that is obedient to have as a gift of God through religion in Christ.

In Paul ‘s epistle, the Gospel shows us both the righteous God and his program for us to be saved, and besides how we may be made tantrum for ageless life by swearing Christ and how our relationship with God is made right.

Paul clarifies further, that the Jews were the first original couriers of God to proclaim the coming of the christ, non because they deserved to be chosen, but because He wanted to demo his love and clemency to them, learn them and fix them to welcome His Messiah into the universe. He chose them non to play front-runners, but so that they would state the universe about the program of redemption. Now the Gospel had brought to the Gentiles, the same intent of God to make the universe with his ageless intent through religion in the Gospel of Christ. God is non distinguishing whether you are Jew or Greek, for it is the same power of God unto redemption to everyone that believes. For God is no respecter of individuals.

In ( vers. 17 ) Paul obviously proves that the Gospel is the righteousness of God revealed from religion to faith. Not merely now, but from the beginning, The New Testament concealed the Old Testament while the Old Testament revealed the New Testament. The merely shall populate by religion ( Hab.2:4b ) .

John Macarthur in his book, explained, of all time since religion and redemption has been available since our parents fell. Abraham is the premier illustration of this: “ Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness ” ( Rom. 4:3 )[ 1 ].

Harmonizing to the Gospel, the righteousness of God has two fold significance.

It refers to God`s personal property of righteousness.

It refers to the righteousness with which God justified evildoers on the land of religion.

The Gospel of Christ was concentrating on these two subjects and upon these statements the righteousness and the redemption of God is expounded through the epistle of Paul to Romans.

In his history, Paul explains God`s personal property of righteousness in ( ver. 18-19 ) . The inquiry is why God was angry at iniquitous people? Then, he said, because they have substituted the truth about him with a phantasy of their ain imaginativeness. They have stifled the truth God of course reveals to all people in order to believe anything that supports their ain egoistic life styles. God can non digest wickedness because his nature is morally perfect. He can non disregard or excuse such willful rebellion. He wants to take the wickedness and reconstruct the evildoer. If the evildoer does non falsify or reject the truth, the Gospel is available for them, for there is the righteousness of God revealed. But anger erupts against those who persist in sinning. For God had show of his clemency to the evildoers, God is now waiting to whom is volitionally to have the Gospel of redemption, His kindness is made know through his good intelligence to them that having it.

When Martin Luther tried to gain the redemption of God by his work in his cell in Wittenberg, He couldn`t, until the Gospel of righteousness was revealed to him in ( Rom.1-17 ) harmonizing to B. K. Kuiper in his book, “ The righteous shall populate by religion ” , he pondered. Then the joy of redemption arose in his bosom all of a sudden, and the load of his psyche rolled off. He learned that adult male is saved non by plants but by religion in Christ Jesus. This shows Joy is one of the property of God that can non be earned by work ; it is a gift of God through religion[ 2 ].

Bruce in his book expressly the righteousness of God is in property. He said, ( by His righteousness He blotted out our wickedness and cleans our dross of mortal adult male and by stumble in the animal wickedness our justification is in the righteousness of God which stand for of all time, by His clemency He has caused me to near and by his loving kindness He brings my justification near and by His abundant goodness he do expiation for all my wickednesss ) .[ 3 ]

The Gospel of righteousness is a dominating message being revealed through Apostle Paul in the New Testament where the evildoer had being justified through the rapprochement of the expiation preserved beforehand and now made known and put a expiatory work of his boy and demonstrated his love and clemency by sacrificial atonement to set up His righteousness.

( In vers. 18 – 32 ) God made known two of import finding of facts to ungodliness and unrighteousness who know the truth of God but still working against it in unrighteousness. The wrath of God is upon those who are beliing His Holiness. In creative activity God had manifest Himself obviously, everyone has inner sense of what God requires, but they choose non to populate up to it. Then, if people suppress God`s truth, hold the truth in unrighteousness in order to populate their ain manner they have no alibi, they have to digest the effects of disregarding it. Besides Paul clearly portrays the inevitable downward spiral into wickedness, foremost they reject God, and next they make up their ain thoughts what God should be and make, they constrain God`s freedom and became vain in their imaginativeness, acknowledge themselves to be wise, they became saps. The consistent testimony of Bible is that two can non walk together except they are agreed. Righteousness can non hold family with unrighteousness ; this is the sarcasm of Paul exoneration in his epistle to Romans.


This is a important construct in Paul`s Gospel to Romans. After all this bad intelligence about our wickedness and God`s disapprobation. Apostle Paul now declared the fantastic intelligence of God`s proviso by placing the term ‘the righteousness of God ‘ . He announced that there is a manner to be declared non guilty – by swearing Jesus Christ to take away our wickednesss, swearing agencies seting our assurance in Him to forgive our wickednesss, to do us right with God, and to authorise us to populate the manner he taught us. God solution is available to all of us regardless of our background or past behavior through justification, salvation, and placation.


Justification means, to be declared non accountable, or responsible for whatever wickedness you have committed. Just like in the jurisprudence tribunal when Judge confirmed the suspect non guilty, all the charges are removed from his record, lawfully. When God forgives our wickednesss, our record is wiped clean. It made us trade name new like who had ne’er committed wickedness. In ( verse 22 ) Paul shows that the religion which is indispensable to justification is in Jesus Christ.

Murray indicates in his text, that the righteousness that truly thinking is “ a righteousness from God ” which is available merely through religion[ 4 ]

Jesus is the lone medium whereby God has chosen to cover with the job of wickedness and to warrant all who believe in his redemptional work. Paul pointed out that the thoughts of being Jew or Gentile has no differentiation in any categories of people because all people are in bondage to transgress and disqualifies us from populating with God.


Paul elucidated the intent of salvation in poetry ( 23 -24 ) . For all have sinned, and come short of the glorification of God. Man inability to salvage himself had made God to offer his Godhead salvation because of his love which He had bestowed upon us that Christ should endure and paid for our everlasting redemption being warrant freely by his grace through the salvation that is in Christ Jesus.

Schnabel besides states in his book, Sin can be forgiven merely when the sanctum God himself removes his wrath. Guilt can be atoned for merely when God procures and grants redemption, without God clemency and his grace through the salvation in Jesus Christ, it will be impossible for man`s freedom from wickedness[ 5 ]. Jesus purchased our freedom with his life. Murray describe “ unmerited character of God`s warranting act ” through the footings “ freely and by his grace ” . The dearness of this redemptional act that purchased man`s redemption[ 6 ].


In ( ver.25 ) Paul revealed God`s singularity and his love through his kingdom by his perfect forfeit offering given his best to delivered world from his or her wickedness. Jesus is our placation or forfeit of expiation. God`s is justifiably angry at evildoers. Human being hold rebelled against God and cut themselves of from his unrecorded giving power. God declares Christ`s decease as the appropriate designated forfeit for our wickedness. He stands in our topographic point, holding paid the punishment of decease for our wickedness, and He wholly satisfies God`s Demands. His forfeit brings forgiveness, rescue, and entire freedom.

Bruce expatiates on the propitiation/expiation through religion in his blood shed on the cross. He explained that atonement does non strongly connote to ( Rom.1.18 ) and need to be appeased. The inquiry is how can God be appeased? Paul declared that it is God enterprise in work outing the job of wickedness by the construct of placation which includes both religion in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remittal of wickedness that are past, through the patience of God. Bruce point out that “ ( hilasterion Grk ) which God has provided in Christ non merely removes the godlessness and evil, but at the same clip averts the requital which is the inevitable subsequence to such attitude and actions in a moral existence ” .[ 7 ]But Through Christ`s decease on the cross God provided an expiation for all people and solved the job of being holy and merely on the one manus and loving and merciful on the other.

OUR CURRENT Understanding:

God ‘s proviso has non changed. It is the same rule which is in the Bible that is still valid. Paul declared that those whose have faith in Christ has been awarded for righteousness. He states that as trusters, we now stand in a topographic point of high privilege. At one clip we were at hostility with God but through the expiatory decease of his boy we are now at peace with him. Not that entirely, He has draw us near to himself, we become his friends. And through the mediation of Christ we are justified and reconciled to God to whom we have free entree.

Paul described the approvals that accompany our justification which implies to our current apprehension of the Gospel. He said peace, joy, hope and love are the new gin which we received from Christ. Besides Bruce depict the current invention that accompany justification, peace, Joy hope and love are guaranteed by God`s generous spring of love on us through the indwelling Holy Spirit.


Paul strategically depicts the righteousness of God in his epistle to Romans harmonizing to the in deepness in the sermon of the Gospel of Christ get downing from ( Rom 1:16-17 ) demoing the disclosure received from God and the account throughout the Romans. His account brought about God unmerited favors through grace which is in Jesus Christ. He farther explained that the righteousness of God can merely be met through the justification, salvation and placation which are in Christ. Faith in Christ is the lone God appropriate demanding for human redemption. The Gospel of Christ revealed the power of God unto redemption to them that believed. The merely shall populate by religion.

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