Historically, the contradiction between scientific discipline and faith persisted. Regardless of the current advancement of scientific discipline and outstanding scientific accomplishments, faith still opposes to science in respect to many issues, such as development. In such a state of affairs, the tenseness between scientific discipline and faith grows stronger in response to the advancement of scientific discipline, which undermines traditional spiritual beliefs. However, faith displacements toward the religious domain of human life avoiding the intervention in the universe of scientific discipline. The development of modern scientific discipline threatens to traditional spiritual beliefs. In this respect, Islam, being one of the major universe faiths, is vulnerable to the turning struggle with the modern scientific discipline. At this point, it is possible to mention to the article “ Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Ziauddin Sardar on Islam and scientific discipline: marginalisation or modernisation of a spiritual tradition ” by L. Stenberg and the article “ Modern Science and Conservative Islam: An Uneasy Relationship ” by T. Edis raise the job of the correlativity between Islam and scientific discipline. The writers of the articles focus on the job of the bing spiritual traditions and scientific advancement. In fact, both writers agree that Islam comes into struggle with scientific discipline, even though Muslims effort to place Islam as a tolerant faith in respect to science but this tolerance is instead pretended than existent because, in actuality, Islam suffers from the rejection of some cardinal scientific constructs, which challenge basic Islamic norms.

On analysing the article “ Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Ziauddin Sardar on Islam and scientific discipline: marginalisation or modernisation of a spiritual tradition ” by L. Stenberg, it is of import to put accent on the fact that the writer focuses on two point of views in a treatment refering the relation between Islam and scientific discipline. In fact, the writer of the article focuses on the traditional apposition of Islam tradition and scientific discipline. At this point, it is deserving adverting the fact that scientific discipline challenges cardinal constructs of scientific discipline, such as the belief in the Godhead Allah. The writer topographic points accent on the fact that scientific discipline traditionally focuses on the material facets of the universe, whereas Islam focuses on religious facets of human life and being. In such a manner, the writer of the article stresses that Islam develops counter dealingss with scientific discipline.

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The writer of the article argues that traditions are really strong in Islam. Stenberg points out that Islam develops its traditions and uses them to maintain trusters attached to Muslim values and norms. At the same clip, the writer positions tradition in Islam as a arm against internal and external enemies. What is meant here is the fact that tradition unites trusters and helps them to experience their integrity in face of external menaces. In this respect, the turning impact of Western civilization is viewed as the major menace to Islam and its traditions. In fact, external menaces to Muslim universe are associated with the cultural enlargement of the western civilization. In such a context, scientific discipline is viewed by Muslims as the manifestation of the Westernization of Muslim universe and menace to Muslim traditions. In such a context, Muslim traditions become the symbol of Islam. As a consequence, the hostility between scientific discipline and Islam persists because Islam positions scientific discipline as the tool to alter Islamic traditions and Islamic doctrine. At this point, the writer of the article stresses the fact that scientific discipline provokes alterations in traditional positions and beliefs of people. For case, scientific finds, such as the theory of development or Newton ‘s Torahs, and other scientific finds have changed the universe and doctrine. Such alterations undermine traditional spiritual beliefs and endanger to Muslim traditions. As a consequence, scientific discipline becomes a menace to the faith. Therefore, Islam of course opposes to the turning impact of scientific discipline. Hence, the writer concludes that the apposition of Islam and scientific discipline is about inevitable.

On the other manus, the writer argues that tradition besides tends to alterations and development. In such a context, the alteration of Islamic traditions implies the alteration in positions of people. However, Islam protects its traditions from devaluation. In fact, Islam changes its traditions but Islamic doctrine does non alter in rule. What is meant here is the fact that Islamic traditions change but cardinal rules of Islam remain the same. For case, Islam ne’er denies the traditional position on Allah as the lone God, which is the lone power that defines the life of people. Islam stresses the importance of virtuous life of true Muslims. Basically, traditions may alter but cardinal rules of Islam remain stable, whereas scientific discipline can revolutionise traditional beliefs and values.

In such a manner, the writer concludes that trusters view traditions as a symbol of stableness. Obviously, trusters view tradition as a symbol of stableness because they are transmitted from one coevals to another. Even thought traditions alteration but the devotion of Muslims to their traditions make them united and they feel the power of their community due to their integrity. In this respect, it is deserving adverting the fact that traditions are viewed as sacred by trusters and they can non reject their traditions pointblank under the impact of some scientific finds or the general advancement of scientific discipline. In fact, today, scientific discipline advancements at the alone rate and Muslim traditions can non alter every bit fast as scientific discipline do. Scientific positions alteration and germinate excessively fast to give trusters a sense of stableness, whereas Muslim traditions give them the sense of stableness and they of course follow these traditions because people need stableness in their life.

However, in chase of stableness brought by traditions Muslims fail to accept alterations that occur in the scientific universe. As a consequence, Stenberg concludes that tradition comes into struggle with modernness because tradition sticks to the past and can non alter every bit fast as scientific discipline do, whereas scientific discipline is associated with modernness and its fast advancement forces consistent alterations in the life of people. As a consequence, tradition lays the foundation to the stableness of human life, whereas scientific discipline bring in alterations, which Muslims are unwilling to accept because they ruin their traditional life style and their beliefs.

In this respect, Edis in the article “ Modern Science and Conservative Islam: An Uneasy Relationship ” besides attempts to follow the correlativity between Islam and scientific discipline. In fact, Edis agrees with Stenberg in respect to the resistance of Islam and scientific discipline. The writer argues that Islam has rather a different doctrine and cardinal rules from scientific discipline. The materialist land of the modern scientific discipline is incompatible with Islam. Muslims live harmonizing to their traditions and Islam promotes the traditional life style concentrating the attending of trusters on traditional Muslim values. In such a state of affairs, Edis reveals the similar consequence of scientific discipline on Islam as Stenberg does. To set it more exactly, Edis argues that Islam is the symbol of traditions and stableness, whereas modern scientific discipline introduces concepts which revolutionize positions of Muslims on the encompassing universe and themselves. At the same clip, unlike Stenberg, Edis focuses on specific issues, which raise a peculiarly strong tenseness between Islam and modern scientific discipline. For case, the writer draws the attending of the audience to the job of the resistance between traditional Islamic creationism and theory of development. Edis argues that, when the theory of development emerged and gained the international acknowledgment, Muslims have started to heighten the construct of the godly beginning of the life and the universe. In fact, this construct was traditional for Islam but, toady, under the turning force per unit area from the portion of scientific discipline and turning impact of the theory of development, Islam has to develop its creationist construct to react to the menace from the portion of scientific discipline to the power of Allah and religion. What is meant here is the fact that the theory of development undermines cardinal constructs of Islam because it denies the godly beginning of worlds and develops the theoretical model, which implies that worlds are mere animate beings like other animate beings populating the works, who have evolved in the class of clip and became what they are at the minute. Obviously, this thought is catastrophic for Islam and undermines its cardinal thought that Allah is the Godhead of the universe, life and worlds. At this point, Edis stresses that, today, Islam strengthen its creationist thoughts and constructs to oppose to the turning impact of the theory of development. In such a manner, the writer shows how Islam confronts to science and how they come into clangs when principal, cardinal issues originate.

At the same clip, unlike Stenberg, who juxtapose Islam and scientific discipline, Edis argues that Islam efforts to utilize the scientific discipline to beef up its ain place. To set it more exactly, Edis develops the thought of Islamization of scientific discipline. What is meant here is the fact that Islam efforts to put the scientific foundation under traditional constructs of Islam, including the construct of creationism. As a consequence, Islam goes far beyond the everyday denial of scientific discipline as Stenberg argues. Alternatively, Islam develops its ain scientific discipline and scientific land for Islamic constructs.

In this respect, the writer of the article points out that many Muslims argue that scientific discipline and Islam coexist in harmoniousness. This means that Islam and scientific discipline do non belie to each other. However, this is nil but the manifestation of the islamization of scientific discipline because Muslims effort to accommodate scientific discipline to Islam and incorporate scientific discipline into Islam through scientific reading of cardinal Islamic constructs. In such a manner, Edis rejects the place of Stenberg. Edis does non accept the thought of the terrible hostility and common rejection of Islam and scientific discipline. In blunt contrast, Edis attempts to uncover another facet of the correlativity between Islam and scientific discipline. Edis shows the islamization of scientific discipline as a response of Islam to scientific advancement. The writer stands on the land that Islam pretends to be tolerant to science but, in actuality, Islam uses scientific discipline to heighten its place and to turn out the rightness of Islamic instruction. As a consequence, scientific discipline becomes a mere tool in custodies of Muslims, which they use to advance their faith and to keep religion in trusters.

However, Edis still agrees that the tenseness between Islam and scientific discipline persists. At this point, Edis agrees with Stenberg but their positions on the tenseness and confrontation between Islam and scientific discipline are rather different. Stenberg admits the being of scientific discipline and faith, viz. Islam but he denies the possibility of close interaction between Islam and scientific discipline because scientific discipline is destructive for Islam. Stenberg stresses that scientific discipline destroys faith because scientific discipline advancements to fast and Islamic traditions can non alter every bit fast as scientific discipline does. As a consequence, Islamic traditions go a symbol of stableness and uniting factor for Muslims. In contrast, Edis stands on the land that Islam tends to Islamization of scientific discipline. Harmonizing to Edis, Islam ever tended to the co-existence with scientific discipline being in harmoniousness and balance with scientific discipline. However, in actuality, Islam instead attempts to utilize scientific discipline to turn out the rightness of its cardinal constructs. Therefore, Edis leaves no room for harmoniousness between Islam and scientific discipline and agrees with Stenberg that Islam confronts scientific discipline alternatively of co-existing in harmoniousness with scientific discipline.

Therefore, taking into history all above mentioned, it is of import to put accent on the fact that Islam and scientific discipline are counter. Religion protects its traditions, whereas science supports come oning. Muslim traditions can non alter every bit fast as scientific discipline. As a consequence, scientific discipline supports come oning that undermines cardinal constructs of Islam that causes the resistance between scientific discipline and faith.

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