Hello, it ‘s good to welcome you back to another edition of Word Alive. And if this is your first clip with us I want to give you a particular welcome. My name is Brenda Critchley and I host the programme and remark from clip to clip. But Dr Derek Stringer is our Bible Teacher. Derek is the National Director of Good News Broadcasting here in the UK. He travels a batch sermon and learning the Word of God, and Word Alive brings his ministry to where you are right now.

Today ‘s programme is portion of a series on Great Bible Questions. In fact, in looking at Genesis 3 today we ‘re really looking at THREE great inquiries that God asks. Over to Derek

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Thankss Brenda, and thanks every one for fall ining us today.

A malaria eruption was lay waste toing Borneo ‘s Dayak people. The World Health Organisation were concerned and sprayed their thatch roof huts with DDT. This nevertheless affected the natural order of things. It surely killed off the mosquitoes, but it besides killed the WASP which kept down the thatch eating caterpillars. So, the local places were being ruined. Furthermore, Geckos ate the mosquitoes and became ill. Cats ate ill Geckos and died. With no cats the rats were taking over and there was a existent danger of huge Numberss of people being wiped out by a deathly bubonic pestilence. What should be done? The reply was ‘Operation Cat Drop ‘ . I tell you the facts when I say that 14,000 cats were parachuted in. Can you conceive of that scene? I guess they hit the land pess foremost! It did the fast one!

I tell you that because it makes a serious point. There is a natural order in the personal businesss of this universe. If one thing goes incorrect it has effects.

What is true in the natural order is besides really true in the religious order of things.

God wants our lives to run good and on path with him. When we take a measure off from his telling there are effects. We miss the positive walk we can hold with him now and could lose out everlastingly if we do n’t take his offer to acquire back on path with him.

Why does it work like this? Some of the most of import information we can of all time larn is conveyed in Genesis 3. Peoples ask, “ Why does calamity or sorrow hit us? Why blood perspiration and cryings? ” Here is the reply. Something has happened with long permanent effects.

Possibly you ‘ve heard the universe ‘s shortest verse form entitled, “ Troubles ” and the verse form goes: “ Adam had ’em. ” And that ‘s right. Adam had a batch of problem. When wickedness entered his life, all the problem began.


We ‘re traveling to speak about four different episodes in Adam and Eve ‘s lives.


Yes, there are cardinal lessons we need to larn from this so that we avoid the effects of give uping God ‘s approval in our lives.


Genesis 3:1-5.


“ Now the snake was more cunning than any of the wild animate beings the Lord God had made. He said to the adult female, ‘Did God truly say, ‘You must non eat from any tree in the garden? ‘ The adult female said to the snake, ‘We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did state, ‘You must non eat fruit from the tree that is in the center of the garden, and you must non touch it, or you will decease. ‘ ‘You will non certainly decease, ‘ the snake said to the adult female. ‘For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, cognizing good and evil. ‘ ”


Eve got into a batch of problem when she entered into a unsafe conversation with the Satan. The Satan is the tempter and the really best thing you can of all time state to Satan is precisely what the Lord Jesus said to him when he was tempted. The lone thing you have any concern stating to Satan is “ Get behind me, Satan! ” If you of all time enter into a conversation with him if you of all time seek to dialogue with the Satan you are already headed for problem.

Notice several things about this unsafe conversation.

First notice the tempter.


Who was this snake that came to Eve in the Garden of Eden?


The word snake in Hebrew is the word which means “ reflecting one, beautiful one. ” When you think about a snake, you likely think of some horrid animal sliding across the land and whenever you look at it you say, “ Atrocious! But the word snake at this clip described a beautiful, shining animal, in fact, the most beautiful of all the polishing animals.

Another name for Satan is Lucifer, intending “ carrier of visible radiation. ” We know at one clip, Lucifer was a powerful angel. That ‘s who is personified in the snake.


Some people have read this and state, “ I know I ‘ve heard all the narratives, but where in this transition of Bible does it state that the snake is Satan? Could it merely be some

sort of other evil animal, because it does n’t state Satan, it says the snake? ”


This is an illustration of how the Old Testament is explained by the New Testament in Revelation 12:9. It mentions how the “ great firedrake was hurled down ” and “ that ancient snake called the Satan or Satan who leads the whole universe astray. He was hurled to the Earth and his angels with him. ” This tempter in Genesis 3 is the Satan, himself.


What does the Satan privation to make to us?


He wants to seek to do you to turn from God. He wants you to lose God ‘s best for your life so he is a prevaricator, as Jesus said. He is the male parent of all prevarications. He can non talk truth and the Bible besides says he is a liquidator. He wants to kill you. He wants to kill your joy. He wants to kill your pureness. He wants to kill your intent in life. He has it in for you!

He hates you! Equally much as God loves you Satan hates you. Do n’t believe the Satan comes to you as some animal in long, ruddy underclothes with pointed horns and a pointed tail and a pitchfork. Do n’t believe he comes to you like some devil like you see in some film. He ‘s non some ugly animal. He came to Eve as a really beautiful animal. The Bible says the devil disguises himself as an angel of visible radiation. So when the Satan comes whispering in your ear, do n’t look for some hideous-looking devil. He ‘s ever really beautiful and appealing.

Number two, who was the mark of his enticement?

Eve! Eve had been created from Adam and in this state of affairs the Satan waited until Eve was all entirely. Whenever you tend to insulate yourself, that ‘s when you become an easy mark for the Satan. There truly is safety in Numberss. What I mean by that is surround yourself with a batch of Christian friends. Do n’t acquire out at that place on the border

all by yourself. The New Testament says Satan is like a boom king of beasts, rolling about, seeking whom he may destruct.

Watch an carnal docudrama and you ‘ll see how king of beastss approach a herd of

Antelope. The king of beastss are really shrewd. They do n’t merely leap in the center of that herd. They separate one weak antelope from it. Then they drive that antelope off from the safety of the herd and pounce on it. When you get off from your Christian friends and autumn in with the incorrect crowd or you even acquire all entirely sometimes, that ‘s when you become an easy mark for the Satan.

The 3rd thing I want you to detect is the tactic the devil utilizations on Eve, because it ‘s the same maneuver he uses on us.


In the last portion of 3:1, the first recorded words of the Satan in the Bible are, “ Did God truly say, ‘You must non eat from any tree in the garden? ‘ ”


The devil attempts to set a inquiry grade where God has put a full halt. The devil attempts to do us believe we ‘re losing out on a batch of great things in life by following God ‘s program.

If you took the clip to read Genesis 2, you ‘ll detect there were all sorts of fruit trees in the garden, but in the Centre the Bible says there was a tree of life and a tree of the cognition of good and evil. Adam and Eve were “ pre-innocent. ”

God ne’er said, “ Do n’t eat from the tree of life. ” A batch of people miss on that. What

he said was, “ Do n’t eat of the tree of the cognition of good and evil ” but he said, “ Everything else you can bask. ” And the Satan comes along and puts a inquiry grade at that place. “ Hey did God truly state that? ”

Make you cognize where you can ever recognize Satan today?

Satan is non needfully out at that place in the dark nines although he ‘s at that place. He ‘s non merely out at that place in the chancing casinos although he is at that place.

Satan is in churches today and he is taking the important Word of God where God has put a full halt and he ‘s seting a inquiry grade at that place. He is oppugning the authorization of the Word of God. He ‘s oppugning the truth of the Word of God and he is oppugning the application of the Word of God. There are churches where people do non believe this book is the Word of God? They think it ‘s a spot like the plants of Shakespeare.

When the Bible speaks, God speaks and when the Satan comes along seting a inquiry grade at that place, he is making the same thing he did with Eve. He was stating to her, “ Eve there ‘s more to life! You ‘re non acquiring everything out of life there is! And God is such a spoilsport that he has restricted you so much that you can ne’er be the adult female that you ought to be! There ‘s more to life, Eve! ”

That ‘s precisely what Satan is stating today to you. He ‘s stating, “ You ‘re losing out

on all the merriment of life! ”

Take for case sex. People out at that place who are non following God ‘s criterion for pureness in gender expression at us like we are a clump of people who are sexually repressed, unhappy, disjointed, and dysfunctional. Make you cognize what God said? God said, “ Sexual activity is fantastic! Enjoy it in the confines of a matrimony. ” But Satan comes along and says, “ Boy, you ‘re truly losing out on it if you wait until matrimony to hold sex. ” Do you cognize what Satan says to get married twosomes? “ Hey, you ‘re losing out on it if you refuse to travel outside your matrimony for a sexual spouse! ” He has n’t changed his tactics one spot.


We are speaking about Adam and Eve today and we are speaking about me and you. Be careful you do n’t acquire into a unsafe conversation with the Satan.




Genesis 3:6-7.


“ When the adult female saw that the fruit of the tree was good for nutrient and pleasing to the oculus, and besides desirable for deriving wisdom, she took some and she ate it. ”


Now where did we of all time get the thought this was an apple? It was n’t an apple. It was some sort of fruit we are non familiar with. It was some sort of fruit of the cognition of good and evil.


“ She besides gave some to her hubby who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realised they were naked ; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. ”


No affair how large those foliages were, they were non large plenty, because they could ne’er cover their shame.

This was the lost artlessness, the loss of pureness. I want you to understand what that means to me and to you 1000s of old ages subsequently, because Adam and Eve-the male parent and female parent of the human race-chose to transgress. They planted in each one of us a seed, a inclination that when we are born, we all wickedness.

Cipher has to learn you to transgress. Cipher has to learn me to transgress. It is portion of our make-up. When they sinned, wickedness entered the human race.

Notice the stairss Eve went through, because these are the stairss many people take when they give in to transgress and they make a destructive pick.

“ When the adult female SAW the fruit of the tree was good for nutrient, and delighting to the oculus, and besides for deriving wisdom. ” Then, “ she TOOK some and Eat it. She besides GAVE some to her hubby. ”

Did you know those are normally the stairss we take when we fall into wickedness and when enticement comes along? There is nil incorrect with the idea of a wickedness.


Sometimes Christians feel so soiled because iniquitous ideas enter their heads.


I want you to cognize that ‘s non sin and it may non even be enticement. Thoughts semen and travel through your head you ca n’t assist that. But when a idea begins to catch clasp and you begin to truly see that idea and even fantasy about that idea, that ‘s when it becomes a existent enticement.


Billy Graham has a authoritative comment: “ You ca n’t maintain the birds from winging over your caput, but you can maintain them from constructing a nest in your hair. ”


So right. You ca n’t maintain these ideas from running through your head, but that ‘s where you need to cover with it.

When Eve “ saw ” that fruit-the first step-that ‘s when the idea was at that place. Make you cognize what happens to a idea if you mull that idea about in your head? It can go a enticement.

Before long the enticement becomes an act, because so she “ took ” it.

It is interesting that Eve misunderstood God ‘s demand. In verse 3 Eve said God said, “ You must non eat fruit from the tree that is in the center of the garden, and you must non touch it, or you will decease. ”

Wait a minute. God did n’t state anything about non touching it. God said, “ Do n’t eat it! ” Peoples have a inclination to add to God ‘s demands and do life tougher than God makes it for us. God merely said, “ Do n’t eat it! ” But Eve had it in her head, “ Hey, if I even touch it, I have blown it! ” So she saw it and so she took it. Make you cognize what the Satan placed in her head at that clip? “ Point of no return! You ‘ve already gone so far, you might every bit good travel all the manner! ”

I ‘ve heard work forces say, “ I lusted after some adult female in my head. Since I have gone that far, I might every bit good travel all the manner. ” That is the stupidest thing to of all time come out of a human oral cavity. It ‘s like Adam touching it. When Eve took it, she still had n’t sinned. When you think something and it becomes a enticement and you handle it it ‘s still non a wickedness yet. Then the 3rd measure she ate it. It became a portion of her. She consumed it.

Make you cognize what the 4th measure is?

The evildoer became the seducer. Sin will acquire you in a batch of problem and the Satan normally starts with one small bittie wickedness and so attempts to lure you to other more serious wickednesss. Are at that place small bittie wickednesss that do n’t count and so large wickednesss that do matter? No, all wickedness is sin. But there are some wickednesss that the effects are less terrible.

Have you of all time heard the narrative of how an Eskimo kills a wolf? In the Arctic Circle when an Eskimo needs a wolf, he ‘ll take a crisp carving knife and a dead seal or some dead animate being and he ‘ll surface the blade of the razor crisp knife with blood and allow it stop dead. Then he coats it with another coat of blood and lets that bed freezing Then he coats it with another bed of blood until what he has is a midst, congealed, frozen bed of blood over that knife blade. Then he merely goes out into the ice and stands that knife up on its grip so the bloody blade is stick outing out of the ice. It ne’er fails. That dark a wolf will come along and smell that blood, attack it really

carefully and carefully whiffing. Soon the wolf will opportunity a lone gustatory sensation of that blood and it tastes good. But he ‘s still instead cautious and so he licks once more. No injury has come to him yet and so he licks once more no injury so earlier long he merely starts creaming and creaming and creaming and creaming merely feverishly creaming as that melted blood fills his oral cavity. Before long without even gaining it he gets to the terminal of the frozen blood and he slits his ain lingua and the blood in his oral cavity is his ain blood. He chokes on his ain blood. Not nice is it?

That ‘s what Satan does to you! That ‘s what Satan does to me! That ‘s what he does to all of us! He tempts us with something we think is non traveling to ache us. Before long we get into a actual eating craze until we know it has gone excessively far. So that was the destructive pick Eve made.

By the manner God gives us all a pick. He does n’t coerce us.


You ‘re listening to Word Alive with Derek Stringer and I ‘m Brenda Critchley. We ‘re good into Genesis 3 right now, and if you missed any we ‘re doing the recordings and transcripts available as portion of the series on Great Bible Questions. I ‘ll give you inside informations at the terminal of the programme.

Let ‘s maintain traveling – back to Dr Stringer.



God comes and confronts Adam and Eve about their wickedness.

Genesis 3:8-13.


“ Then the adult male and his married woman heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the twenty-four hours, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the adult male, ‘Where are you? ‘ He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked ; so I hid. ‘ ”


By the manner God knows the reply to all these inquiries. He was n’t stating, “ Where are you ” so he could happen them. They were n’t playing hide-and-seek. God knew where they were. He wanted them to acknowledge it.

If you are driving and you are lost you phone for aid. The first inquiry you will be asked is: “ Where are you? ” To acquire to were you should be you need to cognize where you are. That ‘s what God was inquiring of this twosome.


“ And he said, ‘Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you non to eat from? ‘ The adult male said, ‘The adult female you put here with me-she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it. ‘ Then the Lord God said to the adult female, ‘What is this you have done? ‘ The adult female said, ‘The snake deceived me, and I ate. ‘ ”


Have you of all time noticed how much we switch fault? It ‘s ne’er our mistake. It ‘s ever person else ‘s mistake. God comes to Adam and he says, “ What have you done? ” Adam says, “ It ‘s non my mistake it ‘s the adult female ‘s mistake. ” God comes to the adult female, “ What have you done? ” Eve says, “ It ‘s non my mistake. It ‘s the serpent ‘s mistake. ” and the hapless serpent did n’t hold a leg to stand on.

One manner we know for certain they had fallen into wickedness was that they fell into “ the shame game, ” which all of us have played. But God comes looking for them. Is n’t that a beautiful image of our God? He ‘s non a God who is hidden on the back side of the universe stating “ Find me if you can. ” He ‘s a God who comes looking for us.

Here ‘s the inquiry that I want you to reply: “ What are you concealing behind? ” To

me, this is a pathetic image. The Creator, the Lord God of the existence who created all of the trees, who created the land, who created the mountains, who created Adam and Eve, comes walking in the garden and they think they can conceal from him! They ‘re concealing behind some small trees! “ If I ca n’t see him he ca n’t see me. ” Is n’t that pathetic? It ‘s no more pathetic than a batch of people today who are concealing behind their ain trees.

Some of the trees I have seen people concealing buttocks are the trees of self-righteousness. “ I ‘m a reasonably good individual. I ‘m better than a batch of people down at that church. ” They ‘re concealing behind the tree of self-righteousness and they think God ca n’t happen them.


I ‘ve seen some people who hide behind the tree of wealths. When God comes looking for them do you cognize what they do? They hold their check book out around the tree. “ God you can hold my money, but you ca n’t hold me. Leave me entirely. ”


I ‘ve seen some people who hide behind the tree of faith. To them they merely have some sort of a ritualistic form they follow to give their lives some construction and there is no personal relationship with God. Do n’t be so speedy to express joy at Adam and

Eve concealment behind those small trees when people today are concealing behind trees the

same manner.


God spells out the penalty for their noncompliance.

Before we get into this and before you think God is excessively rough listen to this. God had said, “ All of the garden is yours. Enjoy it! But there is one country, my sanctity, which I reserve for myself. Do n’t traverse that line! If you cross that line, you are traveling to hold to pay the monetary value.

God is non so freakish that He merely starts passing out penalties one-sidedly: God ever warns us foremost. God ever gives us a battalion of good picks. When God says the same thing to you today, he says, “ There are boundaries. There are lines. Do n’t you traverse over them! I warn you. If you cross over the line, there is penalty there are effects. ” God begins to spell out the effects the disapprobation for this wickedness.


Genesis 3:14-15.

“ So the Lord God said to the snake, ‘Because you have done this, cursed are you above all the farm animal and all the wild animate beings! [ Up until this clip, a snake did non creep on his belly ] You will creep on your belly and you will eat dust all the yearss of your life. And I will set hostility between you and the adult female, and between

your progeny and hers ; he will oppress your caput, and you will strike his heel. ‘ To the

adult female he said, I will greatly increase your strivings in childbearing ; with hurting you will give birth to kids. Your desire will be for your hubby, and he will govern over you. To Adam he said, ‘Because you listened to your married woman and Ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must non eat of it, ‘ ‘Cursed is the land because of you ; through painful labor you will eat of it All the yearss of your life. It will bring forth irritants and thistles for you, and you will eat the workss of the field. By the perspiration of your forehead you will eat your nutrient until you return to the land, since from it you were taken ; for dust you are and to dust you will return. ”


Now what were these disapprobations?

First of all to the snake he said, “ You ‘re traveling to go a serpent ” and every clip you see a serpent today, ladies and gentlemen, it is a reminder. It is an object lesson of how wickedness will set you lower than anything else. When you see a serpent sliding on its belly down in the soil and the dust, you remember that wickedness will cut down all of us to

the dust and to the soil.

I heard person say, “ Sin will take you farther than you of all time wanted to travel. It will maintain you longer than you of all time wanted to remain, and it will be you more than you of all time wanted to pay. ” Every clip you see a serpent it is a reminder of that!

Verse 15 is what is called “ the proto-evangelium ” which means “ the pre-evangelism. ” Genesis 3:15 is the first mention to Jesus in the Bible. So where in this poetry is he?

God is stating, “ Satan you ‘re traveling to hold a household progeny and the adult female is traveling to hold offspring and I ‘m traveling to set enmity-conflict-between your seed and her seed. One twenty-four hours, Satan, you will contuse his heel ” whose heel? The seed of adult female, the progeny of adult female. Who ‘s that speaking about? J-E-S-U-S.


Galatians 4:4 says “ in the comprehensiveness of clip, God sent Jesus into the universe Born of a

adult female ” And he said to the snake, “ You ‘re traveling to contuse his heel, but he is traveling to oppress your caput. ”


Make you cognize what that means? That means there are two households on the face of this Earth. Forget this material about the brotherhood of adult male and the paternity of God over everybody in the universe. That is a prevarication right out of Satan ‘s snake pit. There are two households in this universe. Jesus Christ said to the Judaic spiritual leaders, “ You are of your male parent, the Satan and the plants of your male parent you are making. ” There has ever been hostility or struggle between faith, faith and Christianity. Religious people were the 1s the Satan used to contuse the heel of the Messiah.

When they nailed Jesus to the cross they put a nail through his pes. Did you know that was a fulfillment of this? That was Satan, the serpent, contusing the heel of the seed of adult female.

A heel lesion is non fatal-but a caput lesion is. When Jesus Christ hung on the cross and said, “ It is finished, ” do you cognize what he was making? He was oppressing the caput of the Satan!


Romans 16:20 says, “ And the God of Peace will shortly oppress the caput of Satan under your heel. ”


That means because Jesus did it on the cross, you and I get to stamp on Satan all we want to!


What about the expletive to the adult female?


I must state that I have non, and ne’er will, be able to personally associate to the experience of bearing a kid. God was stating that ladies, every clip you bear a kid, you will travel down into the vale of the shadow of decease. The really experience of

conveying life to the universe is a dangerous experience itself and it is a painful experience. Every clip a adult female gives birth it is God ‘s reminder that wickedness ever brings hurting and agony into this universe.

Another disapprobation against adult female was, “ Your desire will be for your hubby and he will govern over you. ”

The Hebrew word for ‘desire ‘ comes with the thought of ‘legs ‘ . This does n’t intend that she will pass her life running after her hubby. Although she may if he does n’t clean up things off! No! It speaks of a hungriness for blessing. After the Fall a perverse component entered the relationship between a adult male and a adult female. A tenseness in the relationship that was n’t at that place earlier.

Some adult females might state, “ Well I think adult females have had a natural trade. This is a barbarous penalty. ” Well is it? We ‘ll come back to this is merely a minute.

The 3rd thing God said to Adam.


The environment is traveling to be hostile.


Right, there are traveling to be irritants, and brambles, and shrubs. You ‘re traveling to hold to work and through blood, perspiration and cryings you ‘re traveling to hold to gain a life by the perspiration of your forehead.

“ No longer can you merely travel out and pick fruit from the trees. You ‘re traveling to hold to work to back up yourself and your household. ”

Work force, that ‘s merely portion of what happened because of wickedness. Man is reduced to ageless labor. Constantly in the rat race. Work is n’t the expletive given to mankind, plodding in that work is. Death lurking at life ‘s boundaries giving a sense of futility to what we do.

A immature adult male said that his uncle had died a millionaire. A friend said, “ No he did n’t. Who has the money now? ”

There ‘s God ‘s sentence for adult females and for work forces. Suffering and subjugation for adult females. Drudgery and decease for work forces.

What I want you to see is this. These things were ne’er intended to be penalty. Through the Bible you see how God encourages people to antagonize the effects of the Fall. What do we make for adult females in hurting? We help alleviate the hurting What do we make for the nurseryman? We help him in his battles. We supply a computing machine for the office worker and helpful contraptions in the place. What are all these devices designed to make. The reply is, they alleviate the strivings and battles of life.

By leting these effects God is reminding us of a truth. Their intent is to antagonize the thought that “ I am the Captain of my destiny, the Maestro of my psyche. ” We are invariably reminded that this is non true. We have bounds to what we can make and the concluding bound is decease. By leting these effects we ‘re reduced to seeing ourselves as we truly are. We are merely dust. We ‘re limited and urgently necessitate aid.

These things are non penalties but subjects of God.

Expression at Genesis 3:20-21.


“ Adam named his married woman Eve, because she would go the female parent of all the life. The Lord God made garments of tegument for Adam and his married woman and clothed them. ”


That is a beautiful image of blood expiation. They were seeking to cover themselves up with their ain fig leaves. I can conceive of that when Eve came out with that on, Adam must hold said, “ Darling, you look stupefying! I mean green is your coloring material! ”

When God looked at it he said, “ You can ne’er cover your shame with the plants of your ain custodies. ” He said, “ I ‘m the lone 1 who can cover up your shame. ”

So he took teguments what do teguments come from? Make you travel up to a tree and take a skin off of it? No! A tegument comes off a life animate being. The Bible does n’t state it, but I will non be a spot surprised when I get to heaven if we find out it was a lamb, a lamb God killed to

screen Adam and Eve, because all throughout the Bible there was a lamb whose blood was shed to cover the shame and the wickedness of the human race. When Jesus died on the cross, he was our lamb whose blood covers us and forgives us of our wickednesss.

‘Take and eat ‘ were words of damnation for Adam. There came a Jesus who turned them into words of Salvation.

A life abandoned to Christ ca n’t be cut short.


Goodbye for now and God bless you.

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