In this essay I am traveling to be comparing the falls of Eve in John Milton ‘s ‘Paradise Lost ‘ , foremost published in 1667 and Doctor Faustus in Christopher Marlowe ‘s ‘The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus ‘ , foremost published in 1604

The impression of the Fall of adult male originates in the Bible where it is recorded in the book of Genesis. It has been interpreted both literally, as a description of historical events and symbolically as a religious truth. ‘The Fall ‘ refers to the passage of the first created worlds, Adam and Eve from their original province of flawlessness, to a province of guilt and noncompliance to God. The impression of Adam and Eve ‘s flawlessness comes from Genesis 1:31 where we are told that “ God saw everything that he had made, and so, it was really good. ” This impression was besides reinforced by St. Augustine, who believed that “ Man ‘s nature so, was created at first faultless and without any wickedness. ”

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In Genesis 2:16-17, God forbids Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of cognition of good and evil:

“ And the LordA God commanded the adult male, ‘You may freely eat of every tree of the garden ; A but of the tree of the cognition of good and evil you shall non eat, for in the twenty-four hours that you eat of it you shall decease. ‘ ”

This is basically the beginning of the series of events that lead to the Fall, because it is shortly after this that Eve is deceived by the snake into eating from that tree, and portions it with Adam. We are told that “ the snake was more cunning than any other wild animate being that the Lord God had made ” ( Gen 3:1 ) and subsequently, in the book of Revelations, we are led to believe that the snake was in fact Satan in camouflage:

“ The great firedrake was thrown down, that ancient snake, who is called the Devil and Satan. ” ( Rev 12:9 )

Adam and Eve are accordingly banished from the Garden of Eden by God and as penalty for their wickedness, sent to populate on Earth. They are besides banned from eating from the Tree of Life once more, which is how Christians believe decease entered the universe. This is known as the Fall of Man.

The Biblical narrative of Adam and Eve forms the footing for Milton ‘s ‘Paradise Lost ‘ , and he excessively seems to follow the Augustinian position that Adam and Eve are two perfect and to the full developed worlds. This is shown when:

“ Adam shortly repealed

The uncertainties that in his bosom arose: and now

Led on, yet sinless ”

Unlike the Biblical Adam and Eve nevertheless, Milton gives us the feeling that Eve is inferior to Adam since Adam was created to mirror God ‘s godly authorization and Eve was created simply to fulfill Adam ‘s desire for a comrade. Throughout the verse form we realise that Eve ne’er experiences God straight ; Adam experiences God and Eve experiences Adam, who appears to move as an mediator between her and God:

“ For contemplation hee and heroism formd, A

For softness shee and sweet attractive Grace, A

Hee for God merely, shee for God in him. ”

It is this sense of Godhead hierarchy that seems to do Eve more susceptible to Satan ‘s enticement, because during the series of events which contribute towards the eventual Fall, Satan plays on Eve ‘s desire for liberty and a connexion to the universe exterior of Adam ‘s shadow.

The sequence of event taking to Eve ‘s autumn begins when she is asleep one dark and Satan efforts to works his alluring ideas in her head. Satan ‘s consequence is reflected in her dream when an angel tempts her to eat from the Tree of Knowledge:

‘Taste this, and be henceforth among the GodsA

Thy self a Goddess, non to Earth confind. ‘

This plays on Eve ‘s desire to accomplish a direct relationship with God.

The 2nd important factor is her finding to pass clip entirely on the fatal twenty-four hours ; she wakes up in an independent temper and insists that her and Adam attend to the garden individually, despite Adam ‘s efforts at detering her. It is at this point, when she is pleased with herself for accomplishing some liberty that she comes across the snake.

In order to be successful in taking Eve astray, the snake attempts to extinguish her fright of disobeying God. He begins by doing her uncertainty the being of decease and immorality:

“ Those stiff menaces of Death ; ye shall non Die: A

How should ye? by the Fruit? it gives you LifeA

To Knowledge? By the Threatner, expression on mee, A

Mee who have touch ‘d and tasted, yet both unrecorded, A

And life more perfet have attaind so FateA

Meant mee, by ventring higher so my Batch. ”

The snake so continues to seek and do her uncertainty God himself by proposing that God has merely out her to eat from the Tree of Knowledge so as to maintain her ignorant, instead than going powerful and knowing:

“ Of good, how merely? of immorality, if what is evilA

Be existent, why non known, since easier shunnd? A

God hence can non ache ye, and be merely ; A

Not merely, non God ; non feard so, nor obeid: A

Your feare it self of Death removes the feare.A

Why so was this forbid? Why but to awe, A

Why but to maintain ye low and nescient, A

His believers ; he knows that in the dayA

Ye Eate thereof, your Eyess that seem so cleere, A

Yet are but subdued, shall perfetly be thenA

Op’nd and cleerd, and ye shall be as Gods, A

Knowing both Good and Evil as they know. ”

Here Satan is playing on Eve ‘s perceptual experience of the Godhead hierarchy and her feelings of lower status to both Adam and God, by offering her an chance to make what she believes will take to a direct relationship with God.

It is at this point that we begin to see Eve ‘s concluding mistake as rational instead than moral. In the minute before she eats from the tree, she pauses and thinks. She still allows her ground to steer her, but Satan ‘s misrepresentation of her head misinforms her will. Her logical thinking is rather sound, nevertheless it is based on the belief that the snake is stating the truth. This, one of the chief premises in her determination, is in fact false.

After eating from the tree of cognition, her nature and attitude towards her relationship towards Adam have been changed by wickedness. Having imagined an being outside of Adam ‘s perceptual experience during her conversation with the snake, she now finds herself consumed with a selfish desire to portion her destiny with Adam, because she can no longer conceive of separation from him.

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