God created heaven and the Earth – The word heavens must therefore grok the whole solar system, as it is really likely the whole of this was created in these six yearss ; for unless the Earth had been the Centre of a system and the Earth

Genesis 1:2

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And the Earth go without signifier, and voidaˆ¦

This is speaking about the status of the Earth now as it was a universe before now it has become without signifier as it was n’t a universe as it ll affair has ; it was a unstable affair, the watery parts were non separated from the crude 1s ; it was non put into the signifier of a Earth it is now, the sea apart, and the Earth by itself, but were assorted and blended together ; it was, inhabitable both for world and animals ; and it may be added, of fishes and poultry, and besides of trees, herbs, and works and it was empty with no dwellers.

and darkness was upon the face of the deep:

the whole fluid mass of Earth and H2O assorted together. This abysm is explained by Waterss in the following clause, which seem to be topmost ; and this was all a dark turbid pandemonium, as before uttered, without any visible radiation or gesture, till an agitation was made by the Spirit, as is following ascertained:

and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the Waterss,

Genesis 1.3

And God saidaˆ¦

This phrase is used, nine times in this history of the creative activity ; it is most attractively paraphrased and explained in ( Psalms 33:6By the word of the Lord the celestial spheres were established ; and all the power of them by the spirit of his oral cavity: ) Hebrews 11:3 By religion we understand that the existence was formed at God ‘s bid, so that what is seen was non made out of what was seeable. ) as expressive of the will, power, authorization, and efficaciousness of the Godhead Being ; whose word is clothed with power, and who can make, and does whatever he will, and every bit shortly as he pleases ; his orders are ever obeyed. Possibly the Godhead Person speech production here is the Logos or Word of God, which was in the beginning with God, and was God, and who himself is the visible radiation that lightens every animal. The words spoke were,

allow there be light, and there was visible radiation:

it at one time appeared ; “ God commanded visible radiation to reflect out of darkness ” ; as the apostle says, ( 2A Corinthians 4:6For God, who said, “ Let light reflect out of darkness, ” made his light radiance in our Black Marias to give us the visible radiation of the cognition of the glorification of God in the face of Christ. ) this was the first thing made out of the dark pandemonium ; as in the new creative activity, or work of grace in the bosom, visible radiation is the first thing produced there: what this visible radiation was is non easy to state.


And God saw the visible radiation, that it was goodaˆ¦

Very pleasant and delicious, utile and good ; that is, he foresaw it would be good, of great service, for every bit yet there were no dwellers of the Earth to have any advantage by it.

God divided the visible radiation from the darkness.

This does non connote that visible radiation and darkness are two distinguishable substances, seeing darkness absents of visible radiation ; but this that god made light for twenty-four hours and absents from light brought darkness which was already at that place, on the above chapter. This is explained clearer in the following line.


He called Night. And the eventide ( darkness ) and the forenoon ( visible radiation ) were the first twenty-four hours… . And the eventide ( darkness ) and the forenoon ( visible radiation ) were the 2nd twenty-four hours… . And the eventide and the forenoon were the 3rd twenty-four hours ” ( Gen. 1:4-13 ) and so on through the first hebdomad. From this history, we see that yearss are comprised of eventides and forenoons. Despite the common perceptual experience, a twenty-four hours is non simply the daylight part of a twenty-four-hour period. It is, in fact, the full period between sundowns.

This is the Bible definition of the length of a twenty-four hours.


And God said, allow there be a celestial sphere in the thick of

the watersaˆ¦

Bible refer, which speak of the stretching out of the existence, as this celestial sphere or sweep is afterwards called ; see ( Psalms 104:2 ) ( Isaiah 40:22 ) ( 42:5 ) and by it is meant the air, as it is render by the on ( Psalms 19:1 ) we call it the “ firmament ” from the word which the Greek translator utilizations, because it is steadfast, permanent, and lasting: and it has the name of an sweep from its broad extent, it making from the Earth to the 3rd Eden ; the lower and thicker parts of it form the ambiance in which we breathe ; the higher and thinner parts of it, the air in which fowls fly, and the quintessence or sky in which the Sun, Moon, and stars are placed ; for all these are said to be in the celestial sphere or sweep, ( Genesis 1:17,20 ) .

Divide the Waterss from the watersaˆ¦

Water exists upon Earth in both liquid and vapour signifiers, and it is exactly the ambiance which separates these. Again from Jamieson:

“ By the creative activity of an ambiance, the lighter parts of the Waterss which overspread the Earth ‘s surface were drawn up and suspended in the seeable celestial spheres, while the larger and heavier mass remained below. The air was therefore `in the thick of the Waterss. ‘ ” F6

Work force should wonder so at this creative activity, when it is remembered that 1000000s and one million millions of dozenss of H2O are invariably suspended in the ambiance in the signifier of clouds ; and of class being much heavier than the ambiance, merely an act of creative activity could hold accomplished such a thing. The patriarch Job marveled at this admiration:

“ Dost 1000 know the reconciliation of the clouds,

The fantastic plants of Him who is perfect in cognition? ”

— Job 37:16

Some have considered it unusual that such an look as, “ split the Waterss from the Waterss ” should hold been used here, but, as it must be true in infinite other cases, God was limited in His communicating with world, non by any restriction within Himself, but by the restrictions within adult male. In the yearss when this disclosure was given, “ The Hebrew had no word for gas ( bluess ) . “ F7 Therefore, God said, “ Divide the Waterss ( liquid ) from the Waterss ( gaseous ) . ”

Genesis 1:7

And God made the firmamentaˆ¦

And divided the Waterss which were under the celestial sphere from the

Waterss which were above the celestial sphere ;

It divided Waterss which under celestial sphere which H2O vapor ( gaseous ) and sea, from Waterss about the celestial sphere which are the clouds

And it was so:

the celestial sphere was consequently made, and answered this intent, to split the Waterss below it from those above it ; or “ it was house ” F3, stable and lasting ; and so it has continued.

Genesis 8

And God called the celestial sphere heavenaˆ¦

Including the starry and airy celestial spheres infinite, it being above the Earth, and making to the 3rd Eden ; , that is, there are Waterss, viz. , in the clouds of Eden:

and the eventide ; and the forenoon were the 2nd twenty-four hours ;

flushing to the forenoon were the first twenty-four hours, holding once more moved round the pandemonium in that infinite of clip ; or else the pandemonium had turned round on its ain axis in that clip, which revolution produced a 2nd twenty-four hours.


And God said, allow the Waterss under the Eden be

gathered together unto one placeaˆ¦

contains the Waterss of the oceans, vales and lakes: this was done by the word of the Lord, at his bid ; ( Job 38:10 ) ( Psalms 104:6-8 ) , Job 38:11, Psalm 33:7, Jeremiah 5:22

and allow the dry land appear:

So when Waterss from the seas were brought together, the dry land appeared

and it was so ;

instantly done, the Waterss were drained off the Earth, directed to their proper channels, and caused to run as by line to their appointive topographic point ; and the solid parts of the Earth became dry, and appeared in sight.


And God called the dry land earthaˆ¦

The whole pandemonium, that was a turbid fluid, a mixture of Earth and H2O, a rude unformed mass of affair, was called Earth before ; but now that portion of the terraqueous Earth.

And the assemblage together of the Waterss called he seas ;

for though there was but one topographic point into which they were collected, and which is the chief ocean, with which all other Waterss have a communicating, and so are one ; yet there are frogmans seas, as the Red sea, the Mediterranean, Caspian, Balticaˆ¦ or which are denominated from the shores they wash, as the German, Britishaˆ¦ and even lakes and pools of H2O are called seas, as the sea of Galilee and Tiberias, which was no other than the lake of Gennesaret.

And God saw [ that it was ] good ;

that these two should be separate, that the Waterss should be in one topographic point, and the dry land appear, and both have the names he gave them: , it was good in what it was all right nil was incorrect with it.


And God said, allow the Earth convey Forth grassaˆ¦

dry land, it retained sufficient wet in it, and was juicy and tantrum to bring forth grass ; and particularly as it had the advantage of the expanded air about it, though all this would hold been deficient to bring forth workss and trees at full growing, with their seed in them, and fruit on them, without the interjection of all-powerful power: this seems to mean the sprouting or budding out of the stamp grass, and the legion steeples of it which cover the Earth, and by their greenery and verdancy give it a delicious facet, every bit good as afford nutrient for the animals, grass is really of import for animate beings to last and we need for nutrient and apparels

: the herb giving seed ;

this is distinguishable from the former ; that denotes pasturage in general, which grows up of itself without being sown or manured, and is the nutrient of animals ; this in peculiar, herbs and workss for the usage of adult male, which yield a seed which either falling from it sows itself once more, or is taken from it and seed on intent to reproduce it, being utile or delicious, An herb is a works that is valued for spirit, aroma, medicative or other qualities other than its nutrient value. [ 1 ] Herbs are used in cookery, as medical specialties, and for religious intents.

[ and ] the fruit tree giving fruit after his sort ;

as apples, pears, plums, apricots, nectars, Prunus persicas, oranges, lemonsaˆ¦ whose seed is in itself upon the Earth ;

each of which produce a seed harmonizing to the nature of them, which being sown produce the similar, and so there is a continuation of them upon the Earth: and it was so ;

as God commanded it should.

Genesis 1:12

And the Earth brought Forth grassaˆ¦

In great copiousness at one time ; the hills and valleies were clothed with it, and so a rich proviso was made the animals and cowss of the Earth two or three yearss before they were created: [ and ] herb giving seed after his sort, and the tree giving up

fruit, whose seed was in itself after his sort:

wholesome and healthful herbs and workss, and delightful fruit to be meat and nutrient for adult male, ready prepared for him when created ; see ( Genesis 1:29-30 ) on this twenty-four hours, though after related, were made the garden of Eden, and all the trees in it, pleasant for sight, and good for nutrient ; and peculiarly the tree of life, and the tree of cognition of good and evil ; and God saw that it [ was ] good ;

which he had now caused to spring Forth, grass, herbs, and fruit trees, which were good for work forces and animal, and this he foresaw would be so

Genesis 1:13

And the eventide and the forenoon were the 3rd twenty-four hours.

The infinite of 20 four hours ran out, and were measured, either by the rotary motion of the organic structure of light and heat around the Earth, or of the Earth upon its axis.

Genesis 1:14

And God said, allow there be visible radiations in the celestial sphere of

the heavenaˆ¦

In the upper portion of it, normally called the starry Eden: some, understand this merely of the visual aspect of them, and non of the formation of them ; they suppose they were made on the first twenty-four hours, but did non look or reflect out so clearly and visibly every bit now on the 4th twenty-four hours: but it seems instead, that the organic structure of fire and visible radiation produced on the first twenty-four hours was now distributed and formed into several aglow organic structures of Sun, Moon, and stars, for these were, “ from visible radiation ” ; visible radiations produced from that visible radiation, or made out of it ; or were instruments of pass oning and allowing down that light upon the Earth F8, which was collected and put together in them, particularly in the Sun: and the utilizations of them were to split the twenty-four hours from the dark ;

which is the curious usage of the Sun, which by its visual aspect and continuation makes the twenty-four hours, and by retreating itself, or non looking for a certain clip, makes the dark ; as the visible radiation by its round gesture did for the first three yearss, or the diurnal gesture of the Earth on its axis, so and now:

and allow them be for marks, and for seasons, and for yearss and

old ages ;

for “ marks ” of good and bad conditions in months ; for the times of plowing, sowing, reapingaˆ¦ and for the “ seasons ” of summer and winter, spring and fall ; for “ yearss ” by a round gesture for the infinite of 20 four hours ; and for “ old ages ” by one-year gesture for the infinite of three hundred 60 five yearss and uneven hours. The Targum of Jonathan is,

“ and allow them be for marks and the times of the banquets, and to think with them the figure of yearss, and, consecrate the beginnings of the months, and the beginnings of the old ages, and the embolisms of months and old ages, the revolutions of the Sun, and the new Moons, and rhythms. ”

Genesis 1:15

And allow them be for visible radiations in the celestial sphere of the


To go on at that place as glowing organic structures ; as enlighteners, as the word signifies, doing visible radiation, or as being the instruments of conveying it, peculiarly to the Earth, as follows: to give light upon the Earth ;

and the dwellers of it, when formed: and it was so:

these visible radiations were formed and placed in the celestial sphere of the Eden for such utilizations, and served such intents as God willed and ordered they should

Genesis 1:16

These two “ great visible radiations ” are the Sun and the Moon ; and they may good be called great, particularly the former, for the diameter of the Sun is reckoned to be approximately eight 100s thousand stat mis. The greater visible radiation to govern the twenty-four hours:

non to govern work forces, though the pagans have worshipped it under the names of Molech and Baal, which signify male monarch and Godhead, as if it was their Godhead and male monarch to whom they were to pay court ; but to govern the twenty-four hours, to preside over it, to do it, give visible radiation in it, and go on it to its proper length ; and in which it regulations entirely, the Moon, nor any of the other planets so looking: this is called the “ greater ” visible radiation, in comparing of the Moon, non merely with regard to its organic structure or substance, but on history of its visible radiation, which is far greater and stronger than that of the Moon ; and which so receives its visible radiation from it, the Moon being, as is by and large said, an opaque organic structure: and the lesser visible radiation to govern the dark ;

to give visible radiation so, though in a fainter, subdued manner, by reflecting it from the Sun ; and it regulations entirely, the Sun being absent from the Earth, and is of great usage to travelers and crewmans ; it is called the lesser visible radiation, in comparing of the Sun. But these proportions are otherwise determined by the generalization of modern uranologists: nevertheless, they all agree that the Moon is copiously less than the Sun ; and that it is as a light, we all know. [ He made ] the stars besides ;

to govern by dark, ( Psalms 136:9 ) non merely the planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, but the huge Numberss of stars with which the celestial spheres, and which reflect some grade of visible radiation upon the Earth ; with the several configurations, some of which the Scriptures speak of, as Arcturus, Orion, Pleiades, and the Chamberss of the South, ( Job 9:9 ) ( Job 38:31-32 ) ( Amos 5:8 ) though some restrain this to the five planets merely.

Genesis 1:17

And God set them in the celestial sphere of the heavenaˆ¦

He non merely ordered that there they should be, and made them that there they might be, but he placed them there with his ain custodies ; and they are placed, peculiarly the Sun, at such a peculiar distance as to be good and non hurtful: had it been set nearer to the Earth, its heat would hold been intolerable ; and had it been farther off it would hold been of no usage ; in the one instance we should hold been scorched with its heat, and in the other been frozen up for the privation of it. The assorted looks used seem to be designed on intent to guard against and expose the amour propre of the worship of the Sun and Moon ; which being seeable, and of such great influence and utility to the Earth, were the first the Heathens paid worship to, and was every bit early as the times of Job, ( Job 31:26-28 ) and yet these were but animals made by God, his retainers and agents under him, and hence to idolize them was to function the animal besides the Creator. To give light upon the Earth ;

this is repeated from ( Genesis 1:15 ) to demo the terminal for which they were made, and set up, and the usage they were to be of to the Earth ; being hung up like so many lamps or pendants, to incorporate and direct Forth visible radiation unto the Earth, to the dwellers of it, that they may see to walk and work by, and do all the concern of life, every bit good as be warmed and comforted thereby, and the Earth made fertile to convey forth its cherished fruits for the usage of animals in it: and it is fantastic that such visible radiation should be emitted from the Sun, when it is at such a huge distance from the Earth, and should make it in so short a infinite. A modern uranologist F13 observes, that a slug discharged from a cannon would be near 20 five old ages, before it could complete its journey from the Sun to the Earth: and yet the beams of light reach the Earth in seven proceedingss and a half, and are said to go through 10 1000000s of stat mis in a minute.

Genesis 1:18

And to govern over the twenty-four hours, and over the nightaˆ¦

The one, viz. the Sun, or greater visible radiation, to govern over the twenty-four hours, and the Moon and stars, the lesser visible radiations, to govern over the dark: this is repeated from ( Genesis 1:16 ) to demo the certainty of it, and that the proper utilizations of these visible radiations might be observed, and that a merely value might be put upon them, but non carried beyond due bounds: and to split the visible radiation from the darkness ;

as the twenty-four hours from the dark, which is done by the Sun, ( Genesis 1:14 ) and to disperse and disperse the darkness of the dark, and give some grade of visible radiation, though in a more lame mode, which is done by the Moon and stars: and God saw that [ it was ] good ;

or anticipate it would be, that there should be such visible radiations in the Eden, which would be transcending good to the dwellers of the Earth, as they find by good experience it is, and hence have great ground to be grateful, and to adore the wisdom and goodness of God ; see ( Psalms 136:1,7-9 ) ( Ecclesiastes 11:7 ) .

Genesis 1:19

– – – – – – – – – – – –

Flushing to forenoon 4th twenty-four hours

Genesis 1:20

And God said, allow the Waterss bring away copiously, the traveling animal that hath life:

an carnal life, of which kind of animals as yet there had been none made ; veggies, or such as have a vegetive life, were made on the 3rd twenty-four hours ; but those that have a sensitive and carnal life non till this twenty-four hours, the fifth ; and the less perfect, or lower kind of these, were foremost produced, even such as move or “ creep ” , as the word used signifies ; which is applied to fishes every bit good as crawling things, because in swimming their abdomens touch the H2O, and are close to it, as reptilians on the Earth: and of these crawling things in the seas there are countless, as the Psalmist says, ( Psalms 104:25 ) . and fowl [ that ] may wing above the Earth in the unfastened celestial sphere

of Eden ;

which harmonizing to our version were to be produced out of the Waterss besides ; non out of mere H2O, but out of Earth and H2O assorted together, or out of the Earth or clay F16 that lay at the underside of the Waterss: and it may be observed of some poultry, that they live on the Waterss, and others partially on land and partially on H2O ; and as the elements of poultry and fish, the air and H2O, bear a resemblance to each other, so make these animals, some fowls both fly and swim ; and what wings are to the 1, fives are to the other ; and both steer their class by their dress suits, and are both oviparous: though it should look, harmonizing to ( Genesis 2:19 ) , that the poultry were produced from the Earth, and the words may be rendered here, “ allow the poultry fly above the Earth ”

Genesis 1:21

And God created great whalesaˆ¦

big fishes are doubtless meant, and the whale being of the largest kind, the word is so rendered. , relates many things of the extraordinary size now because animals of such a unnatural size were formed out of the Waterss, which seemed so really unfit to bring forth them ; hence the same word is here made usage of, as is in the creative activity of the Eden and the Earth out of nil, ( Genesis 1:1 ) because this production, though non out of nil, yet was an extraordinary case of all-powerful power. And every life animal that moveth, which the Waterss brought

Forth copiously after their sort ;

that is, every life animal that swims in the Waterss of the great sea, or in rivers, whose sorts are many, and their Numberss non to be reckoned ; ( See Gill on 1:20 ) and every winged poultry after his sort ;

every poultry, and the assorted kinds of them that fly in the air ; these were all created by God, or produced out of the H2O and out of the Earth by his fantastic power, and this is true as animate beings reproduce after their sort O: and God saw [ that it was ] good ;

or foresaw that those animals he made in the Waterss and in the air would function to expose the glorification of his flawlessnesss, and be really utile and good to adult male, he designed to make.

Genesis 1:22

And God blessed themaˆ¦

With a power to reproduce their sort, and go on their species, as it is interpreted in the following clause ; stating, be fruitful, and multiply, and make full the Waterss in the


and these animals do multiply extremely, and huge measures there are of them in the mighty Waterss, though the ingestion of some kinds of them is really great. Our English word “ fish ” is derived from the Hebrew word “ fush ” , which signifies to multiply and increase: and allow poultry multiply in the Earth ;

as they did, and go on to make to this twenty-four hours.

Genesis 1:23

And the eventide and the forenoon were the 5th twenty-four hours.

Genesis 1:24

And God said – the word ( He commanded ) , allow the Earth convey Forth the life

animal after his kindaˆ¦

All kinds of life animals that live and move upon the Earth ; non that the Earth was provided with a power to bring forth these animals of itself, yet no uncertainty it was by the power of God attach toing his word, that these animals were produced of the Earth, and formed into their several forms.

cowss, [ and ] crawling things, and animal of the Earth after his

sort ;

the life animals produced out of the Earth are distinguished into three kinds ; “ cowss ” , which seem to plan tame cowss, and such as are for the usage of adult male, either for passenger car, nutrient, or vesture, as Equus caballuss, buttockss, camels, cattle, sheepaˆ¦ and “ crawling ” things, which are different from the crawling things in the sea before mentioned, are such as either have no pess, and travel upon their abdomens, or are really short, and seem to make so, whether greater or lesser, as snakes, worms, antsaˆ¦

and the animal of the Earth

seems to plan wild animals, such as king of beastss, bears, wolves

Genesis 1:25

Genesis 1:25

And God made the animal of the Earth after his kindaˆ¦

The wild animals, and the several kinds of them ; get downing the history with the last mentioned, as is frequent in the Hebrew linguistic communication, and so he made all the remainder:

and cowss after their sort, and everything that creepeth upon

the Earth after his sort ;

tame animals, and all the reptilians of the Earth: this most clearly shows and proves that the above animals were non produced by the mere force of nature, or the powers the Earth were possessed of, nevertheless the affair of it might be disposed and prepared, but by the almighty manus of God:

and God saw [ that it ] was good ;

that every animal he had made would some manner or other be for his glorification, and for the benefit of adult male.

Every thing both in the animate being and vegetable universe was made so harmonizing to its sort, both in genus and species, as to bring forth its ain sort through eternal coevalss. Therefore the several races of animate beings and workss have been kept distinguishable from the foundation of the universe to the present twenty-four hours. This is a cogent evidence that all future coevalss of workss and animate beings have been seminally included in those which God formed in the beginning.

Genesis 1:26

And God said, allow us do adult male in our image, after our


These words are directed non to the Earth, out of which adult male was made, as confer withing with it, and to be helping in the formation of adult male, God the Father to the Son, who were concerned in the creative activity of all things, and peculiarly of adult male: hence we read of godly Godheads in the plural figure, ( Job 35:10 ) ( Psalms 149:2 ) ( Ecclesiastes 12:1 ) these words declare a plurality, and are expressive of others, being colleagues with God in creative activity F7: and adult male being the chief portion of the creative activity, and for the interest of whom the universe, and all things in it were made, and which being finished, he is introduced into it as into an house ready prepared and furnished for him ; a audience is held among the Godhead Persons about the formation of him ; non because of any trouble go toing it, but as expressive of his honor and self-respect ; it being proposed he should be made non in the similitude of any of the animals already made, but every bit near as could be in the similitude and image of God.

and allow them hold rule over the fish of the sea, and over the

poultry of the air ;

that is to allow them hold power over the all over the Earth, non having but power, so adult male and adult females can catch them, and eat them ; though in the after grant of nutrient to adult male, no reference as yet is made of any other meat than the herbs and fruits of the Earth ; yet what can this rule over fish and fowl signify, unless it be a power to feed upon them? It may be observed, that the plural figure is used, “ allow them ” , which shows that the name “ adult male ” is general in the preceding clause, and includes male and female, as we find by the undermentioned poetry adult male was created:

and over the cowss, and over all the Earth ;

over the tame creatures, either for nutrient, or vesture, or passenger car, or for all of them, some of them for one thing, and some for another ; and over all the wild animals of the Earth, which seem to be meant by the phrase, “ over all the Earth ” ; that is, over all the animals of the Earth, as appears by comparing it with ( Genesis 1:24 ) so as to maintain them in awe, and maintain them off from making them any harm:

and over every crawling thing that creepeth upon the Earth ;

to do usage of it as should look convenient for them.

Genesis 1:27

So God created adult male in his ain imageaˆ¦

Which consisted both in the signifier of his organic structure, and the vertical stature of it, different from all other animals ; in understanding with the thought of that organic structure, prepared in compact for the Son of God, and which it was in this agreed he should presume in the fulness of clip ; and in the immortality of his psyche, and in his rational powers, and in that pureness, sanctity, and righteousness in which he was created ; every bit good as in his rule, power, and authorization over the animals, in which he was as God ‘s vice-regent, and resembled him.

Even that Word that was in the beginning with God, and was God, and in clip became bodied, by whom all things were made, ( John 1:1-3,14 )

in the image of God created he him ;

which is repeated for the certainty of it, and that it might be taken notice of, as demoing adult male ‘s superior glorification and self-respect to the remainder of the animals, ( 1A Corinthians 11:7 )

male and female created he them ;

God made adult male out of the dust of the Earth, and infused a rational psyche into him ; and so out of one of his ribs made a female, or adult female, who was presented to him as his married woman, that so their species might be propagate ; and merely one male and one female were created, to demo that afterlife a adult male was to hold at a clip no more married womans than one ; see ( Malachi 2:15 ) ( Matthew 19:4 ) for all that is said in the undermentioned chapter, refering the formation of adult male out of the dust of the Earth, and the devising of adult female out of his rib, and showing her to him, and his taking her to be his married woman, were all done on this 6th twenty-four hours, and at this clip.

Genesis 1:28

And God blessed themaˆ¦

The adult male and the adult female he had made, with all the approvals of nature and Capital of rhode island he has given them ; with all the good things of life ; with his presence, and with integrity with himself in a natural manner, through the animals ; and peculiarly with a power of reproducing their species, as follows ;

and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and refill

the Earth:

if this is non an bid, for matrimony and reproduction of kids, it seems to be more than a au naturel permission ; at least it is a way and an advice to what was proper and convenient for the addition of world, and for the filling of the Earth with dwellers, which was the terminal of its being made, ( Isaiah 45:18 ) . This shows that matrimony was made and instituted in Eden, and is honorable ; and that reproduction is a natural action, and might hold been, and may be performed without wickedness within matrimony.

and repress it ;

That is to hold authorization over the Earth and its ownerships, and doing usage of it.

and have rule over the fish of the sea, and over the poultry of

the air, and over every life thing that moveth upon the face of

the Earth ;

which was giving them an universal and limitless authorization over all the animals ; of which see inside informations in ( Psalms 8:6-8 )

Genesis 1:29

And God saidaˆ¦

That is God said to Adam and Eve, whom he had made in his image and similitude, and to whom he had given the rule of the Earth and sea, and all things in them:

behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon

the face of all the Earth ;

And God said behold expression at every herb or works which had a seed in it, by which it sowed itself once more ; or being taken off, might be sown by adult male, this is what I have given you

to you it shall be for nutrient:

All herb bearing seed, which is upon the Earth will be given for nutrient

( From ( Romans 5:12 ) there was no decease before Adam ‘s wickedness, hence up until at least the autumn, adult male did non eat meat. Ed. )

Genesis 1:30

And to every animal of the earthaˆ¦

Wild or chasten the cowss on a 1000 hills ; God took attention and provided for these, being all his animals, and designed to reply some terminal or other by their creative activity:

and to every poultry of the air ;

animate beings that flies

and to every crawling thing upon the Earth ;

even the meanest and lowest insect:

wherein there is life ;

or “ a life psyche ” ; that has an carnal life, which is to be supported by nutrient:

[ I have given ] every green herb for meat ;

the foliages for some, and seed for others ; and here is no reference made of flesh ; and possibly those animals which are now meat feeders were non so at their first creative activity:

and it was so ;

every animal, both adult male and animal, had nutrient suited to their nature and appetency, and a sufficiency of it.

Genesis 1:31

And God saw everything that he had madeaˆ¦

God saw everything he had made on the several six yearss of the creative activity, he took a reappraisal of them, respects the creative activity of adult male after the image and similitude of God ; the forming of the adult female out of his rib, and so supplying a suited assistant for him ; giving them rule over all the animals, and suited nutrient for the support of the carnal life ; and God reflected on this, and foresaw it would be good in the issue, as it was in itself.

And behold, [ it was ] really good ;

it had been said of everything else, at the stopping point of each twenty-four hours ‘s work, demuring the 2nd, that it was good ; but here the look is stronger upon the creative activity of adult male, the head and chief work of God, that it was “ really good ” ; he being made unsloped and holy, bearing the image of his Creator upon him, the phrase may be expressive non merely of the goodness of everything God had made, as it was in itself, and in its usage ; but of his complacence, and delight therein, every thing being made for himself and for, his pleasance, ( Revelation 4:11 )

and the eventide and the forenoon were the 6th twenty-four hours ;

by that clip all these plants on this twenty-four hours were finished ; the Sun had gone round the Earth, or the Earth about that, which completed the 6th twenty-four hours, within which term of clip God had determined to complete all his plants, as he did.

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