Different civilization all over the universe is observing events at different times of the twelvemonth. These scopes are from little household juncture honouring such things as birth, matrimony and decease to weeklong festival affecting 1000 of people.

On the other manus, other festival have developed and adapted to alter while absorbing influence from the societies in which they are observing. Festivals of many types, serve to run into specific societal demands and responsibilities, every bit good as to supply amusement. These times of jubilation offer a sense of belonging for spiritual, societal, or geographical groups.

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Different states have different festival to observe. Some are cultural, some spiritual, some national, historical and many more. And there are different ways to observe them by there origin some festivals even carried manner from other civilization to observe.

State that I choose: Turkey and Belgium have different festivals excessively like other states.

Turkish, they involved in different sort of festivals like others, such as Manisa Mesir Festival.

Religious festival like: Eidul Fiter, Eidul Azha, Day of Ashura and many more international movie, sketch and mausic festival.

On the other manus the Danish are celebrated Graspop Metal Meeting, Metal Female Voices Fest, Pest dad, Huginns Awakening Fest, and Procession of the Holy Blood etc

Among those festivals I am traveling to discourse: ‘The twenty-four hours of Ashura ‘ ( Turkey ) and ‘Procession of the sanctum Blood ( Belgium ) ‘ .

Here I am seek to give a treatment on two festivals origin, how it ‘s celebrate, its important on the chance of both festivals and give a clear comparison and contrast of the festivals by treatment.


2.1 The ashura:

The word ashura literally means in Arabic linguistic communication is ‘tenth ‘ . Ashura or “ the twenty-four hours of Ashura ” is the tenth twenty-four hours of the first month of the Islamic calendar. The twenty-four hours retrieve as of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein ( a.s ) bin Ali was the 3rd Imam and the grandson of the Islamic sanctum prophesier Mohammad ( Pbuh ) at the conflict of cabala in Iraq on the 10th of Moharram on the twelvemonth 61 AH ( October 10, 680 AD ) . The twenty-four hours is memorialization as spiritual twenty-four hours by the Muslim.

Ashura celebrated as spiritual festival nationwide.

2.2 Emanation of the holy blood:

The emanation of the sanctum blood ( beginning ) is saving of the Jesus Christ ‘s blood when he crucified. Historical tradition says after the descent from the Crucified, some of his really blood preserved by Joseph of Arimathea. A curdled relic said each twelvemonth in this twenty-four hours the centrepiece is the Blood of Christ became unstable. In Bruges the Procession of the Holy Blood takes topographic point on Ascension Day every twelvemonth. ( History 2010 )

Since from 12th century, the people and associations of the metropolis of Bruges regard and pay court to the Holy-Blood.


3.1 Ashura:

Ashura is a countrywide famed festival for the Muslim Ummah. It ‘s a spiritual festival excessively. All the Muslims celebrate this festival on Arabic month 10th of Moharram. Different Muslims retrieve and observe the twenty-four hours in different manner.

3.2 How shi’as celebrate: The shi’as congregate together and ceremonial thorax whipping in public topographic points as they display their dedication to Imam Husayn ‘s ( Ra ) enduring on that twenty-four hours. Shi’a Muslims observe the twenty-four hours in mourning for Hussein and in recollection of his martyrdom. On this twenty-four hours some Shia Muslims round and flog themselves in parades, to show their wretchedness and to remake the hurting that Hussein suffered.

3.3 How Sunni ‘s celebrate:

Some other Muslims wage testimonial to the Imam Husayn ( Ra ) by keeping Majlis. Declaiming the Holy Quran and Maqtal Al Husayn are read. In the holy twenty-four hours every twelvemonth of that twenty-four hours prophet and their followings fasted as regard. As the Prophet ( Pbuh ) was stating “ if I reach following twelvemonth I am traveling to fast on that twenty-four hours 9th ” ( e-books- Prophet in the Quran, Shahi Muslim-1134 ) and its mandatary for fasting two yearss followed by the Ashura ‘s twenty-four hours or following twenty-four hours of ashura.

In Turkey there is a usage of eating Noah ‘s pudding called ‘Ashure ‘ and serve to the neighbours. ( Noah ‘s pudding )

3.4 Emanation of the Holy Blood: In Burges of Belgium ( where the Holy Blood remain presents ) the colourful Emanation of the Holy Blood is held on Ascension Day in the spring. The bishop of Bruges carries the relic through the streets, accompanied by costumed occupants moving out scriptural scenes. ( Festival and events )

3.5 Burges twenty-four hours: Thousand of people participated in the show and 60 to thousand witnesss watch the emanation, which is besides known as “ Burgges Schoonste Dag ” ( the most beautiful twenty-four hours in Burges ) . The event resembles as religious facet, as many bishops, priests and nuns from all over the universe semen to observe. As the Holy Blood base on ballss by everyone became still and soundless in esteem. ( Burges twenty-four hours 2010 )

In 1291 the traditional of the emanation recorded first clip and it ‘s followed a path around the metropolis walls until 1578.The path is still followed today


4.1 Ashura:

The twenty-four hours of ashura is non merely important for the Imam Husayn ( R ) but besides for many grounds for the Muslims. Like this is the twenty-four hours when Allah accepted the sorrow of Adam ( a ) after his exile signifier Eden,

4.2 some important events:

Noah ( a ) and Yunus ( a ) are saved from danger, even that twenty-four hours Moses was talk to Allah and given commandments and Jesus was raised to Heaven. So, on that prospectus Ashura remembered as gratitude to the Almighty Allah by fasting on the 9th and 10th of Moharram by many Muslim.

[ Furthermore on the tenth twenty-four hours of Moharram in an event Imam Husayn bin Ali, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad ( Sm ) was viciously killed by the Yazid in the conflict field of Karbala in the twelvemonth 680 A.D. ]

4.3 Shi’as believes:

The shi’as believes that the Battle of Karbala fought between the Good and Evil where Imam Husayn ( R ) represents good on the other manus Yazid represents evil. They do non take the twenty-four hours as joy instead than as mourn. Some shi’as hurt them by a concatenation including blade to demo solidarity with Husayn ( R ) and his household. ( significance )

4.4 The emanation of Holy Blood:

The emanation of the Holy Blood attempts to reply the inquiries every adult male has on the significance of his ain life and on the being of the universe. Everyone have whishes to be profoundly happy.

That felicity has different names, harmonizing to the cultural background, called by some ‘Nirvana ‘ , by others ‘Heaven ‘ , or, in the scriptural tradition: ‘the Kingdom of God ‘ , ‘Sion ‘ or ‘the new Jerusalem ‘ . ( significance of the holy blood )


Comparison and contrast between Ashura and Procession of holy blood:

‘Ashura ‘ and ‘Procession of Holy Blood ‘ both are a holy festival, which are celebrated every twelvemonth in a peculiar twenty-four hours by their followings. These festivals resemble as a bereaved twenty-four hours and on that peculiar twenty-four hours they are assemble and retrieve their holy activities. On both of them Ashura is older than emanation of the sanctum blood by dated.

Above the jubilation, the festivals are celebrated in different manner but the point that each of the festivals similar is, it ‘s a bereavement festival to observe.

Shi’as are retrieve the twenty-four hours by Husayn ‘s brutal killed against the Evil called Yazid and the Sunnis retrieve the twenty-four hours for many singular issues. On the other manus the Christian ‘s are celebrated the emanation of holy blood by nowadayss of many bishops carried manner the holy blood of Jesus Christ. From the spiritual prospectus of the two festivals are carry significantly importance. Muslims remembered the twenty-four hours for many important events every bit good as the Christians for Jesus Christ crucified


A festival has carries a state ‘s being. Ashura is a spiritual festival celebrates by the Muslim and Procession of holy blood celebrates by the Christian besides a spiritual festival excessively. Turkey and Belgium have been observing those festivals by ain regard, belief, values and colourss. But in one facet these festivals make people near to each other.

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