Babel’s aggregation of short narratives Red Cavalry was one of the first books that exposed the Russian people to the rough worlds of the Polish-Soviet war. At first the narratives seem to be historical fiction meant to entertain ; nevertheless. upon closer reading these narratives become pieces that convey strong moral. spiritual. political and emotional sentiment. Each short narrative represents a certain subject. but it is My First Goose that encompasses really good Babel’s feelings towards his ain individuality. The narrative illuminates the dynamic relationship between the insider and the foreigner through careful usage of imagination. tone. and imagination.

More specifically. My First Goose addresses Babel’s conflicted sense of individuality and ego as a Judaic adult male. In My First Goose. every bit good as in many of Babel’s other plants. the storyteller is an equivocal character that resembles the writer ( in what manner? How do you we know this? ) . Although really small information is given about the storyteller. by the terminal of the narrative readers understand the narrator’s struggle with his individuality ( this sentence doesn’t truly fit here ; it is a spot off subject from the remainder of the paragraph ) .

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The storyteller is introduced as an foreigner. one who is neither racially ( is he a different race? ) nor physically equal to the work forces of the 6th Division. Savitsky. the first “insider” that is introduced ( phrasing is stylistically awkward ) . is depicted as a highly masculine figure whose “long legs looked like two misss were wedged to their shoulders in siting boots” and whose built organic structure “split the hut like a streamer dividing the sky” . The titillating ( possibly “erotically despicted/described/portrayed” ) . masculine Cossack stands in blunt contrast to the covetous. lame. cautious. spectacless have oning “powder puff” .

Babel chooses to picture the cultural other as virile and powerful while painting the storyteller. a adult male whom he closely resembles. as a weak. about effeminate. animal. The pick to make so indicates that the writer can non come to footings with his individuality ; instead he longs to be as strong and butch as the Cossacks. From the storytellers exchange with Savitsky. “Ha. you icky fellow. you! They send you to us. no one even asks us if we want you here! ” it is suggested that the storyteller is an foreigner. an rational with traits associated with Jews.

And even when verbally assaulted the storyteller still “envied the flower and Fe of Savitsky’s [ that ] youth” . Furthermore. it is the portraitures of the obvious difference in strength. gender. and assurance between the storyteller and Savitsky that suggests that Babel viewed his Jewishness as a beginning of shame. Alternatively of esteeming the fact that the storyteller can read and compose. accomplishments that were really rare. the Cossack leader mocks the storyteller stating him that he would “get hacked to pieces merely for have oning glasses” .

And even when shown an obscene gesture by a immature provincial the storyteller still admires the face of the male child. futher stressing how unacceptable he is as a Jew. By accepting his lower status the storyteller farther emphasizes his distain for individuality. The obvious difference between the storyteller and the commanding officer that the writer chooses to convey shows how the storyteller. and to a certain extent the writer. experience his “Jewishness” makes him unequal compared to the Cossack soldiers.

This paragraph seems a spot unfocussed ; see if you can draw out the two ( ? ) chief togss and construct separate paragraphs around each of them. with a clear. uniting topic sentence for each one ) The narrator’s struggle with himself reaches a tipping point when he meets the old adult female. and at this point he must do a pick to be an insider or foreigner. This important determination characterized the ground for Babel’s short narrative. and he consciously choose to let the storyteller make the pick he did ( sentence is awkwardly phrased ) .

After settling down. the storyteller begins to read. demoing that he is still in touch with his rational and Judaic nature ; nevertheless. he decides to halt reading when he encounters a old adult female with spectacless ( this seems more drumhead than statement ) . The monocled old adult female recognizes him as a Judaic “comrade” and seeks understanding from her fellow Jew commenting that “this concern makes me desire to hang myself” . At this point the storyteller and the writer is ( capable verb understanding ; but besides. is the writer faced with a pick? faced with a pick: he could admit the old adult female as family and support his Judaic individuality. or he could mind the advice of the quartermaster and “mess up a lady” . The storyteller. and more significantly the writer ( why “more significantly the author” ? ) . decides to go against the lone thing the old adult female has left. This misdemeanor is symbolic: the storyteller pushes the white cervix of the goose into body waste and pierces the cervix of the goose with the blade of another Cossack so forces the adult female to cook the goose.

With this act the storyteller discards his Judaic individuality. oppressing it in droppings. killing it with a borrowed blade. ( Here. for illustration. is a possible topographic point for a paragraph interruption ; so get down with a new subject sentence ) And merely after he has proven his maleness is he accepted to eat with his new “brothers” . The storytellers is offered a place at the dinner tabular array and given porc to eat. which he eats without inquiry. with this Communion his transition by the “heathen priests” is complete.

By holding the storyteller make this pick. Babel non merely implies that he may hold made the same determination. but besides condones the thought of flinging the failing and intellectualism associated with Jews in favour of force and ignorance of the Cossacks ( that’s a large claim to make—be careful about seeking to read the author’s head! ) . At this point it seems that the storyteller has wholly discarded his Jewishness and embraces his new individuality.

After his Communion with the Cossacks it seems ( the repeat of “it seems” is namby-pamby and non-committal ) that the storyteller has wholly left his individuality behind. but it is shortly apparent that parts of him ( give voicing ) remain Judaic. leftovers of his Jewishness that can non be erased ( awkward give voicing ) . Upon finishing his violent and barbarous violent death. the storyteller returns to his function as an rational and reads a address given by Lenin to his new companions. This shows that no affair how hard the storyteller tries to get away his individuality. he is still the lame intellectual who has to borrow the blade of a Cossack to kill.

The storyteller is allowed to kip with the Cossacks. ( that commendation doesn’t truly add anything here ) but even the heat and camaraderie the storyteller receives does non let him to get away his actions. The last line reveals that a portion of him will ne’er be able to accept what he did to derive credence from the Cossacks. His bosom “screeched and bled” from his denial of his Judaic individuality. Killing the goose and eating porc straight violated his Judaic ethical motives and although superficially he expressed no compunction. subconsciously he can non accept the Cossack ways.

This ambivalent attitude towards one’s individuality characterizes Babel’s feelings towards his ain attitude. In this narrative we see a storyteller who struggles with the definition of ego. and this battle straight reflects Babel’s ain battles. ( once more. this paragraph seems to leap from point to indicate to much ; do certain each paragraph is built around a consolidative subject sentence ; see if you can draw out two point from this one paragraph and convey them out more clearly by making a separate paragraph for each one ) In non merely My First Goose. but in most of the short narratives of

Red Calvary the storyteller struggles with his individuality as a Jew. Although one can non be certain what Babel attempts to convey in his pieces. it is clear that the storytellers of Babel’s narratives undergo the same mental convulsion Babel went through during his service in the Polish Soviet war ( this last sentence doesn’t truly work as a decision ) .

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