IVF: ( In vitro fertilization. ) If a twosome is sterile ( unable to hold a babe ) the adult male ‘s sperm and the adult female ‘s egg may be removed and joined together in a research lab to make embryos. Doctors can so infix 2-3 embryos into the adult female ‘s uterus and if they implant the gestation carries on as normal.

Sometimes the sperm or egg can be donated by another individual. This means that the babe ‘s biological parents are non the same as the parents who bring them up. This means that a individual adult female and tribades can hold a kid through IVF.

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Christian instruction on Abortion

Genesis 1A So God created adult male in his ain image, in the image of God he created him ; male and female he created them. – This gives worlds ultimate value.

Psalm 139A A For you created my inmost being ; you knit me together in my female parent ‘s womb.A 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wondrous made your plants are fantastic, I know that full well.A 15 My frame was non hidden from you when I was made in the secret topographic point. When I was woven together in the deepnesss of the Earth, A 16 your eyes saw my unformed organic structure. All the yearss ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Jeremiah 1 Before I formed you in the uterus I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.

1 Corinthians Do n’t you know that you yourselves are God ‘s temple and that God ‘s Spirit lives in you? 17If anyone destroys God ‘s temple, God will destruct him ; for God ‘s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.

Exodus 20A A You shall non slay. This is the 6th Commandment. It forbids the pickings of guiltless life. If a Christian accepts that life begins at construct this forbids abortion.

Occupation: It is God who gives life and God who takes it off.

Early Christian papers. ‘You shall non kill by abortion the fruit of the uterus. ‘

Roman Catholic church: Abortion is an detestable wickedness

Roman Catholic church: The rule of dual consequence – a gestation may be terminated if the purpose was to salvage the female parents life

Church of England: The deliberate pickings of human life is prohibited except in self defense mechanism or legitimate defense mechanism of others.

Fertility Treatment

IVF involves fertilising sperm and eggs in a research lab and infixing them into the female parent.

Roman Catholics experience this violates the natural jurisprudence – the natural intent that God has designed for sex for reproduction.

They may besides hold a job with onanism which is needed to roll up the sperm.

Many embryos are created and so non used – Evangelical and Roman Catholic Christians have a job with destructing these trim embryos – see abortion statements.

God allows wastes adult females to go pregnant in the Bible. Sarah the married woman of Abraham is an illustration. If God helps out bare adult females why buzzword we. On the other manus wastes adult females can pray and inquire God to assist them miraculously instead than holding IVF.

Some Christians besides have a job with testing the embryos and taking embryos with features that enable the new kid to assist salvage an bing kid – ‘saviour siblings. ‘ E.g. – to hold a blood type which matches an sick kid to give them blood or marrow grafts.

Others have a job with sperm or eggs or embryos being donated to another twosome to assist them gestate as this breaks the matrimony bond. Children should be conceived from the female parent and Father who have been married.

Broad Christians would reason Jesus was a therapist. Why ca n’t sophisticate go on his work by supplying ways to get the better of sterility.

Jesus taught ‘ do to others as you would desire them to make to you. ‘ Liberals would reason this can be applied to let IVF

Christians do n’t be given to hold with individual adult females and tribades holding kids by IVF as it separates holding and raising kids from the Bible ‘s thought of household.


Cloning is a scientific procedure which involves copying cells so that a new cell is made with the exact DNA of the original.

A human female egg cell has its karyon removed ( the spot with the familial information in it ) . The karyon of an grownup cell is besides removed and placed into the empty egg cell. This forms a cloned fertilized ovum which becomes an embryo. Its familial codification is an exact transcript of the grownup cell which was cloned.

Generative cloning

This has ne’er been done successfully in worlds. If it was, the cloned embryo would be placed in a adult female ‘s uterus and it would be allowed to turn until she gave birth to a cloned kid.

( This procedure has been performed successfully on animate beings – the first 1 was Dolly the Sheep in 1997 )

Curative cloning

This is the attack which uses the cloned embryo for research and medical intents.

– The whole embryo can be used for research

– Its root cells may be harvested to utilize for research or to make new tissues or variety meats for graft.

Stem cells are cells which can be turned into any cell type in the organic structure – e.g. tegument, liver etc Scientists can utilize root cells by promoting them to turn into organic structure tissues that are utile for a individual who needs a graft or replacing. The advantage is that the cloned tissue stuff will non be rejected by the organic structure because it is precisely the same DNA.

Peoples who agree with cloning may state:

It can be used to make new variety meats for people who need grafts. The variety meats would non be rejected by the organic structure and it would get the better of the deficit of givers

The creative activity of cloned embryos could assist our apprehension of how embryos develop

Research on cloned embryos could take to remedies for diseases like cystic fibrosis and assist us understand ageing and unwellnesss associated with old age.

Broad Christian positions

Jesus was a therapist so utilizing cloning to bring around diseases and salvage lives must be a good thing

God said ‘Be fruitful and multiply ‘ in Genesis1. Cloning helps infertile twosomes to make this.

These broad Christians tend non to believe that life begins at construct

Peoples who disagree with cloning may state:

Cloning involves the devastation of many embryos which goes against the holiness of life

Cloned babes would hold jobs with their individuality. A clones familial parents could besides be their grandparents or their brother / sister.

Cloning has many hazards. Dolly the Sheep suffered from several abnormalcies. It is likely that a human ringer would besides endure abnormalcies.

Roman Catholic and Evangelical Christian positions

Life begins at construct so utilizing embryos for medical research is incorrect. The procedure of bring forthing a cloned individual would affect utilizing and destructing many embryos in the procedure.

Merely God should make a life and cloning involves worlds making lives

Cloning is non a natural procedure because it creates life without sex and does n’t necessitate a matrimony relationship – it goes against God ‘s natural jurisprudence.

Pope John Paul II said ‘human cloning hazards cut downing the human individual to a mere object. . . . These techniques are non morally acceptable, even when their proposed end is good in itself. ‘


Christians would follow the position that human life is sacred utilizing poetries from Genesis: Then God said, “ Let us do adult male in our image, in our likenessaˆ¦ ” So God created adult male in his ain image, in the image of God he created him ; male and female he created them. ( Genesis 1 v 26-27 )

“ Before I formed you in the uterus I knew you, before you were born I set you apart ; I appointed you as a prophesier to the states. “ ( Jeremiah Chapter 1 V 5 )

Both are condemned by evangelical and Roman Catholic Christians as slaying.

Some believe it is good for a individual to trust on God when they are enduring. This is seen as good to digest until the terminal of life when God takes it.

Roman Catholic learning calls it a ‘grave misdemeanor of the jurisprudence of God. ‘

The Church of England is against mercy killing but believes people should non be kept alive utilizing life support at all costs. In some state of affairss it may be a good thing to let a individual to go through away peacefully without fighting infinitely to maintain them alive.

It may be acceptable to turn off a life-support machine to let a deceasing individual to decease.

Hospices are supported by Christians as a response to enduring. They help people through terminal unwellness alleviating hurting and giving a loving and purposeful environment until they die.

Liberals may reason that leting a individual to decease with self-respect and compassion fulfils Jesus instruction of love for 1s neighbour..


– Used to be seen as a wickedness by the church and they were n’t allowed a entombment in a church pace.

– Suicide is now most frequently seen as the effect of great unhappiness and even mental unwellness so churches have a more compassionate attack

– Whilst Christians still see it as incorrect they try to assist people who are sing it by back uping groups like the Samaritans who help suicidal people.

Broad instruction enables Christians to use regulations on abortion and mercy killing / suicide more slackly based on rules of the quality of life, compassion and clemency. This may intend in some fortunes it may be seen as the most loving thing to make.

Matthew 7Jesus said ‘ In everything, do to others what you would hold them make to you. ‘

1John 4 Let us love one another for love comes from God

Religious society of friendss Do non value the life of an unborn baby over that of its female parent.

Animal Research

Animals may be used to research all kinds of merchandises and medical specialties. The jurisprudence does non let cosmetics to be tested on animate beings but drugs and family merchandises and chemicals can be. Animals can besides be used to develop remedies and interventions for human unwellness. It is better to make a malignant neoplastic disease in a mouse and perform trials on it than to prove on human existences who have malignant neoplastic disease. It frequently causes great enduring to animate beings.

Those who test on them argue that it means that worlds can be helped significantly as it helps happen out what is good and bad for us by utilizing animate beings in our topographic point.

Oppositions of the proving argue that it does n’t hold much benefit for worlds because animate beings are so different to worlds. They prefer to utilize alternatively of animate beings because no injury is caused. They encourage the 3 R ‘s Replacement of animate beings with computing machine modeling and tissue civilizations, Reduction of animate beings used, Refinement of the hurting caused.

Animals are non made in the image of God but worlds are instructed to look after them as portion of God ‘s creative activity. Christians disagree on whether they should be used in research.

Genesis 1 ‘God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in figure. ‘

Genesis 1 ‘Rule over them and repress them ‘ This could be interpreted as God giving worlds freedom to make what they like with animate beings. It may besides be interpreted as God inquiring Worlds to look after animate beings as stewards of God ‘s creative activity.

The Bible provinces that God cares for animate beings and birds but compares them with how much more he cares for worlds. ‘Not even a sparrow falls to the land without God cognizing. ‘

The church of England: The church recognises the demand for animate beings to be used in certain types of researchaˆ¦ it besides requires responsible stewardship. Animals should have careful and sympathetic intervention.

Roman Catholic church: Every act of irresponsibleness to animate beings is an abomination.

St Francis of Assissi was good known for his love for animate beings.

Islamic attitudes to medical moralss

Holiness of Life

Moslems believe in the holiness of life because they believe that all people are created by Allah and hence have the value that Allah gives them. He is believed to give life and the Quran says that merely he can take it. This gives life sacred value.

Kalifah – the belief that worlds are stewards who have to look after Allah ‘s belongings. Life is seen as a gift from Allah to be looked after on his behalf.

Make non take life – which Allah has made sacred-except for a merely cause. Surah 17

No psyche can of all time decease except by Allah ‘s will. Surah 3

It is Allah who gives lif and Allah who takes it off Surah 45

Quality of Life – The belief that life should be valued based upon its quality. Agony is seen as a bad thing which should be relieved if possible. In some instances it may be seen as more loving and compassionate to forestall a babe from being born which will endure and better to let person who is enduring to stop their life instead than be forced to digest terrible hurting.

Abortion: The calculated expiration of a gestation. In the UK the jurisprudence allows an abortion to take topographic point up to 24 hebdomads of Pregnancy if the babe will endanger the physical or mental wellness of the female parent or of other bing kids in the household. An abortion may besides be permitted if there is a serious abnormalcy or defect in the fetus. This includes Downs Syndrome and Cleft Palate. The adult female must obtain the permission of 2 physicians.

Euthanasia: This is the stoping of a individuals life who is in utmost hurting or is terminally sick. The jurisprudence in the UK does non let a individual to stop their ain life and it does non allow person to assist a individual to decease at the terminal of their life. There are different types of Euthanasia:

Voluntary – The terminally sick patient chooses to decease themselves

Involuntary – A pick is made for the individual to decease without their consent. If they are in a coma for case

Active – Person intentionally acts to do the decease – Internet Explorer gives the individual a drug.

Passive – Person ( normally physicians ) fail to give the individual something they need to maintain them alive – retreating nutrient and liquid or life support from a individual on life support machine

Suicide: The stoping of 1s ain life without the aid of person else.

IVF: ( In vitro fertilization. ) If a twosome is sterile ( unable to hold a babe ) the adult male ‘s sperm and the adult female ‘s egg may be removed and joined together in a research lab to make embryos. Doctors can so infix 2-3 embryos into the adult females womb and if they implant the gestation carries on as normal.

Sometimes the sperm or egg can be donated by another individual. This means that the babe ‘s biological parents are non the same as the parents who bring them up. This means that a individual adult female and tribades can hold a kid through IVF.

Islamic instruction on Abortion

Based mostly on attitude to holiness of life – see above.

‘One Muslim bookman called abortion, ‘a offense against an bing being. ‘

O world we created you out of dust, so out of seed, so out of a bloodsucker like coagulum, so out of a morsel of fleshaˆ¦ we cause whom we will to remain in the uterus for a certain clip, so we bring you out as babiesaˆ¦ ‘ Surah 22

Some Islamic bookmans believe the psyche is given to the fetus at 40 yearss. This is because they believe this transition from Surah 22 describes phases in a fetus life which occur before 40 yearss.

Others believe the psyche is given at 120 yearss because of a Hadith which says Muhammed said this. The point of ensoulment is the point at which the fetus becomes a human in their position.

This means abortion is allowed before ensoulment because before so it is non a homo.

Whoever severs the womb-relationship ties, I will break up my ties with him. Hadith

Make non take life which Allah made sacred except for a merely cause. Surah 17:33 Muslism argue that if the female parent ‘s life is at hazard or she has been raped, this would be a merely cause.

Do non kill your kids for fright or privation. Surah 17:31 This prevents abortion for societal and fiscal grounds.


Cloning is a scientific procedure which involves copying cells so that a new cell is made with the exact DNA of the original.

A human female egg cell has its karyon removed ( the spot with the familial information in it ) . The karyon of an grownup cell is besides removed and placed into the empty egg cell. This forms a cloned fertilized ovum which becomes an embryo. Its familial codification is an exact transcript of the grownup cell which was cloned.

Generative cloning

This has ne’er been done successfully in worlds. If it was, the cloned embryo would be placed in a adult female ‘s uterus and it would be allowed to turn until she gave birth to a cloned kid.

( This procedure has been performed successfully on animate beings – the first 1 was Dolly the Sheep in 1997 )

Curative cloning

This is the attack which uses the cloned embryo for research and medical intents.

– The whole embryo can be used for research

– Its root cells may be harvested to utilize for research or to make new tissues or variety meats for graft.

Stem cells are cells which can be turned into any cell type in the organic structure – e.g. tegument, liver etc Scientists can utilize root cells by promoting them to turn into organic structure tissues that are utile for a individual who needs a graft or replacing. The advantage is that the cloned tissue stuff will non be rejected by the organic structure because it is precisely the same DNA.

Peoples who agree with cloning may state:

It can be used to make new variety meats for people who need grafts. The variety meats would non be rejected by the organic structure and it would get the better of the deficit of givers

The creative activity of cloned embryos could assist our apprehension of how embryos develop

Research on cloned embryos could take to remedies for diseases like cystic fibrosis and assist us understand ageing and unwellnesss associated with old age.

Broad Islamic positions

Allah gave us scientific discipline to assist us happen remedies so utilizing cloning to bring around diseases and salvage lives must be a good thing

Broad Muslims believe that life begins at either 40 yearss or 120 yearss after construct so medical research on cloned embryos would be all right.

Peoples who disagree with cloning may state:

Cloning involves the devastation of many embryos which goes against the holiness of life

Cloned babes would hold jobs with their individuality. A clones familial parents could besides be their grandparents or their brother / sister.

Cloning has many hazards. Dolly the Sheep suffered from several abnormalcies. It is likely that a human ringer would besides endure abnormalcies.

Conservative Islamic positions

It goes against Allah ‘s will as the Quran says merely he has the right to make and take life

It goes against the diverseness of creative activity as Allah made all things different non the same.

It is incorrect to make a life which may hold abnormalcies

An Islamic medical scientific discipline administration said ‘Cloning should non be permitted ‘

The devastation of embryos is against the holiness of life.

It amendss the thought of line of descent because it is non clear what the household relationships are with cloned kids

Islamic instruction on Euthanasia and Suicide

Based mostly on Sanctity of life learning – see notes above.

“ Do non kill ( or destroy ) yourselves, for verily Allah has been to you most Merciful ” Surah 4.

Your Lord decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be sort to your parents. Surah 17

To warn against suicide prophesier Mohammad said: “ Whoever kills himself with an Fe instrument will be transporting it everlastingly in snake pit. Whoever takes toxicant and kills himself will everlastingly maintain sipping that toxicant in snake pit. Whoever jumps off a mountain and kills himself will everlastingly maintain falling down in the deepnesss of snake pit. ”

Prophet Mohammad taught: “ There was a adult male in older times who had an imposition that taxed his forbearance, so he took a knife, cut his carpus and bled to decease. Upon this God said: My topic hastened his terminal, I deny him Eden.

The Islamic Code of Medical Ethics ( 1981 p.67 ) , states: “ In his/her defense mechanism of life, nevertheless, the Doctor is good advised to recognize his bound and non offend it. If it is scientifically certain that life can non be restored, so it is ineffectual to diligently maintain the patient in a vegetive province by heroic agencies or to continue the patient by deep freeze or other unreal methods. It is the procedure of life that the physician aims to keep and non the procedure of deceasing. In any instance, the physician shall non take a positive step to end the patient ‘s life ” .

Islamic instruction on IVF

Having kids v. of import portion of Islamic matrimony.

Sara and Ishba in the Quran were sterile and in both instances Allah cures them of their sterility and allows them to go pregnant

Allah bestows males and females and He leaves bare whom he will. Surah 42

Muhammed had kids with Khadijah his first married woman but none of the other 9.

Some suggest that a manner round a womans sterility is for a adult male to take another married woman. ( he may hold up to 4 )

Some may see sterility as a trial from Allah. They should swear him and they will possibly gestate if Allah permits.

IVF is permitted in Islam

Destroying embryos is non a job as they are n’t seen as human until 40 yearss or 120 yearss

Moslems would non allow sperm, eggs or embryos to be donated to another twosome to assist them hold a babe.

Moslems do n’t be given to hold with individual adult females and tribades holding kids by IVF as it separates holding and raising kids from the Quran ‘s thought of household. ‘Allah has established relationships of line of descent and matrimony. ‘ Surah 25

Islamic instruction on carnal experimentation

Muslims believe Allah attentions for animate beings because the Quran provinces ‘ there is non a animal that lives on the Earth that we did non make. ‘ Surah 6

Muhammed seemed to care for animate beings. He one time put out a fire because an ground forces of emmets was heading towards it.

The Quran encourages the good intervention of animate beings in line with the thought that all worlds are Kalifah ( stewards ) of his creative activity.

For charity shown to each animal which has a wet bosom, there is a wages. Hadith

If you slaughter, slaughter wellaˆ¦ and trim enduring to the animate being he slaughters. Hadith

The Islamic bookman Abd as Salam used Shariah jurisprudence to explicate a measure of rights for animate beings in the thirteenth Century

Human life is considered greater than carnal life so experiments which benefit worlds are permitted but worlds should seek non to do excessively much hurting and agony towards Allah ‘s animals.

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