Challenges have always been present in the lives of individuals. People normally experience such that may either make or break them as individuals. I, for one, have considered heartaches as the greatest challenge that I may encounter in life. I have used these predicaments in making my life more worthwhile. As known to many, business and medicine should never be taken for granted. Much dedication and hard work is needed to earn money and support facilities and health businesses as well. Allotting more budget and more programs in the field of health and medicine will surely be of service to those who are most in need.

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As a young child, I have always been inclined into helping other people. My quest for more knowledge has become more rampant as I grew older. I joined several groups and organizations that would help me increase my knowledge and experiences about my chosen field. If I will have the opportunity to do anything that I want for a month and cost would not be a factor, I will make a big change in the field of health and business. I will not hesitate in risking myself and travel to different health establishments and build partnership with them.

Business is related to Medicine because it ensures the quality of medical professionals and the health care facilities that the health institution has. I believe that more facilities and medicines should be distributed to sick people regardless of what social status they are in. Since cost will not be a factor, I will be generous enough in providing medical assistance to both rich and poor people. I will also send people to other neighboring society and do medical missions. A research in treating incurable diseases will also be done no matter what cost it will take. I believe that investing in such services will gain profit in the future. Health when regained will produce healthy people who will help establish the society once a gain.

I believe that I can make a difference in the society by establishing a more efficient hospital. I will hire people who are flexible and persuasive enough in catering the needs of patients. Professional doctors and other health practitioners will also be given extra trainings and review courses that will develop their skill even more. Knowledge is something that cannot be taken away from you so I will invest on trainings and seminars that will surely contribute to the intellects of my staffs and mine as well.

I know that the aforementioned activities require a big deal of commitment. I believe that having a worry free month will guarantee me success in the field of health and business. The training would be demanding and challenging, yet ultimately rewarding. The little mistakes that are often committed in this field would be given much importance, and improvements would definitely be visible when money is not a problem. I aim to learn and grow and help other people in the best possible ways.


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