There is so much information on the Web, good and bad, finding what we want is not an exact science and can be time consuming, there has been a many time even myself have fallen victim to this. The credibility of source is based on the subject, audience, source of publication, and documentation of supporting evidence.

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Today we have many domains as in . edu – education sites . gov – government sites . org – organization sites . com – commercial sites . net – network infrastructures. There are also many different types of websites for example, Personal sites, Special interest sites, Professional sites, News and Journalistic sites, Commercial sites, and Educational sites. When I was in medical school many papers I had to write the information came from either www. webmd. com, and www. mayoclinic. om though they are dot com sites, they are still a creditable source of information because they not only gives you the information needed.

They have the references, the names of the author, the source, the date written and published, the book, the page and in most cases the exact line. The best example I can give for non-creditable sources are wiki-sites www. wiki. ask. com , www. wikipedia. org , though Wikipedia is a dot org site, like its other counterparts wiki-sites anyone can create an account and change the information at will. There has been may time I took information form wiki as fact and later found it bias based.

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