Human Enhancements

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            Cellular phones, MP4, Portable DVD players and Laptops are some examples of the gadgets made available to the consumers nowadays. The science that has emerged years ago had been an instrument for a number of changes experienced in the world such as the ease in the transportation of some goods that are included in the trade and marketing of countries; instant noodles, sardines and corned beef that are ready for consumption; and some advancements that can actually alter the physical, biochemical and genetic part of a human being. These services could off course bring advantages and disadvantages to some aspects in the society: moral, economical, social, financial, etc.

            The last technological advancement mentioned above tells about the alteration of some features in a human being’s life. Medical studies have given way to the improvement and enhancements in one’s physical being. From the article of Nick Bostrom and Rebecca Roache, human enhancement is defined as the change in the basic characteristic or parameter in a human being. The study and the processes involved to it have been developed long time ago and are predicted to be a growing field of science (2007).  The change in the genetic part of a person is an example of human enhancement. The activity or the notion of undergoing this enhancement brings about a number of questions to the scientists and to the people who will be subjected to this. What may be the ethical reasons behind the inspections and interrogations?

            Typically, a person believes that there is a God who created heaven and Earth and gave humans their very special lives. The Creation is unique and said to be a product of love. With this, many people, especially those in the churches believe that enhancement or alteration of the genes may not be righteous and ethical. It is a passive sign of discontentedness. But what do scientists/doctors tell about human enhancements? Since the life span of the people these years are apparently decreasing, maybe, there is a need to alter genes in order for the coping up mechanism to be very suitable thus making a number of generations multiply generations after generations.

            During a debate stated in the reason magazine, human enhance according from Eric Cohen, a “Yes” with that technology might bring a person to hell given that every body is advised to be contented with what ha been given by God. Ethically, the growth of human enhancement can bring discontentedness to many due to the hopes that whenever is bad about their physical features, there will always be a doctor that will cater the needs for alteration. Vaughan also mentioned that there might not be freedom with a genetically modified brain that will seem to be a programmed apparatus held on top of a man.  The assurance of a safe enhancement is the issue plus the extent of the modification it can give to a person: making a doctor/surgeon a god him/herself.

            In the articles reviewed, there are some who agree with the modern enhancement of the human features but with a limited consent. What should be applied to people are just those essential to their health, not those that will actually change the person they have been built by the Creator.

Works Cited

Bostrom, Nick and Rebecca Roache. (2007). Ethical Issues in Human     Enhancements. [2 December 2008].

Reason Magazine. (January 2006). Who’s Afraid of Human Enhancements? [3           December 2008]. <>

Vaughan. (April 2006). Ethics of Human Enhancement. [3 December 2008].            <>

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