Leadership is the name of providing strategic direction to the organization so that it not only realizes truth about itself about also rise to the test of time to successfully manage itself to achieve its objectives. However, in order to achieve that, leadership has to be visionary in nature with necessary charisma to turn low performance organizations into high performance firms and than to the industry leaders. Current organizations are facing an uphill task of managing themselves against great environmental challenges coming from diverse sources and backgrounds. (Schneider, 2002). Globalization, rapid emergence of new technologies as well as a move towards a market based socioeconomics has increased the choices for the organizations to perform and take a lead from each other. As leadership is considered as non-coercive process of influencing others to get things done in order to achieve the organizational objectives therefore in order to achieve the required degree of high performance, leadership need to be proactive in nature in anticipating the future directions of the business as well as deciding what should be done to achieve the strategic objectives of the firm. (Jago, 1982)

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As a consultant to company X, I believe that the lack of strategic management and visionary leadership in Division A of the company lead to its dismal performance in the past. However, based on my experience as well as emergence of new literature on how to achieve high performance attitude, I am certain that we can turnaround the fortunes of the Division A of the firm.

This research paper will attempt to present a case as to how to improve the performance of the division A through bringing in new culture of high performance.

Role of Leadership
As discussed above that leadership is the foremost defense available to a firm to achieve its objectives and make a transition from a low performance organization to a high performance organization and finally to achieve the status of the industry leadership. In this regard, I would suggest that as a first step to achieve a culture of high performance in this division, I would focus on developing leadership capabilities of the employees working in that division. However, it is also important to understand that leadership has often been labeled as the source of creating a culture of high performance however; my focus would also remain on how to maintain that culture of high performance once we achieve the required degree of high performance within our division. (Trice & Beyer, 1991).

However, it is also critical to discuss that in order to achieve the turnaround in the performance of the division, it is important that I must also understand what it takes to be a high performance leader and what gains could be achieved through creating a culture of high performance. As a leader, my role will also include to make it clear to the persons working in the division as to what potential benefits, division will get if it achieves its targets and create a culture of high performance. It is also important that, the employees working in that department must have a general awareness of the relationship between the performances of their division with their careers. A high performance division would certainly provide them an opportunity to grow and expand their career choices besides gaining an opportunity to rise within the organization also.

Organizational Behavior
In order to achieve the required degree of high performance, it is critical that the organizations must develop a behavior of learning organization. As a consultant to the division, I would ensure that I help create the degree of organizational behavior which encourages using learning and innovation as one of the most important means of achieving the required degree of productivity and high performance. Apart from that, it is also critical to mention that organizational performance depend a lot on the carving out of an attitude which believes in exceeding the expectations and performing the tasks to the fullest level of productivity and efficiency. (Huber, 1991). The so called a culture of knowledge acquisition as one of the means of achieving efficiency and effectiveness in the overall processes of the division would greatly help division to find the gaps between its current performance and the expected level of performance.

Organizational Culture
It is believed that in order to increase the organizational effectiveness, it is believed that leadership shall bring in a culture in organization which advocates the cause of high performance and organizational effectiveness. As a consultant, my aim would be to create an organizational culture within the division which encourages openness, delegation of powers, incentives for high performance, giving a due attention to the individual needs of the employees as well as ensuring that the division has the necessary environment which encourages and supports the high performance culture of merit and efficiency. (Marcoulides & Heck, 1993).

It is believed that in order to bring positive changes in the organizations, it is important that the changes in the structural processes of the organization should take precedence of all the factors. (Hannan, 2003). Thus my priorities would also include making some structural changes within the division so that a fundamental change can be bring into the division to achieve necessary changes into the sturctural functioning of the division so that redundant processes could be discarded. This will also be done in order to focus on the core processes in order to achieve better efficiency and effectiveness by concentrating on those processes only which directly contribute towards the performance of the division.

Collective Trust
Increasing organizational complexities require that a degree of collective trust should be developed to achieve the required level of competitiveness. (Huff & Kelley, 2003). Our priorities to bring high performance culture within this division would therefore also focus on bringing in the required level of collective trust between the individuals so that a culture of teams and collective effort could be developed not only to achieve synergies within the processes but also within the division. In this way, we will not only be able to raise the degree of confidence in the members of division but also would creative a supportive culture within the division to achieve high performance.

In order to bring a culture of high performance within the division, it is important that a culture of trust and high performance, innovation as well as that of acquiring knowledge should be inculcated within the division. This could be achieved through a visionary leadership which focuses on running the show with strategic outlook and perspective.

1.      Hannan, M. T. (2003). Cascading Organizational Change. Organization Science , 14 (5), 463-482.

2.      Huber, G. P. (1991). Organizational Learning: The Contributing Processes and the Literatures. Organization Science , 2 (1), 88-115.

3.      Huff, L., & Kelley, L. (2003). Levels of Organizational Trust in Individualist versus Collectivist Societies: A Seven-Nation Study. Organization Science , 14 (1), 81-90.

4.      Jago, A. G. (1982). Leadership: Perspectives in Theory and Research. Management Science , 28

5.      Marcoulides, G. A., & Heck, R. H. (1993). Organizational Culture and Performance: Proposing and Testing a Model. Organization Science , 4 (2), 209-225.

6.      Schneider, M. (2002). A Stakeholder Model of Organizational Leadership. Organization Science , 13 (2), 209-220.

7.      Trice, H. M., & Beyer, J. M. (1991). Cultural Leadership in Organization. Organization Science , 2 (2), 149-169.


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