Go Green, Go Read Essay Here are some reasons why you should go green, go read. You should go green so you could help the environment stay clean. Not only our environment also other places. Another reason why should go green is so that you can save the earth. You should read. You should read so that you could learn lots of things. Another reason is so that you could get smarter. When you read you may also read facts about going green and why you should read books. You could trade books with your friends so that you could read more. This is not only called sharing it also helps you save some money. Sometimes reading is also entertainment.

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When you see other children reading you suddenly see them laughing/ giggling. That means there was something cool/ entertaining in the book. Watching TV entertains you, but some shows that you watch are just cartoons. You don’t learn anything. And you also wasted power. Reading is important. It is important because it strengthens your knowledge. Reading gives you knowledge of all things because in the school books you can find everything you used to learn how to read and write. It is the only singular ability that can alter and individuals life. Reduce Re-use Recycle. These are the three main topics you may see about going green.

When I was watching TV I heard a very short song of these words. The song goes Reduce Re-use Recycle “cha cha cha. ” Reduce. You should reduce your power turning off the lights when not in need. You could also turn off you air-conditioner when it’s not really a hot day. Re-use. You should re-use your bottles. You could re-use your bottles once or twice. You could also use your clothes again. If they don’t fit you right give them to the poor. Recycle. You should recycle your cans. Gather all the cans in one or more bags and recycle them. Recycle paper such as phone books. Collect as much phone books and give them to your school.

You should recycle so that you could help save the earth. You could recycle so their won’t be much pollution on earth. You shouldn’t pollute the air so there would be enough air so there would be enough air to breathe into our lungs. You hear the word recycling or going green many times through the years. It is such an important environmental issue and yet not much is done about this issue. Recycling can help the environment and we the creatures all around the world. Going green is a really fun thing to do. As always going green is fun because you get to plant trees. Reading is a fun activity to learn.

Because when you look through the pages you thing it is boring. When you try reading it you’ll think its to short. If you ever NEVER heard the word “go green” then the people of earth would be suffering these day. If you never read anything about you wouldn’t really be really smart as you think you are. In my experience is a fun thing to do. And I also know this because I am in a club about going green. Our officers planned to go camping. I hope it will be fun. To those who think going green is boring they are missing everything. Pauline David G-105 5th Grade UPI Elementary School D. O. B 10/2/1998 Alberto and Teresita David Tel: 653-8470

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