Was Abby’s costing of the special order correct and accurate; and what impact will George and Josh’s conversation have on Abby’s previous order? * The ethical issues Abby has to face when George requests that the special order for Breeland Ltd. Be forwarded without the revised costing due to Josh’s new order. * The time constraint Abby’s has to accurately compose a new costing order for Breeland Ltd. In wake of Josh’s order. The major issue in this case was the ethical dilemma between Abby and George.

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Abby should contact Tom Brennan, the chief operating officer and inform him of George’s request to not contact Breeland in regards to revising the price quote. Although, Abby may be labelled a whistle blower among her peers and her supervisor which in turn could lead to negative career aspirations within Ace Fertilizer. What recommendations did you provide? Why? I recommended that Abby disclose the secondary quote to Tom in order to update the original price to Breeland Ltd. Not disclosing this information is unethical as Ace Fertilizer would be over charging one of their customers.

This practice could negatively affect the relationship with Breeland Ltd. and the company’s overall image. Further Abby should Did you agree with the recommended solution? Why or why not? Yes I agreed with the recommendation offered in the solution because it addresses the ethical issues involved with the case such as; confidentiality, full disclosure and the intention of the policy. Further, not presenting the information in regards to the additional quote to Tom Brennen may tarnish the relationship between Ace Fertilizer and Breeland as well as tarnish the company’s image as a firm that practices unethically.

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