Throughout the course I have begun to achieve a better understanding of the social, cultural, religious and economic characteristics of these different groups. I have learned that minority groups have struggled and experienced many injustices throughout history. They have fought and will continue to fight to ensure that all people are treated equally. These lessons have opened up my eyes to let me see in a different perspective. I have been educated on the treatment of our minority groups and have become more aware of how I act and speak with people of different groups.

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I have learned that I need to communicate with all people no matter if they are different than me. I am catholic and know that there are many other religious groups but I did not realize how many existed until I took this class. An interesting fact that I learned was that Buddhism and Hinduism are quite similar in the instance that they are less of a religion and more of a philosophy way of life. We as a society must learn to coexist and accept one another and value what each of us can bring to the table and enrich each other lives.

What will the U. S. population look like in the year 2050? The year 2050 is a long time form now and just like the past has changed a great deal so will the future. Trends in immigration will continue to shape the demographics of the United States. The United States is growing larger, older and becoming more racially and ethnically diverse as the years pass which will help shape the future population. On a daily basis people find different ways to immigrate to the US which has a huge effect on the population as well as the economy.

The Census Bureau has estimated that the population will increase by 48% in the 2050. Hispanic Americans, who accounted for more than half of all U. S. population growth from 2000-2009 and about 16 percent of the overall population, will still be the second-largest racial/ethnic group in the country. However, Latinos will have for a much larger share of the population in 2050, possibly more than one-third of the total (Summerfield 2011). The population of the United States at the mid-century mark will have been shaped by major demographic shifts that are already underway, according to Dr.

William H. Frey, a demographer and senior fellow with the Brookings Institution, a Washington, D. C. -based public policy organization (Summerfield 2011). The population growth in the year 2050 will depend on how many opportunities our nation will decide to offer to refugees and immigrants. The United States is a nation that is known to help many other people from other countries so it highly likely that the US will extend many opportunities. I have to say that change is never easy and will be a challenge all on its own.

There will be many challenges that the United States will face to the diversity of people that make the communities within it. People must become educated on the laws and the government system in the United States. I believe that we need to learn to be more tolerant of other people and their cultures which will surely help the United States strive to be a culturally diverse country with minimal discrimination and hate crimes or possibly eliminate it all together. There are many benefits of being a diverse society that people may overlook because they are afraid of change.

Being a diverse society allows us to learn about other people and their cultures. Diversity can enrich our lives due to the many different resources and talents that everyone can share with each other. By learning and understanding everyone we can end the violence that is caused by our inability to accept everyone because of our differences. Our lives would be dull and boring if everyone was exactly the same. The media plays a huge part on the way society views and perceives people on a daily basis.

Unfortunately the media continues to choose to display and portray the stereotyping of people which we in turn believe and accept as the norm. The media and newspaper tend to always portray the black man as armed and dangerous and usually put them at fault. In movies people of color are usually seen as criminals and drug dealers. Since the 9/11 attacks on the United States the media have kept reporting that the Muslims were dangerous and deadly people. Our society has begun to see and believe that all Muslims are and will always be terrorist.

By reporting in a negative manner the media continues to cause strain amongst racial groups which is the cause of people stereotyping and prejudice regarding ethnic groups. The media should try and focus more on the positive things that happen through the world. Focusing on the social and cultural gatherings that take place in society that show unity within the community can help us teach other that being different from one another is not wrong. How do we as was a society work together to get rid the world of prejudice and spread the appreciation of diversity?

We have to first work on ourselves as individuals and then we can begin to change the world. As a society we must acknowledge that prejudice still exists today. We must then openly discuss the subject and discuss all the information without placing blame on one group. The main thing that an individual can do to help reduce prejudice and discrimination is to become well educated on the different ethnic groups that create the different communities that exist. Joining a support group or organization can help a person achieve this goal.

We must learn to love ourselves, listen to people without judgment and genuinely care about each other. I have to admit that I have learned a few new things about my racial, ethnic and cultural history. Taking this class has helped me to remember what I did learn in that past and served as a course to help refresh my memory. It has also helped me to respect and be thankful to all my ancestors of the past that have made it possible for me to live such a wonderful life in the United States.

This course has helped me to develop an interest in learning about the different cultures Asians, African Americans and Native American and every other group that exist. Since taking this course I have begun to look at myself as an individual and have come to understand that I am not perfect. I am guilty of discrimination and stereotyping people in the past and at times in the present. I don’t do it to an extent that I commit hate crimes or try and instill by beliefs on people, but that still does not make it right. I have learned to be opened minded and to accept everyone for who they are.

I can help myself grow as a person by practicing the many lessons that I learned through the course in my everyday life. I will also teach my children and possibly the older members of my family that discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping exist but are wrong. I will teach them that everyone is human and should be treated equal. Joining organizations or participating in social activities that help promote equality will also help ensure that I as an individual can help change or look at our diverse society as a positive one.

The United States is a country that has overcome many obstacles and experiences that have made it what it is today, a great nation. This is why so many people chose to leave their country and fulfill their dreams here. It all comes back to a common saying that people need to incorporate in their lives, “treat people like you want to be treated”. References Summerfield, B. October 17, 2011. What Will America Look Like in 2050. National Association of Realtors. http://speakingofrealestate. blogs. realtor. org. retrieved July 6, 2012.

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