These groups include NAACP, SNCC, and CORE. The NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, states that is purpose is “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination” (NAACP).

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Anne first hears of the NAACP while she is still a young and knows that it is forbidden where she lives in Mississippi. Hearing about the group, she wonders how they could get rid of the racial inequalities around her. Never the less, knowing that the group is blacklisted in rural Mississippi, she joins the NAACP while in college. Despite her mother and families pleas to quit, she continues on with the challenge of civil rights and ignores the warnings from the local sheriff that by joining the group would mean trouble for her and her family.

While at college, she also participated in a sit-in with SNCC, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. The SNCC played major roles in sit-ins and freedom rides throughout the South and also lead many voter registration drives in the South. Later, she works for CORE, Congress of Racial Equality, an organization that was the target of numerous violent and death threats. CORE was founded on the base of Krishna lal Sheridan’s book, War Without Violence, which outlined Gandhi’s steps on how to organizing people and participating in a non-violent campaign against your opponents.

After a long time working for CORE, Anne determines that the groups have been ineffective towards the movement, focusing on all the wrong things. Moody says that “nonviolence is out” after the bombing in Birmingham, Alabama and it seems that the non-violent way of fighting is not working for the African Americans in gaining their civil rights (Moody 318). But I would have to disagree with that notion. The use of a non-violent movement was a very smart plan.

By doing this, I think JFK was able to back his promises of civil rights and help the African Americans in achieving them. Where as, if they did totally avoid the non-violent movement and made it a violent one, not only could the government not help them, but there could have been a war in the South or even another Civil War like time in America. Though unlikely any of that would or could have happened, the use of the non-violent attack was a very well thought out strategic move.

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