They made rice as peasants and fought as soldiers against the mongols and other invading tribes around China. Higher-class citizens, such as merchants, sold various items, like food or pottery, to people. Noblemen were wealthy and wore silken robes and golden ties. Then there was the imperial court, in the forbidden city. It’s importance in society is demonstrated through it’s vibrant colors, artwork, architecture, design and beauty. The emperors chambers are still aligned with Polaris, the north star, which represents “heaven” in mythology. It is legend that the building has 9,999 doors and entrances, because only the land of the divine can have 10,000. It took only 3 years to build it, with the help of hard labor from thousands of slaves and laborers, who were only out of shackles when they were working, and had to do it round the clock. But the emperors efforts to construct it so fast brought the end of the Ming dynasty. They also built the great wall, and the grand northern capitol of Beijing.

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