1 Explain the nature of the temblor: beginning and strength. And 2 History of temblors.

The temblor had a magnitude of 8.8, which is even bigger than the temblor that hit Haiti in January. The temblor originated at the boundary between the South American and Nazca home bases, which are located at Chili ‘s west seashore.

These two home bases slide following to each other while the Nazca home base is traveling to the E. At the same clip, the Nazca home base is being thrust down by the South American home base. This causes temblors.

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The old large temblor at this location in Chili took topographic point long clip ago, in 1835. It was even measured by Darwin. During this motion, the home bases can acquire stuck. Then they need a batch of energy to be collected at that point, to put the two home bases free once more. The energy sum differs harmonizing to the home base state of affairs. We know that the old temblor was a hundred old ages ago, so the sum of energy was highly high. All of this energy was released in merely a few seconds. The consequence: a really strong temblor.

After the temblor, the home bases are released. The immense sum of energy caused the home bases to do a large move. The metropolis Concepcion, one of the biggest metropoliss in Chili, has moved 3.04 metres to the West. The capital of Chili, Santiago has moved 27,7 centimetre to the West and even Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentini & A ; euml ; , four centimetres to the West.

So the energy was lifting and lifting at the point where the Nazca home base was blocked from traveling farther on to the E. At this point, energy was being stored up. This leaded to the large temblor, taking topographic point at the 27th of February 2010.

This procedure is besides called subduction, the heavy pelagic home base that moves under the lighter Continental home base. The Nazca home base is here the pelagic home base and the South American home base the Continental 1.

Subduction happens at a batch of topographic points in the universe, another illustration of subduction is North America. There, the Juan de Fucaplate honkytonks under North-American home base. This motion can be the ground for a mountain scope to arise, in Chili is subduction the account for the Andes mountains.

The orange circles show the aftershocks from the temblor of February, the ruddy 1s represent of import historical temblors ( like the 1s in 1920 and 1960 ) and the xanthous star shows where the epicentre of the temblor in February took topographic point.

3 Why yes/no a opportunity to tsunamis with the temblor?

Yes there is a batch of opportunity for tsunamis after temblors. This because of the home bases, raising up the sea-bed and so removing dozenss of H2O. This H2O spreads out from the epicentre of the temblor ( which is frequently located in the sea ) and arrives at land as a tsunami. These moving ridges have mammoth velocities that even reach some hundred stat mis an hr. This means that these tsunamis need merely 10 hours to go the Pacific. Another Chili temblor in 1960 brought a immense tsunami on, which reached Japan merely twenty hours subsequently.

The harm in Chili was utmost: foremost the large temblor, so the ( small ) 1s following the first and so the tsunami destructing everything on its manner.

In the sea the moving ridges do n’t look so large, but when they manage to get at the seashores, the moving ridges slow down because of the H2O deepness that is diminishing. This causes the moving ridge amplitude to increase: with the tremendous tsunamis as effect.

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