Faierstein, Morris. Why do the Scribes Say That Elijah Must Come First? Journal of Biblical Literature. 100.1 ( 1981 ) , pp. 75-86. Print.

This resource would be critical for research as it looks at the contention environing Elijah ‘s accession to heaven and its significance. It provides a different attack to the apprehension of some of the most critical events environing Elijah ‘s life.

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Penninger, Harold. Walking with God. New York: Teach Services, Inc. , 1996. Print.

Elijah ‘s narrative is good explored by the writer of this book ; Harold Penninger. Although the writer discusses in deepness the experiences of some of the icons in the Bible who, as the writer puts it “ followed in the Gods footfalls ” , the Elijah ‘s narrative is good explored in two parts ; Part I and Part II giving the reader a vivid penetration into his life and plants ( Penninger 51 ) .

The writer stirs involvement into this narrative by citing of import events both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament which would trip any serious bible pupil to look into the life of Elijah. First, he quotes that he appeared in the New Testament during the Transfiguration of Jesus, and secondly, Elijah is among the few people in the Bible who were taken from this universe before seeing decease. Among other events environing Elijah ‘s decease, the author looks into all including his miracles, his battle with King Ahab and the rise of Baal. Of the controversial facets about Elijah, the author points out the position of the bible pupils who view him as a paradigm of toilet the Baptist. The description the bible gives sing Elijah fits about the same as the description given for John the baptism ( Penninger 57 ) . Part II of the Elijah ‘s narrative gives chiefly the brushs of Elijah and the Baal Prophetss and King Ahab.

This book would be rather utile for anyone making research work as it non merely explores Elijah ‘s life, but it is besides provides a critical reappraisal raising of import penetrations which might be utile for deeper apprehension.

Wood, Norman. Bible Fictional characters for Your Weekly Bible Study. Virginia: Weekly Bible Study Resources. 2010. Web.

This is a Christian web site intended to assist readers of the bible in bible survey. It does non give an overview of Elijah ‘s life or work but is instead specific to some facets of his life. Although based on the Bible ‘s Bibles, this beginning gives broad information sing Elijah and Elisha and some of the inside informations from the historical books non needfully included in the bible. It besides explores other facets of the Israel civilization as mentioned in other Bibles which would be really good for any reader seeking to understand the bible well ( Wood A¶ 21 ) . For case, Elisha asked for a dual part from Elijah as he was approximately to go to heaven. This was harmonizing to the Israel traditions where the male parent gave the first born boy dual portion of his ownerships since he was supposed to be the replacement as mentioned and elaborated earlier in Deuteronomy. This website reveals much about Elijah ‘s relationship with Elisha and the events environing the sequence of Elijah ‘s work.

The fact that this beginning references and quotation marks stuffs from other beginnings and other authors including published documents and diaries like “ Christian Science Sentinel ” and “ Christian Science Journal ” makes it an ideal stuff for anyone making research undertaking on the subject ( Wood A¶ 21 ) . It does non concentrate on simply researching Elijah ‘s work and life, but seeks to convey out the best apprehension of Elijah as a individual and as a prophesier clearly construing all the enigmas and events environing his work. Elisha, being his replacement is besides mentioned and their interaction detailed clearly. The reader is non merely additions accounts, but is besides allowed to believe, see and dispute to reconsider his/her base and apprehension.

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