Ulrich Zwingli ( 1484-1531 ) was a outstanding, yet frequently overlooked, reformer who God used in malice of his moral failures to foster the reformation in Switzerland and to supply a house foundation for the evangelical community today. Zwingli has been referred to as the ‘third adult male ‘ in the Reformation. “ Indeed, one might even name him the ‘forgotten adult male ‘ of the Reformation. ”[ 1 ]However, his function as the original reformist in Switzerland was nil less than dominant. Zwingli ‘s work in with the metropolis authorities of Zurich paved the manner for John Calvin ‘s work in Geneva, and his philosophies carried equal weight with that of his modern-day, Martin Luther. We as the Evangelical community have and will still profit from larning about life, full with errors, and philosophy of Ulrich Zwingli.

Zwingli was born in Toggenburg, Switzerland in 1484 the same twelvemonth as Luther.[ 2 ]As a kid born in the peasant state of Switzerland, Zwingli apparently did non hold much chance for illustriousness ; nevertheless, even as a kid, God ‘s manus guided Zwingli. Zwingli was a talented instrumentalist and captured the eyes of the attending of his uncle who ensured that he was afforded an instruction. Zwingli about became a monastic to learn music because he was so talented ; alternatively, he was afforded to go on his instruction. During his secondary instruction, Zwingli learned Latin and showed great promise for farther instruction. Zwingli continued his instruction at the University of Vienna and the University of Basel. In 1506, he attained his Masters of Humanistic disciplines at St. Martin ‘s school. It was during this clip that Zwingli attained some theological preparation by Thomas Wyttenbach. “ For it was under the influence of Wyttenbach that Zwingli was set on the way which lead to the two central philosophies of the domination of Holy Scripture and justification by grace and religion. ”[ 3 ]

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In 1506, Zwingli took a place as the priest of the town of Glarus and began his clerical responsibilities. Zwingli would pass the following 10 old ages in Glarus. It was in Glarus where Zwingli would be exposed to Swiss soldier of fortunes, including those who worked for the Catholic Pope. Glarus and the environing countries provided a figure of soldier of fortunes around Europe as a stable portion of their economic system. In 1512, Zwingli was commissioned as a chaplain for the pontificate with the Swiss soldier of fortunes who afforded travel and citation with the pontificate. It was during his travels around the imperium that Zwingli began to detect the corruptness of the Catholic Church. This period was besides the first clip that Zwingli wielded weaponries in conflict which would finally bode ruin. Besides during this period of clip, Zwingli began correspondence with Erasmus which would turn out to be a accelerator in his divinity. In 1513, he taught himself Greek in order to analyze the New Testament translated by Erasmus. Zwingli so began an intense three twelvemonth survey of the New Testament. Zwingli “ invariably referred back to this period as the clip when he won through to an evangelical apprehension of the Holy Scripture. ”[ 4 ]This was a period of continued survey and the formation of Zwingli ‘s divinity. “ He wholeheartedly received Erasmus ‘ Grecian New Testament in 1516, and his survey of it and reading of the beginnings inclined him toward an Erasmian ( belief based on the Word of God ) doctrine of Christ. ”[ 5 ]

Zwingli left Glarus to take a place in Einsiedeln in 1516. He became so critical of the Catholic Church that his going from Glarus might non hold been wholly voluntary. Einsiedeln was the “ site of a celebrated shrine to the Virgin ”[ 6 ]where people from all over would pilgrimage. It was in Einsiedeln that Zwingli began to elaborate on his evangelical inclinations and began to interrupt from traditional mass and preach discourses from his reading of the New Testament. Einsiedeln afforded Zwingli more clip to analyze the New Testament and allowed him to replace the traditional topical instruction of the Catholic Church with expoundings of the Gospels. Zwingli ‘s repute grew within the part, “ fixing the manner for the spread of evangelical instruction in the other Guangzhous. ”[ 7 ]“ For two old ages, 1516-1518, Zwingli concentrated on the Bible and found more mistake with Roman Catholicism. ”[ 8 ]

In 1518, Zwingli ‘s character and repute was good known and he accepted a place as the Great Minister ( Grossmunster ) in Zurich. Zwingli instantly transitioned to expository sermon. “ By agencies of market-day discourses he was besides able to make the state people who came in from the environing territories. ”[ 9 ]“ In his discourses, [ Zwingli preached ] a uninterrupted and consistent expounding of Bible. ”[ 10 ]The people of Zurich heard the expounding of the Gospel in their native lingua and the good intelligence of the Scriptures spread among the people of Zurich. In the autumn of 1519, Zurich experienced the pestilence. Zwingli remained faithful, yet he excessively contracted the pestilence. Ultimately Zwingli would be sparred, yet non before he acknowledged God as crowned head over all things in this universe. For Zwingli that was a ‘divine seal ‘ on his life.

“ God was watching over His work and designed to speed up it. Strong in frame, in character, and in endowments, Zwingli, whose defect consisted in this strength, was destined to see it prostrated, that he might go such an instrument as God loves. He needed the baptism of hardship and frailty, of failing and hurting. Zwingli was appointed to have it by being brought into contact with illness and decease. ”[ 11 ]

This became a specifying event in his life. Zwingli, holding faced his ain mortality, became focused on reforming work.

From 1522-1531 Zwingli wrote legion literary plants and requests to the people of Zurich and the bishop of Constance seeking reform in a figure of countries including the Lenten fasting, Mass, clerical celibacy, the Lord ‘s Supper and Baptism. “ Outward reform in Zurich began in 1522 with Zwingli ‘s vigorous prophesying against Lenten fasts and regulations. ”[ 12 ]Zwingli took his requests past the Bishop of Constance to the Zurich metropolis council and “ received a opinion from the council that henceforth all spiritual imposts should be based on the pure Word of God. ”[ 13 ]In 1523, Zwingli engaged in a series of arguments with the Confederacy of Catholic Guangzhous and the Bishop of Constance for which he drew up his Sixty-seven Articles.

By the twelvemonth 1524, the reforming motion was non merely steadfastly underway in Zurich but it had begun to hold its consequence in other metropoliss and Guangzhous.[ 14 ]Zwingli had to support evangelical instruction against the Catholic Church ‘s most successful vindicator, Dr. Eck. It was after this argument that the Catholic Church decreed against Zwingli and his evangelical reform. Upon this opinion, Zwingli made Zurich the “ centre or spearhead of the motion and Zwingli its recognized ecclesiastical and theological leader. ”[ 15 ]

In 1529, the Catholic Church prohibited all evangelical groups. Zwingli began to experience the force per unit area from the environing Catholic Guangzhous. This led Zwingli to seek out support from Luther and the Lutherans. Luther agreed to run into Zwingli in Marburg for what became known as the Colloquy of Marburg. “ The meeting was a catastrophe. ”[ 16 ]Zwingli needed the confederation with Luther to be successful against the five Catholic Guangzhous which posed a menace to the Swiss Reformation. “ The inflexibleness of Luther destroyed from the beginning all possibility of existent brotherhood, although Zwingli himself felt that adequate had been done at any rate to give the Emperor intermission in his aggressive designs. ”[ 17 ]“ However, Zwingli, as he knew, was the existent also-ran. The failure of a general evangelical confederation coincided with this failure to transport all Switzerland with him. ”[ 18 ]

Protestant confederations began to fall apart at the Diet of Augsburg in 1531 when some Protestant Guangzhous severed confederations with Zurich in stead of self saving. In 1531, a weakened Zurich confederation met its licking and Zwingli met his death in the Fieldss of Kappel on October 11, 1531. The Five Catholic Cantons or Forest Cantons defeated Zurich. The decease of Zwingli and peace agreement which followed put a arrest to the Swiss reformation among the German speech production Guangzhous.

Zwingli ‘s strength was in his daring of spirit which should be emulated ; nevertheless, there are facets and incidents that riddle the life of Zwingli that should non be followed. Zwingli ‘s life contains incidents of questionable sexual morality every bit good as two incidents of hapless judgement.

In 1522, Zwingli petitioned the Bishop Hugo von Hohenlandenburg of Constance refering clerical celibacy while opposing Lenten fasting. The esthesis of this event was that Zwingli had been populating with a widow by the name of Anna Reinhart. There was an effort to maintain their relationship secret ; nevertheless, it “ was the worst kept secret in the metropolis. Three months before the birth of their first kid, Anna left the place of her dead first hubby to populate openly with Zwingli. ”[ 19 ]Zwingli was so resolute in so many of his actions that it appears out of character for him to maintain his matrimony a secret ; if so, he had antecedently married. However, Zwingli “ feared that his utility in the church would be paralyzed if his matrimony were made public. ”[ 20 ]In 1524, Zwingli conducted an “ official matrimony with Anna Reinhard. ”[ 21 ]The official public matrimony of Anna and Ulrich took topographic point over two old ages after their alleged ‘secret ‘ matrimony. Most histories seem generous to Zwingli and indicate that the twosome might hold in secret married anterior to Zwingli ‘s request ; nevertheless, they do non keep Zwingli ‘s character in this country to be above reproach. Zwingli ‘s moral character with regard to his sexual behaviour would non be a theoretical account that a current evangelical curate should adhere.

Zwingli ‘s most flagitious oversight in judgement occurred in his traffics with the Anabaptists ( re-baptizers ) in Zurich known as the Swiss Brethren. The Swiss Brethren started in Zurich from some of Zwingli ‘s most sincere followings, including Conrad Grebel. “ Dissatisfaction with Zwingli ‘s policies prompted the chief beginning of the Anabaptists, a group of New Testament Christians who rejected the established church and its ties with sovereignty of province in favour of voluntaryism and single liberty in faith. ”[ 22 ]Aside from single spiritual freedom, the major spliting point between Zwingli and the Anabaptist was infant baptism. Grebel had studied under Zwingli who had taught all his followings to be intensely reliant upon the Word of God. Grebel and his followings felt that Zwingli was deviating from his ain instruction refering infant baptism. Since no specific instance of infant baptism can be referenced, they were utilizing Christ ‘s illustration of baptism after transition as their templet. “ On January 21, 1525 at the fountain that stood in the square in Zurich Grebel baptized Blaurock, who so did the same for several others. ”[ 23 ]“ Konrad Grebel and his circle had parted company with Zwingli after the grownup baptisms in January 1525. ”[ 24 ]There were continued arguments between Zwingli and Grebel refering baptism.

Grebel became “ convinced that infant baptism was non scripturally justifiable, that baptism was simply a symbol as Zwingli had preached that baptismal regeneration of babies was hence a contradiction, and that Zwingli was non following his ain scriptural pronouncement, they declared that baptism could be decently administered merely to grownups who freely believed the Gospel. This threatened the delicate brotherhood of church and province that Zwingli had learned to pull strings. He feared fiddling with infant baptism would elicit hostility that could undo the full reform. ”[ 25 ]

“ Zwingli quarreled with Grebel over the theological deduction of his philosophy of baptism which Lent towards freewill ; in 1526 there began the persecution which was to be the chief history of the Anabaptist religious orders. Imprisonment, expatriate and drowning scattered the quickly increasing figure of the Swiss Brethren, until Zurich could claim to hold stamped out the motion in its first place. ”[ 26 ]

Zwingli ‘s authorization over the metropolis of Zurich can non be underscored more decidedly. Zurich had a metropolis council ; nevertheless, Zwingli ‘s influence was more than merely an ordinary voice. Zwingli and the council began to cover badly with the Anabaptists. “ On 7 March 1526 came the ill-famed authorization that ‘henceforth in our metropolis, district and vicinity, no adult male, adult female, or maiden shall rebaptise another ; whoever shall make so shall be arrested by authorization and after proper judgement shall without entreaty be put to decease by submerging. ‘ ”[ 27 ]After continued Anabaptist activity in Zurich, the metropolis council evoked a prohibition on all Anabaptists and drove them out of the metropolis. The Anabaptists refused to be put out and continued to ‘re-baptize ‘ throughout the Guangzhou. One peculiar Anabaptist, Felix Manz/Mantz, was arrested in Zurich for his riotous behaviour. “ Bing resolved to do an illustration, it [ the authorities of Zurich ] condemned Manz to be drowned. ”[ 28 ]“ On 5 January 1527 a little boat transporting Felix Mantz put out from the left bank of the Limmat ( river ) in sight of the Zurich Rathaus ( metropolis hall ) aˆ¦ his custodies were tied and he was lowered into the clear H2O by a rope and left to drownaˆ¦ He was therefore the first Baptist sufferer. ”[ 29 ]Again, Zwingli was highly influential over the metropolis council in Zurich. To province that Zwingli could non hold intervened would be in mistake. Zwingli ‘s intervention of the Anabaptist was gross hapless judgement and earned him the ill fame as the first Protestant to set to decease another Protestant. “ To protect his sheep, Zwingli erroneously thought, the metropolis must handle the Anabaptists as wolves among the flock of God. ”[ 30 ]

Switzerland during the clip of Zwingli ‘s early priesthood had been known throughout Europe as an undefeatable force and its soldier of fortunes were often hired by the Hapsburgs and the pontificate likewise to implement their foreign policy. “ Switzerland mattered in the universe because it supplied some of the finest military personnels available to the greater powers. ”[ 31 ]Mercenaries were an industry and beginning of gross for the Swiss provincials. Zwingli ‘s first exposure would enchant him and take him for a short clip to be the chaplain for the soldier of fortunes working for the Pope. For Zwingli, taking up the blade was natural and justifiable in his head. “ In October of 1531, the five Catholic Guangzhous joined in a surprise onslaught on Zurich. ”[ 32 ]The metropolis of Zurich mounted a force against the Catholic Guangzhous, and “ with them rode Zwingli on a Equus caballus, as voluntary and non as ground forces chaplain, with a all right but really unclerical halberd over his shoulder. He wanted a lasting colony. ”[ 33 ]“ Zwingli, who had gone into conflict armed and ready, as a soldier, as he thought, for Christ, was himself killed. ”[ 34 ]For Zwingli, the idea of contending for the Reformation was so natural ; nevertheless, as Matthew 26:52 provinces “ for all who draw the blade will decease by the blade. ” “ If the might of God ever accompanied the might of adult male, what would he hold done for the Reformation in Switzerland, and even in the imperium. But Zwingli had wielded an arm that God had forbidden. His organic structure was no more than a smattering of dust in the thenar of a soldier. ”[ 35 ]Albeit, an statement could be made that Zwingli was justified in his actions in the Fieldss of Kappel, the terminal consequence was that the Swiss Reformation was badly hampered by his loss. Zwingli ‘s determination to battle has been profoundly debated, yet God has continued to utilize Zwingli despite his decease. Looking at Zwingli ‘s errors and parts, we see that Zwingli is still lending even today.

Zwingli lives through his parts to the Reformation and to the evangelical community today. Zwingli was born two months after Luther and in many ways his divinity convergences and analogues that of Luther. “ Ulrich Zwingli had no communicating with Martin Luther. There was no uncertainty a linking nexus between these two work forces, but we must non look for it upon Earth ; it was from above. He, who from heaven gave the truth to Luther, gave it to Zwingli besides. ”[ 36 ]There is no denying the Hand of God in the parallel disclosures between Zwingli and Luther. Both were influenced from opposite terminals of the spectrum. Erasmus ‘ humanistic influence carried Zwingli straight back to the beginning – the Word of God. Likewise, Luther began his journey within the Scripture, yet “ even before holding heard of Luther ‘s instructions, [ Zwingli ] had come to similar decisions through his survey of the Bible. Thus, Zwingli ‘s reformation was non a direct consequence of Luther ‘s ; instead, it was a parallel motion that shortly established links with its opposite number in Germany. ”[ 37 ]The two theologists seemed to be separated merely by distance – Zwingli in Switzerland and Luther in Germany. “ ‘I began to prophesy the Gospel, ‘says Zwingli, ‘in the twelvemonth of grace 1516, that is to state, at a clip when Luther ‘s name had ne’er been heard in this state. It is non from Luther that I learnt the philosophy of Christ, but from the Word of God. ‘ ”[ 38 ]“ ‘Luther preaches Christ, he does what I am making, ‘ said the sermonizer of Zurich. ‘Those whom he has brought to Christ are more legion than those whom I have led. But this matters non. I will bear no other name than that of Christ, whose soldier I am, and who entirely is my head. ‘ ”[ 39 ]Some of Luther ‘s most noteworthy doctrinal points are Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide. Zwingli besides, paralleled Luther and supported those thoughts as the primacy of his philosophy. With regard to Sola Scriptura, “ ‘It is to Christ, ‘ said Zwingli, ‘that I desire to take you ; to Christ, the true beginning of redemption. His Divine Word is the lone nutrient that I wish to put before your Black Marias and psyches. ‘ ”[ 40 ]Zwingli was profoundly dependent upon the Word of God, holding been self taught in Greek and Hebrew for the intents of analyzing the original manuscripts. Zwingli besides came to a steadfast apprehension of Sola Fide. “ All those who today affirm the philosophies of justification by religion entirely, the priesthood of all trusters, and the exclusive authorization of Scripture will readily admit their debt to Zwingli. ”[ 41 ]In his work, The Exposition of the Faith, Zwingli states that “ The agencies by which justification is applied to the person is salvaging religion, that religion which is non simply rational acquiescence, but a motion of the whole nature by the direct action of the Holy Spirit. ”[ 42 ]

With all of their similarities, we must admit that Luther and Zwingli were besides really different. Luther ‘s Ninety-five Thesiss have frequently been given domination over Zwingli ‘s Sixty-seven Articles, yet the intent of the two paperss was independent. Luther ‘s Ninety-five Theses was an onslaught on the institutional patterns of the Catholic Church. Zwingli ‘s Sixty-seven Articles was a defence of his evangelical patterns. Classically, both are viewed as apologetics ; nevertheless, Zwingli ‘s papers was a series of doctrinal statements. In January 1523, the Catholic governments called for Zwingli to give an history of his philosophy and his instructions before the Great Council. Prior to the Great Council, Zwingli prepared and published his Sixty-seven Thesiss.

“ All those who maintain that the Gospel is nil without the verification of the church, blaspheme God. Jesus Christ is the lone manner of redemption for all those who have been, who are, or who shall be. All Christians are Christ ‘s brethren, and brethren of one another, and they have no male parent upon Earth: therefore orders, religious orders, and parties fall to the land. We should non restrain those who will non admit their mistake, unless they disturb the public peace by their incendiary behaviour. Such were some of Zwingli ‘s propositions. ”[ 43 ]

Zwingli and Luther had greater differences in philosophy than merely the minor differences between their theses and articles. The Marburg Colloquy still stands as the pinnacle of their differing philosophy. From the foundational point of view ; nevertheless, they agreed. “ Luther and Zwingli both regarded transubstantiation as an unscriptural piece of priestly charming, but their ain positions of the Eucharist differed widely. ”[ 44 ]For Zwingli, “ alternatively of transubstantiation, he held that the elements were strictly symbolic and commemorating. ”[ 45 ]Luther laid emphasis on Christ ‘s words that “ This is My organic structure. ” Luther, hence, “ felt compelled to believe in a existent presence ” of Christ. Luther viewed that the ‘is ‘ would be the existent presence of Christ, while Zwingli held that the ‘is ‘ should be interpreted as ‘signifies ‘ .[ 46 ]The celebrated exchange has been noted as a hapless illustration of via media between trusters and unluckily it had a profoundly damaging impact on the Swiss Reformation. Cooperation, non needfully compromise, should be come-at-able between all true trusters.

As mentioned antecedently, Zwingli ‘s work continued after his decease. We should non dismiss the profound impact that Zwingli had on non merely the Swiss Reformation, but the Reformation proper and even on the Evangelical community today. Zwingli paved the manner for Luther and Calvin likewise in the Reformation. As celebrated, Zwingli provided verification to Luther ‘s philosophy ; nevertheless, more practically, Zwingli battled the Catholic Church from a venue that allowed Luther freedom from physical subjugation by the Catholic Church. The physical conflict was in Switzerland and non Germany. By the clip that the Catholic Church had suppressed the motion in Switzerland and developed a counter-reformation, Luther ‘s followings were excessively legion and diverse!

Zwingli besides laid a house foundation for John Calvin ‘s work in Geneva. The analogue between Zwingli ‘s work in Zurich and Calvin ‘s work in Geneva is unmistakable. “ Calvin conceived of his reform school work in a wide political scene. Like Zwingli in this regard, he saw direct deduction of the Gospel for the populace and societal kingdom ; he set out non merely to reform the religion of the Genevan citizens but besides to transform the metropolis itself. ”[ 47 ]“ After the decease of Zwingli on the battleground at Kappel, evangelical leading in Switzerland shifted to John Calvin. ”[ 48 ]With the leading alteration and the templet for societal and political reformation, a big part of Calvin ‘s success resulted from the work of Zwingli. Zwingli besides affected Calvin theologically. If Luther is most celebrated for his philosophies of Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide, so Calvin might be most noted for his apprehension of the sovereignty of God ; nevertheless, is this original to Calvin? In Zwingli ‘s Treatise on Providence, “ Zwingli asserted strongly both the exclusive sovereignty of God and besides his flawlessness as the amount of wisdom, power and goodness. ”[ 49 ]The influence of Zwingli ‘s reform and philosophy deeply affected both Luther and Calvin.

Zwingli ‘s influence can still be felt today in the Evangelical community. “ Zwingli ‘s best theological work appeared in 1525, a Commentary on True and False Religion. He believed the Bible was important for religion and pattern, that the Bible revealed God ‘s will for all humanity, that the Christian should reject everything non expressly enjoined in Bible. ” It is this rejection of things non explicitly dictated in the Bibles that led to the move from sacraments to munitions. Luther, himself had a skewed position of the Eucharist. It is mostly Zwingli ‘s apprehension that led to our credence of the lone two Biblical munitions of baptism and The Lord ‘s Supper. It was the acceptance of Zwingli and Luther ‘s divinity that clarified the fact that the sacraments contain no grace permeating capableness. “ Zwingli ‘s divinity was more uncompromisingly ‘spiritual ‘ ; that is to state, to him redemption was more decidedly a strictly interior experience in which sacraments and ceremonials played no portion at all. ”[ 50 ]Zwingli ‘s followings became known as ‘sacramentarians ‘ since “ to them entirely the sacraments themselves possessed no grace-giving quality. ”[ 51 ]

As Evangelicals we experience Zwingli ‘s daring most notably in our exegetical sermon! By the clip that he had assumed the place as Grossmunster in Zurich, Zwingli was convinced that he must prophesy from the Word of God entirely.

“ ‘The life of Christ ‘ said [ Zwingli ] , ‘has been excessively long hidden from the people. I shall prophesy upon the whole of the Gospel of St. Matthew, chapter after chapter, harmonizing to the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, without human commentaries, pulling entirely from the fountains of Scripture, sounding its deepnesss, comparing one transition with another, and seeking for understanding by changeless and earnest supplication. It is to God ‘s glorification, to the congratulations of His lone Son, to the existent redemption of psyches, and to their sophistication in the true religion, that I shall ordain my ministry. ”[ 52 ]

It was besides Zwingli ‘s passion that extends to the Evangelical community. We might non see that the Reformers maintained the same passion for evangelism as we do today ; nevertheless, Zwingli understood the demand to non merely seek transition, but besides train converts to evangelise. By 1520, “ upwards of two thousand individuals in Zurich had received the Word of God in their Black Marias and confessed the evangelical philosophy and were already qualified to denote it themselves. ”[ 53 ]

This disregarded reformist should non be forgotten! Ulrich Zwingli provided verification of Luther ‘s philosophy in many points and provided the theoretical account for Calvin to follow both theologically and politically. It is in the visible radiation of Zwingli and Luther ‘s differences that we see God traveling independently and yet convergent in His crowned head program in the Reformation. It is from these differences that later Reformers were able to dispute Luther ‘s reading of the Lord ‘s Supper with assurance. It is in the visible radiation of his similarities with Calvin that we see the foundation that Zwingli provided for the Swiss Reformation. Through his human mistake we find illustrations that are still intensely practical today. It is in the visible radiation of Zwingli ‘s barbarous intervention of the Anabaptists that sparked coevalss to objectively compare Believer ‘s Baptism with Paedobaptism, freedom of worship, and the separation of church and province. It is from Zwingli ‘s moral depravity that we learn the modern application of abstention and the Biblical application of I Timothy 3 for church leading. It is in the visible radiation of Zwingli ‘s willingness to take up the blade that we are challenged with the practical issue of chaplains bearing weaponries in conflict and the overpowering inquiry of Just War. The evangelical community still benefits from Zwingli ‘s accent on the Word of God, and mimics his sermon, munitions and evangelical spirit today. Zwingli provided a foundational footing for the Evangelical Church. One editor wrote “ There are Lutheran churches and Calvinistic churches today, but no church that calls itself ‘Zwinglian. ‘ ”[ 54 ]I would dispute that idea with a quotation mark from Zwingli, “ aˆ¦I will bear no other name than that of Christ, whose soldier I am, and who entirely is my head. ”[ 55 ]If we call ourselves Christian, so we might be closer to Zwingli than to Calvin or Luther. The life of Zwingli, full with mistakes and follies, was used by God in a godly mode. The foundation that Zwingli provided is still built upon today in the Evangelical Church.

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