Wealth is khayr. Khayr in Arabic means goodness. This is because when a individual has wealth he can accomplish a good criterion of life. So because khayr is good it should be earned in a proper manner. And so besides after gaining it in a proper manner we should pass it in a good manner excessively.

Wealth is given by Allah. It is given to the people as a gift from the Godhead. The fact that it has been given to us by Allah shows that we should non be ungenerous and give it to other people as good. One manner of sharing it is to give it out in the way of Allah to construct mosques or giving it to the hapless. Besides wealth could be given in lillah ( in the manner of Allah. ) This signifier of lillah and sadqa is non mandatory but it is a manner to delight Allah. Besides it comes in the Quran about disbursement in the manner of Allah:

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“ Those who spend in charity with their goods

By dark and twenty-four hours, in secret ad populace

Have wages with their Godhead. ” Surah 2:274

A major rule of Islam is the belief that all things belong to Allah and that wealth is merely held by human existences in trust. Life is a trial in which 1 has the freedom of pick and duty. The trial for the hapless is to hold forbearance and gain a life by lawful agencies. This will be rewarded be Allah. The trial for the rich is greater. It involves recognizing that wealth is a gift which must be used for making good and sharing with the hapless.

Besides Islam ‘s instruction is that money should non be kept to a individual himself. This is because Allah has given us the wealth and is the upholder and so we should pass it in the manner that Allah wants. It says in the Quran about the people who keep their money to themselves that a snake would be around their cervix on the Day of Judgment.

Islam besides teaches that people should non chance. Gambling is mentioned in the Quran, aboard imbibing alcohol as an abomination, a wickedness, and a sedate injury to mankind. It was made clear that prosperity does non come through gaming. That chancing, among many other things, causes households to tear, societies to endure, and the economic system to weaken, damaging and staining the ethical foundation of any nice society.

“ O you who believe! Alcohols and gaming,

giving to rocks, and ( divination by ) pointers,

Are an abomination- of Satan ‘s handicraft:

Eschew such ( abomination ) , that you may thrive. ” Surah 5:90

Islam besides teaches that riba should non be taken. Al-riba as it is used in the Arabic linguistic communication means to excess or increase. In the Islamic vocabulary involvement means elementary net income or that net income which comes free from compensation or that excess earning obtained that is free of replacement. The ground for this is that this makes the hapless even more hapless and the rich even more rich. The prophesier ( p.b.u.h ) has besides cursed the devourer of vigorish, its remunerator, its Scribe and its two informants. He besides said that they were equal ( in wickedness ) . Allah has besides said about involvement that:

“ Allah will strip vigorish of all approval,

And will give addition for workss of charity,

For he does non love any thankless evildoer. ”

Zakah is a part of one ‘s wealth that must be given to the hapless or to other specified causes. The word “ zakah ” comes from the verb significance to sublimate or cleanse. It is the 3rd Pillar of Islam and is obligatory for all those who are financially able. The most of import thought behind zakah is that all the wealth that a individual has does non belong to them, it all belongs to Allah, and hence, everyone who is in demand should hold a portion of it. Zakat which is giving as charity a portion of your wealth, it is a fiscal act of worship ; it is due on the wealth kept in ownership for one twelvemonth. A certain per centum is taken from every sort of belongings to be given out to the hapless to enable them to run into their demands. The Zakah fulfils the Poor ‘s demands, and purifies the givers from egocentricity, a natural inclination in work forces.

Zakah is dispersed among 8 types of people:

Fakir – One who has neither material ownerships nor agencies of support.

Miskin – One with deficient agencies of support to run into basic demands.

Amil – Workers associated with the aggregation and distribution of Zakah.

Muallafathul Quloob – One who converts to Islam. Literally those Black Marias are softened. Some bookmans claim this besides refers to hapless non-Muslims who do non hold hostility towards Muslims.

Riqab – One who wants to liberate himself from bondage or the bonds of bondage.

Gharmin – One who is in debt ( money borrowed to run into basic, halal payments ) .

Fisabillillah – Actual significance ‘In the manner of God ‘ , but it is used for Jihad.

Ibnus Sabil – One who is stranded in journey.

Zakah for Sheep and Goats

The Nisab when Zakah becomes relevant is 40 animate beings which are more than 12 months old. There is no Zakah if the figure is less than 40.



1 twelvemonth old

40 – 120

1 animate being

121 – 200

2 animate beings

201 – 399

3 animate beings


4 animate beings

Table 1: Zakah for Sheep and Goats.

Thereafter for each auxiliary hundred, one sheep that is one twelvemonth old must be specified as Zakah.

The Nisab when Zakah becomes applicable is 30 animate beings. There is no Zakah if the figure is less than 30.



1 twelvemonth old

2 twelvemonth old

30 – 39

1 animate being


40 – 59


1 animate being

60 – 69

2 animate beings


Table2: Zakah for Cattle and Water Buffaloes.


Thereafter, in every 30 animate beings, one 1-year-old animate being should be given ; and in every 40, a 2-year-old animate being ought to be given as Zakah.



1 twelvemonth old

2 twelvemonth old


1 animate being

1 animate being



2 animate being


3 animate beings



2 animate beings

1 animate being


1 animate being

2 animate beings


4 animate beings or 3 animate beings

Table 3: Zakah for Cattle and Water Buffaloes.


A A A Islam ‘s learning on poorness is that when a individual is hapless he should non implore. Islam besides teaches that the rich must assist the hapless. The hapless so have to seek and gain a life for their ain egos. There was an incident that a adult male came to the prophesier for money. The prophesier so showed him how to cut wood so told him to travel and sell it.

Q.2.Why is at that place a demand for universe development?

There are 3 types of states in the regard of development degrees.

1 ) Developed countries- These are the states which are rich.

E.g. : USA and the western Europe etc.

2 ) Developing Countries- These are the states which are going richer in wealth and economic sciences.

E.g. Brazil, Mexico, Malaysia etc.

3 ) Less developed countries- These are the states which are hapless and have people hungering.

E.g. Sudan, Bangladesh, Mali etc.

Root causes to poverty and why there is a deficiency of universe development in the 3rd universe states.

One chief root cause of poorness in the 3rd universe states is war. This is because when there is a war this causes a batch of harm and devastation. As when a individual bomb is dropped it can kill people every bit good as harm the land and do the harvests non to turn excessively. This dropping of a bomb can do these harvests non to turn for a few old ages at least. Besides war can sabotage states. It is a fact that 80 % of 20 hapless states have at least had one war in the past 15 old ages.

Another ground for universe poorness and deficiency of universe development is deficit of nutrient and hungriness. Because 20 % of the 3rd universe states have a deficiency of nutrient therefore this has caused many civil wars as in Africa. Besides they so go every bit unrecorded as refugees in other states.

Another ground for universe poorness and deficiency of universe development are natural catastrophes. For illustration Bangladesh has inundations every twelvemonth.

The key to development in the 3rd universe states lies in the accent on exports and free trade.

America, in the past 20 old ages, has spent a batch on development in the 3rd universe states.

States can besides contend against the deficiency of universe development in the 3rd universe states by making justness in trade, when they deal with the LCD states.

Probably the lone manner that less developed states make adequate hard currency for their debts is to turn hard currency harvests. This is to turn harvests and sell them instead than ingestion.

An illustration of:

LCD in Asia- Bangladesh

LCD in South America- Bolivia

“ Less developed states ” -This is a more right term to utilize as poorness is seen as a really complex issue in the universe.

Q.3 Analyze and explicate the work of one Muslim organisation working for universe development.

The Islamic organisation I have chosen to analyse is Muslim Hands. This organisation was foremost established in Pakistan. It has been since 1993. The organisation is situated in Muzafarabad, Pakistan.

The Muslim Hands group has been assisting people all over Pakistan. They have done this for many old ages. They have been assisting the Pakistani population by puting up H2O pumps. They besides supply the hapless and destitute with apparels, nutrient etc.

They besides helped many people in major crises ‘ , and besides in many troubles, which the people of the whole state are enduring from.

During the Pakistan temblor the voluntaries and workers for Muslim Hands were situated in the country of the Earth quiver assisting the homeless and wounded. They did this for six months.

They besides supplied schools on a impermanent footing during the temblor that occurred in Pakistan.

They are besides assisting to do super schools which are based in Pakistan. These schools cost ?100,000 each.

The Muslim Hands organisation besides has their ain ambulances in Pakistan. These help the injured to acquire to hospital rapidly.

They besides have an orphan sponsorship plan which helps orphan kids to acquire educated and supply them with money for their household. They besides so provide a worker for the household to look after their wellbeing.

Muslim Hands have besides been working in Palestine. In these old ages seldom have they witnessed ordinary civilians enduring every bit much as they are now. In Gaza, Muslim Hands is working in Beit Hanoun, Beir Lahia and Jabliya camp passing out critical nutrient supplies ( including babe milk ) , collapsible shelters and H2O deficit armored combat vehicles.

Muslim Hands have constructed Model Schools in Quetta and Tobatek Singh and another is being built in Pakistan.

Excellence schools are being built in Peshawar, Wazirabad and Bagh, which is affected by the temblor.

Muslim Hands besides gives out little loans to hapless unemployed people so they can get down a little concern and so that they and their households can gain a dignified income. The loans are little so they could be repaid easy. There is besides no involvement involved. If there is a concern that is successful so Muslim Hands provide ongoing advice and support if required.

Muslim Hands work in the undermentioned states:

Palestine, the Gambia, Iraq, Ethiopia, Lebanon, south Africa, Kashmir, Indonesia, Pakistan, Albania, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Sudan, Azerbaijan, India, China, Bangladesh, Mauritania, Senegal, Sri Lanka.

Muslim Hands ensures that the orphan is provided with:

School fees and travel costs

Clothing and footwear

Books and letter paper

Money for the orphans household

Muslim Hand workers guarantee the orphans well-being.

The followers is the Muslim Hand fiscal state of affairs:

General ?509,675

Orphans ?1,344,646

Education preparation ?850,082

Medical ?153,972

Engineering ?2,234,834

Shelter ?15,570

Food ?226,803

Dawah gifts ?400,992

Eid gifts ?43,087

Children ‘s fund ?40,637

Aged ?360, 91

Allocated financess ?1,541,915

Fund-raising ?595,203

Entire DONATIONS ?7,690,544


Entire INCOME FOR 2005 ?8,066,083



I disagree to the above statement.

Some people might hold to the statement and state that everyone should be equal. They would state that Allah is commanding everything and he should do all people of one criterion. They besides say that if every one was equal so there would be no pride, that some people will state to other people that I am richer than you. Besides they would state that it is non just on all the hapless to populate such a difficult life while the rich are populating in luxuries. They besides say that if everyone was equal so there would be no green-eyed monster and everyone would besides be happy.

Some people might differ and state that if everyone was equal so there would be no zakah to pay and that is mandatory. Besides if everyone was equal so there would be non any people deriving the wages mentioned in the Quran for giving to the hapless as there would be no hapless so. Even if the rich do give their wealth poorness will still stay in the universe and would non be diminished. Thesiss people besides say that if everybody was equal so there would non be any disbursement on others and therefore the people would go ungenerous and non like passing on others.

I disagree to the statement because Allah says:

“ This is because Allah has

Made some of you superior

Over others. ”

Then if people were equal it would travel against the word of Allah. I besides disagree that if everyone was equal so the people would n’t necessitate each other and hence brotherhood would be wiped out of this universe. Besides because people should non reason with what Allah has done and they should non state that if everyone was equal thenaˆ¦..etc. And besides Allah says that he tests us with the loss of wealth. And we can so see that if everyone was equal so there would be no trial in the universe.

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