Wordss are arranged semantically and non alphabetically unlike most lexicons. The possible benefit that WordNet has over other lexicons is the collection, which has been applied to each word. Wordss are harmonized together to organize synsets ( synonym sets ) , which represent a individual sense. In this thesis, we used WordNet to take the job of Word Sense Disambiguation and Vocabulary spread.

Word sense disambiguation ( WSD ) is one of the provocative jobs in Natural linguistic communication processing. WSD is one of the grounds for hapless retrieval public presentation. WSD is the ability of the system to happen the significance of the word in its context [ Sudip et Al. 2007 ] , [ Roberto et Al. 2009 ] . Effective WSD improves the retrieval public presentation. In our thesis, word sense disambiguation is used to happen related words that can be taken from a word ‘s description. For this purpose WordNet is used.

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WordNet hierarchy is besides used to better the WSD truth [ Jorden et Al. 2007 ] . WordNet have been used in query enlargement as a tool for lexical analysis every bit good as for WSD. Many footings have multiple senses, and right placing the appropriate sense relies on using the environing words to supply a context. Some of the illustrations are train, can, nail etc. they have the same spelling but have wholly different significance.

Word Sense Disambiguation was ab initio performed by utilizing Lesk ‘s algorithm. This algorithm requires no preparation informations and is really simple to implement. First all the rubrics ( definitions ) of the mark word are collected into bags of words. Then the rubrics of environing words within a context window are besides collected into bags of words. Once this has occurred the algorithm so picks the rubric with the most words in common to that of the surrounding rubrics. Unfortunately, the public presentation of Lesk ‘s algorithm is merely marginally better than a random conjecture [ Katerina et Al. 2000 ] .

Algorithms: Core Lexical Analysis of the user question

Input signal: User question: twine or a keyword and it may be individual word ( Single word individual construct, Single word multi construct ) , Multiword multi construct.

Q= ( K1, K2, K3, K4, aˆ¦aˆ¦aˆ¦aˆ¦aˆ¦.. KT )


Where KT is the no of item of the given user question.

End product: The set of equivalent word of the question footings.

Where is the list of refine constructs and their equivalent word.

is the sub constructs of the keywords.


Thymine: the no of items

Lupus erythematosus: the lemma of the undermentioned items

LBT: the POS of the above lemmas.

Cesium: List of campaigner footings.

Tungsten: List of equivalent word of the Cs from the WordNet.

Rule # 1: Drop some of the common words.

Rule # 2: set of regulations for choosing some of the terns from the list of labeled words for happening the equivalent word.

LE=Lemmatization ( Q )

LBT=MontyLingua.POS ( LE )

= { ‘ADV ‘ , ‘NNP ‘ , ‘VPZ ‘ }

L= Select candidate-Terms ( LBT, S ) ;

For ( i=1 ; i & lt ; =length ( L ) ; i++ )

Do get down

W= next-word ( L )

Lws ( I ) .keyword=w

Synset= wordnet.get synset ( tungsten ) ;


For ( j=1 ; j & lt ; =length ( synset ) ; j++ ) ;

Do get down

L ( I ) .Ws ( J ) .Sword= synset ( J ) ;


3.3.2. Common Sense Reasoning:

After the nucleus lexical analysis that attach the appropriate synsets with the original question word. The question is so base on balls into the common sense concluding stage that attach the context or the constructs instead than the words by utilizing the common sense cognition base i.e. ConceptNet. ConceptNet covers a broad scope of common sense constructs along with its more diverse relational ontology every bit good as its big figure of inter conceptual dealingss.

In our theoretical account, we extract the common sense logical thinking by utilizing the Knowledge-Lines besides called K-Lines from ConceptNet. K-Lines are the Conceptual correlativity. ConceptNet contain the eight different sorts of K-Line classs that combine the K-Line into the ConceptNet 20 relationships. That helps in the conceptual logical thinking.


ConceptNet [ Liu, et Al. 2004 ] is a commonsensible knowledgebase. ConceptNet 2.1 besides encompasses Montylingua, a natural-language-processing bundle. ConceptNet is written in Python but its commonsense knowledgebase is stored in text files. Unlike other cognition bases like CYC, FrameNet and Wikipedia, ConceptNet is based more on Context and let a computing machine to understand new constructs or even unknown constructs by utilizing conceptual correlativities called Knowledge-Lines. ConceptNet is at present deliberated to be the biggest commonsense knowledgebase. [ Liu, et Al. 2004 ] , [ Hsu, et Al. 2008 ] . It is composed from more than 700,000 free text subscribers ‘ averments. Its nodes nucleus construction is constructs, which each of which is a portion of a sentence that expresses a significance. ConceptNet is a really affluent knowledgebase for several facets: First, it includes an huge figure of averments and nodes. Second, it has a wide scope of information. Finally, it has different sorts of relationships, including description parametric quantities. Figure 3.3 presents a snapshot that includes utile relationships between constructs. In the last version of ConceptNet “ ConceptNet4 ” , each relationship has several Fieldss showing its mark, mutual opposition and generalization. This information is automatically inferred by analyzing the frequence of the sentences that provoked this relationship.

Figure 3.2: An illustration of a little subdivision of ConceptNet

Concept Net is a contextual common sense concluding system for common sense cognition representation and processing. ConceptNet is developed by MIT Media Laboratory and is soon the largest common sense Knowledgebase [ Liu et Al. 2004b ] . ConceptNet enable the computing machine to believe like a human. ConceptNet is the semantic web representation of the OMCS ( Open Mind Common Sense ) cognition base. It contains 300,000 nodes, 1.6 million borders and 20 dealingss that are IsA, HasA, PartOf, UsedFor, AtLocation, CapableOf, CreatedBy, MadeOf, HasSubevent, HasFirstSubevent, HasLastSubevent, HasPrerequisite, MotivatedByGoal, Causes, Desires, CausesDesire, HasProperty, ReceivesAction, DefinedAs, SymbolOf, LocatedNear, ObstructedBy, conceptuallyRelatedTo, InheritsFrom etc.

ConceptNet has non been so much well known in the IR like the WordNet. Merely few people have used it for the spread outing the question with the related constructs [ Liu et Al. 2002 ] , [ Li et Al. 2008 ] . Common sense logical thinking besides used in image retrieval by spread outing the Meta informations attached to the image with the spatially related constructs. The experiments are conducted on the Image CLEF 2005 information set and proved that the common sense concluding improves the retrieval public presentation. ARIA ( Annotation and Retrieval Integration Agent ) contain both the note every bit good as the retrieval agent. The note agent use the common sense concluding to footnote the images while the retrieval stage execute the common sense concluding to bridge the semantic spread and to recover the relevant images [ Lieberman et al. , 2001 ] . Several studies have conducted to demo the importance of the common sense concluding for several applications [ Lieberman et Al. 2004 ] . Nevertheless, the betterment in the preciseness histories for the involvement of presenting Common sense logical thinking in the information retrieval systems. The comparing of the WordNet and the ConceptNet is conducted on the TREC-6, TREC-7 and TREC-8 informations sets and concluded that WordNet have higher discriminatory ability while ConceptNet have higher construct diverseness.

Algorithm: Common sense Reasoning

Input signal: LS is the list of the equivalent word along with the question footings

End product: List of selected constructs attached with the question.


For ( i=1 ; i & lt ; = length ( LS ) ; i++ )

Do get down

ComsenseSet= ConceptNet.getCommonsense ( LS ( I ) . keyword )

For ( j=1 ; j & lt ; =length ( ComsenseSet ) ; j++ )

Do get down

LS ( I ) .CS ( J ) .cword= ComsenseSet ( J ) ;

S= WordNet.SemSim ( LS ( I ) .keyword, LS ( I ) .CS ( J ) ) ;


LS ( I ) .CS ( J ) .SS=S ;


LS ( I ) .MeanAvg=SS/Length ( ComsenseSet ) ;


3.3.3. Candidate Concept Choice:

Our campaigner construct choice employs the semantic similarity map for gauging the similarity between footings that are comparatively semantically similar in order to cut down the noise. The semantics of keywords are identified through the relationships between keywords by executing semantic similarity on them [ Fang et Al. 2005 ] [ Andrea et Al. 2003 ] [ Varelas et Al. 2005 ] [ Bonino et Al. 2004 ] [ Khan et al. 2006 ] [ Sayed et Al. 2007 ] . Experiment consequences show that all the similarity maps improve the retrieval public presentation, although the public presentation betterment varies for different maps. We find that the most effectual manner to use the information from WordNet is to calculate the term similarity based on the convergence of synset definitions. Using this similarity map in query enlargement can significantly better the retrieval public presentation.

The WordNet semantic similarity map is used to cipher the semantic similarity between the original selected question footings with the expanded term. The expanded footings are both the lexical and conceptual. The question expanded from the lexical and semantic cognition bases comes up with excessively many words. Some of them are noises and it will minimize the retrieval public presentation. However, if the two footings have non that much in common so it will increase the callback at the sweep of preciseness. In order to accomplish the preciseness we have to take these noises. One of the chief challenges is which of the constructs have to take and which 1s have to be included. In order to happen the appropriate words or constructs for farther retrieval we will measure the semantic similarity of the expanded footings with the original query term and so choose the campaigner constructs for farther processing. Any expanded question term comparings, which are below these thresholds, are considered to hold nil in common and are discarded from the similarity appraisal of the principal informations to the question. Semantic similarity can be measured in order to filtrate the constructs. This will significantly increase the preciseness of the system. The assorted semantic similarity steps are discussed below.

Semantic Similarity:

Due to the subjectiveness in the definition of the semantic word similarity, there is no alone manner to calculate the public presentation of the proposed steps. These steps are folded into two groups in [ Mihalcea et Al. 2006 ] , corpus-based and knowledge-based similarity steps. The corpus-based step efforts to acknowledge the similarity between two constructs working the information entirely derived from big principals. The knowledge-based steps try to quantify the similarity utilizing the information drawn from the semantic webs.

Knowledge-based Word Similarity Measures:

The knowledge-based technique measures the similarity between two constructs using the information drawn from the semantic webs. Most of these steps use WordNet [ Miller et Al. 1990 ] as the semantic web. The similarity between two constructs and two words is non same. Some words have different senses or different constructs. In order to calculate the semantic similarity all the sense of the words are considered. The mark are assigned to all the sense of words and so choose the highest similarity mark. Some of these similarity measures use information content ( IC ) which represents the sum of information belonging to a construct. It is described as:

IC ( degree Celsius ) = -log ( P ( degree Celsius ) )

Where IC ( degree Celsius ) is the information content of the construct degree Celsius, and P ( degree Celsius ) is the chance of meeting an case of the construct degree Celsius in a big principal. Another used definition is the least common subsumer ( LCS ) of two constructs in taxonomy. LCS is the common ascendant of both constructs, which has the maximal information content. In the Figure 2.1, LCS is described visually with an illustration.

Leacock & A ; Chodorow Similarity:

This similarity step is introduced in [ Leacock. et Al. 1998 ] . The similarity between two constructs is defined as:

Simlch ( curie, cj ) =log ( )

where curie, cj are the constructs, length ( curie, cj ) is the length of the shortest way between constructs curies and cj utilizing node numeration, and D is the maximal deepness of the taxonomy.

Lesk Similarity

In Lesk step, [ Lesk. et Al. 1986 ] similarity of two constructs is defined as a map of convergence between the definitions of the constructs provided by a dictionary. It is described as:

Simlesk ( curie, cj ) =

Where def ( degree Celsius ) represents the words in definition of construct c. This step is non limited to semantic webs, it can be computed utilizing any electronic lexicon that provides definitions of the constructs.

Wu & A ; Palmer Similarity

This similarity metric [ Wu. et Al. 1994 ] step the deepness of two given constructs in the taxonomy, and the deepness of the LCS of given constructs, and combines these figures into a similarity mark:

Simwnp ( curie, cj ) =

Where deepness ( degree Celsius ) is the deepness of the construct degree Celsius in the taxonomy, and LCS ( curie, cj ) is the LCS of the constructs curie and cj.

Resnik Similarity

Resnik similarity step [ Resnik. et Al. 1995 ] is defined as the information content of the LCS of two constructs:

Simres ( curie, cj ) = IC ( LCS ( curie, cj ) )

Lin ‘s Similarity

The cardinal thought in this step is to happen the maximal information shared by both constructs and normalise it. Lin ‘s similarity [ Lin et Al. 1998 ] is measured as the information content of LCS, which can be seen as a lower edge of the shared information between two constructs, and so normalized with the amount of information contents of both constructs. The preparation is as below:

Simlin ( curie, cj ) =

Jiang & A ; Conrath Similarity

This step is introduced in [ Jiang et Al. 1997 ] . This step besides uses IC and LCS. It is defined as below:

Simjnc ( Ci, Cj ) =

Hirst & A ; St-Onge Similarity

This step is a way based step, and classifies dealingss in WordNet as holding way. For illustration, is-a dealingss are upwards, while has-part dealingss are horizontal. It establishes the similarity between two constructs by seeking to happen a way between them that is neither excessively long nor that alterations way excessively frequently. This similarity step is represented with Simhso. Detailed description of this method can be found in [ Hirst et Al. 1998 ] .

Corpus-based Word Similarity Measures

Corpus-based steps try to place the similarity between two constructs utilizing the information entirely derived from big principals. In this subdivision, we focus on PMI-IR similarity step computed from four different beginnings.

PMI-IR Similarity

The point wise common information utilizing informations collected by information retrieval ( PMI-IR ) was proposed as a semantic word similarity step in [ Turney et Al. 2001 ] . The chief thought behind this step is that similar constructs tend to happen together in the paperss more than dissimilar 1s. Actually, this step is really similar to the ocular accompaniment step. The chief difference is that alternatively of sing the ocular accompaniment here we search for the text accompaniment.

The point wise common information between two constructs is approximated utilizing a web hunt engine. The preparation is given as below:

PMIIR ( Ci, Cj ) = log ( )

where hits ( degree Celsius I, cj ) is the figure of paperss that contain curies, cj constructs together, WebSize is the approximated figure of all paperss indexed in the hunt engine ; hits ( curie ) , hits ( cj ) are the figure of retrieved paperss for single constructs. Then, the sigmoid map is applied for scaling the similarity step between the interval [ 0-1 ] .

We use four different beginnings for calculation of SimPMI-IR. Initially for

SimPMI-IR-WebAND we use Yahoo [ 18 ] web hunt engine, and hits ( curie, cj ) is computed as the figure of paperss that include both curies and cj constructs. In the 2nd step SimPMI-IR-WebNEAR, we once more use the Yahoo web hunt engine. In this instance with the aid of NEAR operator, hits ( curie, cj ) is computed as the figure of paperss in which curie, cj occur in a window of 10 words. Third similarity step SimPMI-IR-WebImage is obtained from Yahoo image hunt engine [ Yahoo Image Search Engine ] , and hits ( curie, cj ) is computed as the figure of returned images when we search for curie and cj constructs together. The last similarity step SimPMI-IR-Flickr is extracted from Flickr[ 1 ]image hunt engine, and hits ( curie, cj ) is computed as the figure of returned images when we search for curie and cj constructs together.

The proposed campaigner construct choice faculty is algorithm is given below.

Algorithm: Candidate Concept Selection

Input signal: List of the expanded footings or constructs along with the original question footings.

End product: The list of the campaigner selected constructs.


For each ( i=1 ; i & lt ; =length ( LS ) ; i++ )

Do get down

LCS ( I ) . Keyword= LS ( I ) .keyword ;

LCS ( I ) .WS= LS ( I ) .WS ;

For ( j=1 ; j & lt ; = length ( LS ( I ) .CS ) ; j++ )

Do get down

TH=LS ( I ) . MeanAvg ;

If ( LS ( I ) . CS ( J ) .SS & gt ; =TH )


LCS ( I ) .CS ( J ) .Cword= LS ( I ) .CS ( J ) .Cword ;



3.3.4. Retrieval and Ranking of Result:

For recovering and ranking the consequences, we use the 1 of the standard theoretical account the Vector Space Model ( VSM ) that is for information filtering, information retrieval, and indexing and relevance rankings. This theoretical account has been used for the last few decennaries in information retrieval. This theoretical account is based on additive algebra. The vector infinite theoretical account ( VSM ) [ Salton et Al. 1975 ] is one of the celebrated theoretical accounts in IR. The most popular retrieval theoretical account that of the vector theoretical account, allows each papers to be weighted on a skiding graduated table. This allows paperss to be ranked harmonizing to grade of similarity and was chosen as the most suited method. Other theoretical accounts were non pursued owing to hapless public presentation and over complexness for the undertaking in manus. The VSM operates by defining each papers as an n dimensional vector infinite. The similarity between the question and the papers is compared by actioning the cosine step. The smaller the angle, the similar is the papers.

Figure 2.2 Representation of the Vector Space Model

Retrieved paperss utilizing the vector infinite theoretical account are ranked harmonizing to the weights harmonizing to term frequence ( tf ) and the reverse papers frequence ( tf-idf ) . The tf value measures the saliency of a term within a papers, and the idf value measures the overall importance of the term in the full papers aggregation. A high term frequence and reverse paperss represents a high frequence of the term with in the papers. The higher the tf*idf weight, the more relevant a given papers is to a given term. The undermentioned computations compute the tf and idf steps severally.

Tf I, J =

Ni, J is the figure of happenings of the term I in papers J

The denominator is the entire figure of happenings of all footings in the papers disk jockey

idfi = log

|D| is the entire figure of paperss

The denominator is the figure of paperss that contain the term Ti

We used it as baseline method for look intoing our algorithm. It besides computes the similarity between the expanded question footings and the images. In VSM, the images every bit good as the question footings are represented in the signifier of vectors. The similarity between a papers and a question is calculated by the cosine of the angle between the image vector and the question vector. The expanded question is compared against the Meta informations ( note ) attach with the images in the principal and so the consequences are graded consequently. The term frequence and the reverse papers frequence are the widely used factors for ciphering the weight of the image. Therefore, the images with the largest figure of constructs are ranked better.

Algorithm: Retrieving and ranking the needed paperss.

Input signal: The selected constructs from the expanded question.

End product: The list of the graded images harmonizing to the question footings.



We give a brief overview of each phase below, followed by a more elaborate reappraisal of the eight phases in the ensuing subdivisions

3.5. Experiments:

However, the semantic truth is the chief focal point of our research. Bridging the semantic spread is the overall subject of our research. All experiments and rating of proposed model have been performed on the LabelMe datasets, available freely for research. LabelMe is a undertaking created by the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory ( CSAIL ) which provides a dataset of digital images with notes. The dataset is dynamic, free to utilize, and unfastened to public part. As of October 31, 2010, LabelMe has 187,240 images, 62,197 annotated images, and 658,992 labelled objects.

The aspiration behind making LabelMe comes from the history of publically available informations for computing machine vision research workers. Most available information was tailored to a specific research group ‘s jobs and caused new research workers to hold to roll up extra informations to work out their ain jobs. LabelMe was created to work out several common defects of available informations. The followers is a list of qualities that distinguish LabelMe from old work.

aˆ? Designed for acknowledgment of a category of objects alternatively of individual cases of an object. For illustration, a traditional dataset may hold contained images of Canis familiariss, each of the same size and orientation. In contrast, LabelMe contains images of Canis familiariss in multiple angles, sizes, and orientations.

aˆ? Designed for acknowledging objects embedded in arbitrary scenes alternatively of images that are cropped, normalized, and/or resized to expose a individual object.

aˆ? Complex note: Alternatively of labeling an full image ( which besides limits each image to incorporating a individual object ) , LabelMe allows note of multiple objects within an image by stipulating a polygon jumping box that contains the object.

aˆ? Contains a big figure of object categories and allows the creative activity of new categories easy.

aˆ? Diverse images: LabelMe contains images from many different scenes.

aˆ? Provides non-copyrighted images and allows public add-ons to the notes. This creates a free environment.

The figure of images in the datasetsA is continuously increasing twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. As the research workers are adding new images along with the note informations. The experiment has been conducted on some of the classs from the LabelMe 31.8 GB dataset. We have selected 181, 932 images with 56946 annotated images, 352475 annotated objects and 12126 categories for executing the experiments.

The experiments are foremost performed to do a comparing between the LabelMe Query systems, WordNet based enlargement, and ConceptNet based enlargement and the proposed Semantic Query Interpreter. The LabelMe question ( LM query ) system works on the text matching technique. The LM question faculty compares the text in the question with the tickets attached with the image. The LM is the unfastened note tool any one can footnote the LabelMe images. The WordNet has been used in the LabelMe web based note tool in order to take the job of sense disambiguation and to heightening object labels with WordNet. The LM question system works good for the individual word individual construct question but failings in the instance of multi-concept questions or the complex questions.

As we, all are good cognizant, that query plays a cardinal function in the IR systems. Furthermore, the question is the interlingual rendition of the user ‘s demands and demands. The retrieved consequences can be evaluated by agencies of the relevance with the information demand. Information retrieval systems have been evaluated for many old ages. Evaluation is the major portion of the retrieval systems. Information scientific discipline has developed many different standards and criterions for the rating e.g. effectivity, efficiency, serviceability, satisfaction, cost benefit, coverage, clip slowdown, presentation and user attempt, etc. Among all these rating technique preciseness which is related to the specificity and callback which are related to the thoroughly are the good recognized methods. In our attack, we use preciseness, callback and F-Measure for measuring the public presentation. For ciphering, the preciseness and remember the retrieved, relevant and irrelevant as good the non-retrieved relevant every bit good as the relevant information must be available. While for the F-measure, we need the value of preciseness and callback.

Preciseness is the fraction of the paperss retrieved that are relevant to the user ‘s information demand. The preciseness can be calculated by the expression given below:

Preciseness =

While Recall is the fraction of the paperss that are relevant to the question that are successfully retrieved, and can be calculated as

Recall =

Since Precision and Recall specify the public presentation of a system from two wholly different points of position, we besides used a combined step of them, viz. F-Measure ( Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto 1999 ) . F-Score, weighted harmonic mean or F-Measure can be defined as

F-Measure =2.

F-Measure scopes in the existent interval [ 0, 1 ] , the higher it is the better a system works. Ideally, the callback and preciseness should both be equal to one, intending that the system returns all relevant paperss without presenting any irrelevant paperss in the consequence set. Unfortunately, this is impossible to accomplish in pattern. If we try to better callback ( by adding more disjunctive footings to the question, for illustration ) , preciseness suffers ; similarly, we can merely better preciseness at the disbursal of callback. Furthermore, there is frequently a trade-off between retrieval effectivity and calculating cost. As the engineering moves from keyword fiting to statistical ranking to natural linguistic communication processing, calculating cost additions exponentially

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