A cultural right from the Hebrews that affects our society is matrimony between a adult male and a adult female. Since the beginning of clip when God created adult female, there has been the brotherhood of a adult male and adult female in the signifier of matrimony. The Bible says that a adult male shall go forth his male parent and female parent and be united to his married woman, and they will go one flesh. In today ‘s society, we still have the brotherhood of a adult male and adult female in matrimony. In many matrimony ceremonials, that scriptural poetry is still used today.

Another cultural right was that the Hebrews believed in the power of mind. An illustration is Joseph ‘s dream of seven fat cattles eating seven scraggy cattles which meant there would be seven old ages of good crop and seven old ages of bad crop. Peoples believed he had powers that God had given to him. Today, we have psychics, but they are non given their power by God like Joseph. I think that they are non existent and it is all a cozenage. I think they ‘re stating you what you want to hear so they can acquire paid. I believe merely God knows your hereafter.

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There were rummies in the Hebrew civilization as there are in today ‘s society. Noah was the first rummy because he drank excessively much vino from a vinery and became intoxicated. The lone difference is that today ‘s rummy can do more force. An drunk individual can acquire in their auto and do a awful accident that could claim many lives and destruct much belongings. Besides, today spirits is more accessible than in the Hebrew times because they could merely imbibe vino from a vinery. Today, there are many types of spirits for a individual to buy at convenient locations and go drunk.

Peoples from the Bible Ate meat. It says in the Bible “ Everything that lives and moves will be nutrient for you ” and “ you must non eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. ” Today, we still eat meat for nutrient, but most of us do n’t hold to run or kill all the animate beings ourselves. We can merely travel to Wal-Mart or any food market shop and buy the meat and cook it. We do non hold to clean, skin, or cut up the animate being that we are eating for meat. We fundamentally have eating meat for nutrient much easier than the people in Biblical times. The Hebrews were non man-eaters and people in our society are non man-eaters.

Family traditions in the Hebrew civilization started when Joseph passed down his sheep farm to his boies. Family traditions are still around today because there are many husbandmans in Arkansas that farm the same land that their male parents farmed. Besides, concerns and household eating houses are passed down to kids all over the state. Another manner the Hebrew society relates to our society is in our beliefs and ceremonials about decease. In Hebrew funerals, they used the poetry, “ Even though I walk through the vale of the shadow of decease I will fear no immorality for your staff they comfort me. ” Back so they used this poetry for funerals and for mourning intents. In today ‘s society, we still use this poetry at funerals to soothe the loved 1s and to assist the loved 1s know that the deceased are in a better topographic point. We still believe that they are with God in Eden and in a better topographic point. It does non stop with decease. For with God, there is ageless life and you will see them once more.

The Hebrews believed in the decease punishment. The Bible provinces “ Whoever sheds the blood of adult male, by adult male shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God has God made adult male. ” Today we still believe in the decease punishment. Lethal injection, the electric chair, and a fire squad are some methods of the decease punishment that most provinces in the United States usage. Texas is the lone province that still does hanging.

Food was taken to the sick in the Hebrew civilization. In the Bible, people killed wild game, prepared it and took it to Joseph ‘s male parent. In today ‘s society, we do the same thing when we take nutrient to the sick. Helping others who are ill is a good thing we do.

In Christianity, the followings believe that there is a God. This faith started back during that period. God came and most people believed in him. The people merely believed in one God in those times. In today ‘s society, we still have a strong belief in God. That is apparent in the figure of churches and people go toing services at these installations in our state. It is merely that some people throughout the universe believe in many other faiths such as Buddhism, and Hinduism.

There were many different linguistic communications in the Hebrew civilization merely like there are in today ‘s universe. The boies of Javan spread many different linguistic communications across the Earth back so. Each boy had their ain linguistic communication. In today ‘s society, we still have different linguistic communications. Now, we are more advanced and can utilize the linguistic communications more efficaciously with the many types of engineering. During Hebrew times, it was n’t so complex since they were merely developing the linguistic communications.

All in all, I have learned much information while composing this paper. First, I learned about the cultural rights in the Hebrew society. Following, I learned about decease in the Bible and how it relates to our society. Last, I learned about Christianity. I have realized that there are many things from the Bible that we can associate to our society today. We have believed in God since the beginning of clip. The Hebrew civilization has influenced today ‘s society in many positive ways.

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