Due to high demand of fuel in the universe, a batch of oil companies are involved in oil geographic expedition and development. Therefore, we can see that oil spills are reasonably common presents and present a big menace particularly for marine life. I feel that it is of import to be witting of the impact and understand the ways to forestall extended harm.

In this paper, we will depict and analyse of the Exxon Valdez oil spill catastrophe in Prince William Sound, Alaska in 1989. The incident occurred on March 1989 and 987-foot armored combat vehicle vas Exxon Valdez hit at Bligh Reef and caused the 11 million gallon of petroleum oil gushed from the afflicted oiler into the pristine Waterss of the Prince William Sound. It was created one of the biggest semisynthetic ecological catastrophes of that decennary in U.S history.

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Furthermore, this study will discourse about the mission and vision of Exxon Mobil Corporation and the petroleum oil refinement procedure. It besides covers the causes which led to oil slop accident of Exxon Valdez and their impact after the accident. In the other manus, we besides study the indispensable betterment and alterations in the direction systems so that to forestall the catastrophe go oning once more


ExxonMobil is a direct descendent of John D. Rockefeller ‘s Standard Oil Company which was established in 1870, and was formed by the amalgamation of Exxon and Mobil on 30 November 1999. Its central offices are located in Irving, Texas. And, the current president of the Board and CEO of ExxonMobil Corporation is Rex Tillerson.

Since its formation, ExxonMobil has evolved from a domestic and distributer of kerosine to a big transnational corporation and involved at every degree of oil and gas geographic expedition, production, refinement and selling and petrochemicals fabricating. ExxonMobil has upstream activities in some 50 states. For the downstream, ExxonMobil has refinement operation in 26 states

ExxonMobil is one of the universe ‘s largest publically traded international oil and gas Company. Presently, it is ranked 3rd harmonizing to Forbes 2000. [ 1 ] They are besides the universe ‘s largest refiner and seller of crude oil merchandise. [ 2 ]

1. Purposes and Aims of Exxon Mobil Corporation

The purpose and nonsubjective clear stated in the company mission statement, which is “ Exxon Mobil Corporation is committed to being the universe ‘s premier crude oil and petrochemical company. To the terminal, must continuously accomplish superior fiscal and runing consequences while at the same time adhering to high ethical criterions. ” [ 3 ]

From the Exxon Mobil mission statement, we can see that Exxon Mobil Corporation is concentrating on three facets, which is premier, fiscal and ethical criterion. For the Prime Minister position, they are recruited the potency and retain the high quality people because they know that the high quality of employees is the company ‘s greatest strength and will do the corporation good positioned for ongoing success in the long term. This investing is one of the Exxon Mobil steering rules: “ The exceeding quality of our work force provides a valuable competitory border. To construct on this advantage, we will endeavor to engage and retain the most qualified people available and to maximise their chances for the success through preparation and development. ” [ 3 ] Furthermore, by developing the quality employees, automatically, company will supply the high quality merchandise and accomplish the client satisfication throughout the universe.

As the listed company, Exxon Mobil belief its duty has been first to do money for its stockholders. Under “ Our Business Principle ” , stockholder are at the top of the list of stakeholder, above clients, employees and eventually communities. The study states: “ We are committed to heightening the long-run value of the investing dollars entrusted to us by our stockholders. By running the concern productively and resposibly, we expext our stockholders to be rewarded with superior return. This committedness drives the direction of the company ” [ 3 ] For illustration, in 2006, Exxon Mobil delivered their strongest-ever consequence with net income of more than $ 39 billion and $ 32.6 billion in distribution to stockholder. [ 4 ]

Third, Exxon Mobil has estabilished a batch of policies, such as environmental policy, safety policy, wellness policy, merchandise safety policy and so on, which is to follow with all govermental jurisprudence, regulations, and ordinances applicable to its concern.

Finally, from the surveies, Exxon Mobil able to accomplish their aims as they have earned most profit addition in six twelvemonth at third-quarter this twelvemonth. Nowaday, Exxon Mobil was besides bring forthing more oil and gas than any of other public companies. [ 5 ]

2. Oil and Refinery Industrial Processes and Operations

Our modern engineer society relies really to a great extent on the dodo fuel as an of import beginning of energy. Crude oil comes from deep resistance where the remains of workss and animate beings from 1000000s of twelvemonth ago have been heated and pressurized over clip. It is small usage in their natural province and must undergo a series of refinement procedures which converts it into functional merchandises.

As observed from Exxon Mobil Corporation oil refinement procedure, three major refinery processes change petroleum oil into finished merchandise, there are separation ( fractional distillment ) , transition ( checking and rearranging the molecules ) and purification ( Treatment ) . [ 6 ]

2.1 Separation ( fractional distillment )

Every refinery begins with the separation of rough oil into different fraction by distillment tower. The rough oil offprints into fractions harmonizing to weight and boiling point. The igniter fractions, including liquid crude oil gas ( LPG ) and gasolene vapourise rise to the top of the tower. Kerosene and diesel oil, stay in the center of the tower. Then, heavier liquids divide lower down. Heat energy is the chief beginning in this procedure, fundamentally rough oil is heated and allow it zap and so distill the vapour.

Figure: 2.0 Distillation Tower from Exxon Mobil ( Australia ) [ 6 ]

2.2 Conversion ( checking and rearranging the molecules )

Catalytic snap is the basic gasoline doing procedure. This procedure is really of import as it is able to change over the heavy merchandises or heavy liquid to light merchandises. In this procedure, the heavy parts of the rough oil were heated under force per unit area and at higher temperature and caused the long concatenation hydrocarbons molecules break into smaller or lighter molecules.

2.3 Purification or Treatment

Purification is the procedure to take contaminations or drosss such as S, N, and so on. This purification procedure called hyrotreating. [ 7 ] The unfinished merchandises from transition are so contacted with hydrocarbon under heat and high force per unit area in consequence to bring forth H sulfide and desulphurised merchandise. The chief intent of this procedure is to take sulfur in order to bring forth high quality merchandises and run intoing environmental criterions. [ 6 ]


Figure: 2.1 Oil Refining Process [ 4 ]

From the observation, every oil refinery processes from all oil production company are about the same. But some of the company might develop different and new engineering to better their procedures as they want to better their production output at lower cost and clip.

3. Hazards in all countries that lead to the accident

The inadvertent oil spills in the ocean have occurred around the universe. Previous instances, we can see that most of the oil spill happened, 90 % is because of human mistake. For illustrations, BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Gulf of Mexico. [ 8 ]

In this instance, Exxon Valdez oil spill catastrophe besides happened in the similar causes. This instance can analysis through the fish bone diagram shown below.

Causes to take the Exxon Valdez oil spill catastrophe







Alcohol Intake

How many people on squad

Maestro was non on span

Maestro provided deficient supervising


Vessel Traffic Center lost radio detection and ranging contact

Procedures for going from traffic lanes non followed

Figure 3.0 Fish Bone Diagram

3.1 Peoples cause

Fatigue is primary root cause for this accident. Harmonizing to the probe, the Third mate who was entirely responsible for the pilotage ticker plotted the ship ‘s place falsely, perchance due to tire and inordinate work load. This is because, he had worked for long hours before the foundation and merely hold 5 or 6 hours of slumber in the old 24 hours. He was working beyond his normal ticker period and with without any aid at that clip, even though Exxon company policy requires two ships ‘s officers on the span during theodolite of the Valdez Narrow. The research has shown that “ fatigue degrades human public presentation and can lend to do mistake. “ [ 9 ]

The 2nd human mistake is people impair with intoxicant. For the Exxon Valdez incident, at the clip of foundation, the maestro was non at the span, so his imbibing did non straight do the accident. But, the fact he was rummy which was against the company ordinance. [ 10 ] The bloods test shown that the blood intoxicant content of maestro as high than the bound Coast Guard ordinance permits to run a ship. [ 11 ]

Furthermore, the figure of crew of Exxon Valdez had been cut to half from 40 people. Therefore, there were caused to deficient crewmembers to lookout the undertaking or sharing the work load when one of the crewmembers was called for other undertakings or took a interruption. Those of the crews have to routinely worked 12-14 hr displacement, plus extended overtime. It caused they may non hold plenty rested.

3.2 Methods

At the first, harmonizing to National Transportation Safety Board, the U.S. Coast Guard had failed to supply an effectual vas traffic system. There was found that the Vessel Traffic Service ( VTS ) unable to track Exxon Valdez even though it has been 7.7 stat mis further from the transportation lane and VTC watchstander unable to acknowledge the insecure state of affairs existed. Furthermore, they failed to supply effectual supervising as they have cut down adult male power during the old twelvemonth. [ 12 ]

Last, effectual pilot and bodyguard services were missing. There was merely one jerk to attach to Exxon Valdez for the transition through Valdez Narrow. [ 12 ]

The major caused of this oil spill catastrophe seen to be human-caused more than others factors. Risks which is lead to oil spill catastrophe can be reduced if ExxonMobil has applied the fishbone analysis before the catastrophe occurrence.

4. Consequences of all the effects of the accident

Oil spills are widely distributed in the universe. Once it is occurred, it can be straight endangering for people, marine life, animate beings and environments for a long clip, every bit good as economic impact.

4.1 Marine Ecosystem

Oil spills can hold serious effects on Marine ecosystem. The thick oil which floats on the surface or sink to the underside can pollute plankton, algae, fish eggs and larvae. Those of these are the chief nutrient beginning for the fishes. Therefore, angle that provender on these beings can later go contaminated and it will go through through the nutrient concatenation to other larger marine beings like giant, mahimahis and so on. [ 13 ] All the animate beings in the ocean depend on the plankton for endurance. If it has destroyed, a batch of animate being may go nonextant.

4.2 Wild Life

Wild life was the following worst consequence after the marine life. Many constituents of spill likes liquid oil, emulsions, atoms and pitch balls have physical effects to wildlife. Birds will surface with oil when they float on the H2O surface. Whether it is thin coat of oil on their organic structures or non, it can do the birds lose the ability to wing and finally take to submerging or loose organic structure heat quickly. [ 14 ] Other animate beings, like sea polo-necks and sea king of beasts may consume pitch ball and atoms while take a breathing or feeding at or near the surface. The toxic will physically barricade their respiration and eating.

4.3 Economic Impact

4.3.1 Commercial piscaries

The catastrophe besides harms the commercial piscaries. Most of the people populating near the sea work as the fishermen. Fishing is the major economic activity of them. After the spill, occupants were ban to fishing and the herring piscaries have to shut. This incident causes million dollar losingss non merely to fishermen but besides the country ‘s of import fish processing industry. [ 15 ]

4.3.2 Recreational and Tourism

The wealth of abundant wildlife and fish and impressive scenery has attached people to the country of Prince William Sound. The brilliant scenery offers visitants for rafting, fishing, boosting, runing and so on. However, as a consequence of oil spill, all of these activities were banned and accessing to beaches was besides frozen. Tourism moved or cancelled their finish from the affected countries to those that were safer. As a consequence, a batch of visitant centre has lost so much money.

4.4 Long-run impact

The long term effects of the spill country may ensue from nutrient concatenation and habitat break every bit good as from decrease of generative capableness of animate beings. [ 16 ] It has besides been reported in research that oiled birds that have been rehabilitated successfully remain in a province of lower wellness and go on to endure damage in survivability every bit good as behavioral alterations. [ 17 ]

Oil spills are ever bad intelligence for the environment. The badness of environmental amendss caused by a peculiar oil spill depends on many factors, including the sum of the oil spilled, the type and weight of the oil, the location of the spill, the species of wildlife in the country, the timing or genteelness rhythms and seasonal migrations, and even the conditions at sea during and instantly after the oil spill.

5. Improvement in the direction systems

The 1989 Valdez accident is profoundly regretted by the Exxon Mobil Company. Since that spill, several important betterments have been made in oil spill bar and response planning. To better oil-spill bar, ExxonMobil has done the alterations.

Harmonizing to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, there are required two bodyguard vass accompany oil oilers in Prince William Sound, Alaska [ 18 ] . There are presently have 11 jerks on standby in the system to portion the bodyguard responsibilities. Apart from watching and escorting the oilers, jerks besides capable to help each other in instance of exigency. During the Valdez ‘s incident, there was merely one bodyguard vas guide the oiler through the Valdez Narrows.

However, Exxon Mobil has implemented a batch of preparation to better and forestall the Valdez instance from go oning once more. For the illustration, Exxon Mobil has provided developing plan for vas captains and pilots. A specially trained and experience pilots required onboard the ship for the full crossing through the Sound. [ 19 ]

As portion of the Pollution Act of 1990, the Congress required all the oilers enter to the Prince William Sound need to be dual hulled and dual underside by the twelvemonth 2015. After the accident of Valdez oil spill, Exxon has implemented double hulled to about all of their oilers. The sum of oil spill would hold been reduced if the Exxon Valdez had had a dual hulled construction. As dual hulled construction can be said that able to forestall or cut down oil spill. [ 19 ]

Furthermore, Exxon Mobil has implemented Operation Integrity Management System ( OIMS ) in order to better their company system. With the hazard appraisal direction in OIMS, everybody in ExxonMobil is able to understand and aware for the hazards of safety, wellness, environmental and security, therefore it can assist to cut down the hazard. In the hazard direction system, jeopardies besides are able to place easy, so that bar can be take topographic point instantly. For this ground, Exxon Mobil has organized drug and intoxicant testing plans for safety sensitive places. Other than that, they are besides restricted safety-sensitive places to their employees with no history of substance maltreatment. [ 20 ]

Figure 5.0 OIMS from ExxonMobil [ 20 ]

With the betterment done in Exxon, it can be said that Exxon has done a good occupation in overall. Possibly Exxon and other oil companies can implement new betterment system in order to heighten the current betterment system as it is still non a perfect betterment. We still able to see the oil spill incident still exist presents, as illustration the oil spilled in Mexico Gulf late. [ ]


The Exxon Valdez oil spill catastrophe had led to extreme environments, economic, and societal impacts in the country of the oil spills. Although a batch of betterment and alterations have done, Exxon Mobil should take this calamity as a recollection and wipe out it everlastingly. For other oil company, they must besides aware for this and forestall this similar bad luck from happening. Do n’t wait something goes incorrect, we merely muss with it.

The company ‘s aims for each oil company are really of import. They must set the environment protection as a precedence instead than concentrate on their profitableness foremost. The company direction must transport out the annually or periodical reappraisal of all environment aims and to guarantee its go oning suitableness and effectivity.

Finally, authorities must step in and enforce terrible ordinance on oil companies to forestall this catastrophe. The penalty of ticketing to single and company must set up so that it will move as hindrance to others and assist forestall oil spills from happening.

( 2625 words )

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