And now after two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure, the climactic battle to kill the false being within…” wrote the newly freed Alexander Supertramp. Alex or the late Chris McCandless, recorded this excerpt in his journal before he ventured into the heartless Alaskan wilderness in May of 1992. By analyzing this quote, readers can conclude that McCandless’ cherished dream has stayed consistent since day one; his dream ultimately pertaining to the extermination of the counterfeit persona he utilizes to impede the intimacy of anyone he encounters.

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Jon Krakauer, the author of Into the Wild presents Chris McCandless as a round character with consistent qualities and monotonous moral values. McCandless’s perspectives were set in stone ever since the atrocious news of his father’s secret relationship surfaced. It is this altercation that fortifies the basis of McCandless’ everyday values. Chris was a stubborn, rebellious young man destined for trouble in the eyes of the majority of people he interacted with during his life.

Chris’s dissenters scrutinized him as just another lunatic who believed that he could “find himself” by completing a suicidal journey. However, in the eyes of Ronald Franz, Jim Gallien and his sister Carine, Chris McCandless was a genius yet humble man who absolutely despised the injustices in the world; specifically hunger and government corruption. In fact, this “rebel drop-out” donated all of his money in the bank to a starvation charity. McCandless’ values remained stable throughout his vagabond life as did people’s opinions on him.

As a young adult, Krakauer also endured the brutality of the Alaskan mountains in a hiking trip. Reminiscing back, Krakauer reveals that he altered some of his perspectives after this experience; thus making Krakauer a dynamic character. The contrast between these two characters provides greater insight into why Krakauer survived and McCandless did not. Chris McCandless stayed true to his roots as he said he would, but unfortunately, he did not “kill the false being within” in his final adventure.

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