In the same year as the end of the Third Punic War (146 BC) Rome annexed mainland Greece, two years after the winning the Fourth Macedonian War (150-148 BC). Rome annexed the Kingdom of Macedon, the largest state in Greece (in the north) and when the Achaean League in the south waged war, she annexed the whole of Greece.

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The Cimbrian War (113-114 BC) against the Cimbians and Teutons, Germanic peoples who attacked the empire in Austria, Gaul, northern Spain, Gaul (again) and northern Italy

The Jugurthine War (111-104 BC) against the rebellion of Jugurtha, the King of Numidia (in Algeria)

The Social War (91-88 BC) between Rome and her Italian allies caused by Rome’s refusal to grant them Roman citizenship.

Sulla’s First Civil War (88-87 BC between the generals Sulla and Marius

The First Mithridiac Was (88 BC-84 BC) against Mithidates, the king of Pontus (in northeaster Turkey) who attacked the Roman Republic and its ally, the Kingdom of Bithynia (In northwestern Turkey), and encouraged the Greeks to rebel.

The Second Mithridiac War (83-81 BC)

The Sertonian War (83-72 BC) between Rome and the provinces of Hispania (Spain) led by Quintus Sertorius, a supporter of Marius
Sulla’s Second Civil War (82-81 BC) between the generals Sulla and Marius
Lepidus’ Rebellion (77 BC) Lepidus rebelled against Sulla’s regime

The Third Mithridiac War against both Mithridates of Pontus and Tigranes the Great, the King of Armenia who allied with Pontus (75-63 AD)

The liberation of Syria form Armenia during the Third Mithridiac War and restoration of the rightful king (who had fled to Rome to ask for help) as a client king (69 BC)

Annexation of Syria (63 BC) by Pompey who was concerned about civil war there.

The Gallic Wars (58-50 BC) Julius Caesar’s war against the Gauls.

Julius Caesar’s two expeditions to Britannia (55 and 54 BC)

Caesar’s Civil War (49-45 BC) between Julius Caesar and the Optimantes (conservatives)
The Post Caesarean Civil War (44 BC) between the army of the senate against Mark Antony and Lepidus.
The Liberator’s War (44-420 BC) between the Second Triumvirate and the Liberators (Caesar’s assassins)
The Sicilian Revolt (44-36 BC) between the Second Triumvirate and Sextus Pompey, the son of Pompey
The Perusine War (41-40 BC) between Octavian and Lucius Antonius and Fulvia (borther and wife of Mark Antony
The Final War of the Roman Republic (32-30 BC) between Octavian and Agrippa against Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

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