The ancient Roman civilization marked their place in history with many accomplishments that previous ancient empires could not do. They, in a manner of speaking, had “specialties” that made Rome the empire that it was. Here are some of its unique specialties:
A. A network of roadways that surpassed all civilizations before them. Historians say that not until the 18th & 19th centuries did European nations have roads as well built as those of ancient Rome;

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B. A fresh water supply to Rome and other major cities by building aqueducts to the cities. Their aqueduct system is cited by many historians as great accomplishments in construction & engineering;

C. A superior sewage system in Rome that disposed of waste materials that made Rome a “healthier” place to live;

D. Ancient Rome also specialized in warfare. The Roman legions were for the most part unsurpassed military forces that conquered much of the Mediterranean world and major portions of what is now western Europe including Great Britain; and

E. Monuments of great stature and flexibility. Arenas such as the Circus Maximus and the Colosseum were unique in their size and versatility.

Much more can be said about this outstanding civilization that remains a subject of great interest for over 2 thousand years. I gave what I considered to be special aspects of ancient Rome based on the texts of many historians.

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