The name ‘Greek’ is in fact ancient as well, as the famousphilosopher Aristotelis verifies: ”
…and she was not there forever, but after the cataclysm ofDeucalion, which occurred in the Hellenic area, in fact, in theancient Hellas, which was around Dodoni, and it changed many timesthe flow of Acheloos river. In that area live the Selloi and theones that were once called Graecoi and are now called Hellenes…”[Aristotelis Meteorologika, I, 14]
Greek was a name used by the Romans when they first ran into thecolonies (Tarentum, Sybaris, Croton etc) in southern Italy, namedafter the Greek tribe they knew as the Graeci who had retained theolder name that Hellenes (were known by). According to the Greektradition, the “Graeci” (“Greeks”, ???????, Graikoi) wererenamed “Hellenes” probably with the establishment of the GreatAmphictyonic League after the Trojan war.
The Greeks called themselves Hellenes after their legendary founderHelen.

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As the Romans penetrated south in the Italian peninsula they raninto a tribe called the Graeci. They then ran into the Helleniccities in southern Italy, and thinking that they were the samepeople in large numbers, called them Magna Graeci – Great Greeks.

The name Greek stuck. The Greeks still call themselves Hellenes.

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