It is known that the Assyrians did not concern themselves with the religious beliefs and practices of subject peoples. When the Assyrians conquered Israel, they boasted of taking away the idols and treasures from the temples, but this was because of their value, not because of any attempt to influence religious beliefs.In spite of common opinion today, the people of the northern kingdom of Israel actually were at all times polytheistic. Apart from their national God, YHWH, the Israelite pantheon included many of the same gods as their neighbours, so when the Israelites were dispersed throughout the Assyrian empire they would have assimilated easily into the local cultures.

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We know that the Assyrians did not concern themselves with the religious beliefs of the conquered peoples. When they conquered the northern kingdom of Israel, they boasted of taking away the idols and treasures out of the temples but this was for their value, not in order to suppress the religion of the Israelites.It is now known that the Israelites were actually polytheistic and, apart from the national God YHWH, their pantheon included many of the gods of their neighbours. So when the Israelites were dispersed throughout the Assyrian empire, they would have assimilated easily into the local cultures, without religious coercion.

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