Hosea was a prophesier who lived and prophesied before the devastation of Israel between the old ages 755 and 725 BC in the Northern Kingdom. Hosea described the societal conditions at that period of clip ; corrupted leaders, unstable life of household, really broad immorality, and poorness which was truly a immense job.

Talking about background, Hosea indicates the historical minute and topographic point in which his ministry took topographic point by adverting the sovereign of the southern land of Judah ( Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah ) and the sovereign of the northern land of Israel ( Jeroboam II ) , who governed while Hosea fulfilled his prophetic mission ( 1:1 ) . This limits the period of his activity to between the old ages 755 and 715 B.C. Although all the indicants were positive for Israel, the menace of a catastrophe mutely approached. At this clip, the people enjoyed peace, copiousness and prosperity ; but the lawlessness that a few old ages subsequently would do the political prostration of the state began to darken the horizonAlthough people continued giving worship to Jehovah, devotion received more acceptance each twenty-four hours, and the priests did n’t take the people on the waies of righteousness. In malice of the darkness of those yearss, Hosea made hope arise that the people would return to GOD.

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THE BOOK ‘S Writer

The writer of the book is Hosea, whose name has a immense significance “ redemption ” or “ release ” . It is thought that Hosea was chosen by GOD to give life testimony of his message before his people by get marrieding a adult female who would be unfaithful. His sensitiveness toward the iniquitous status of his compatriots and toward the loving bosom of GOD prepared him for this hard ministry.


The book is named after its writer, Hosea and is indistinguishable to the last male monarch of the Northern Kingdom, Hoshea which means “ redemption ” . So as God ‘s courier, Hosea offers redemption to the state if they will turn from their devotion and return to the GOD. The book was written to the people of the northern land, Israel, but besides to the southern land of Judah ( southern Kings in 1:1 ) .


Hosea is written to show true and loyal love of God for Israel despite her infidelity. Through Hosea ‘s experience in matrimony, the book shows the bosom of a loving and compassionate God who blesses His people with the cognition of Himself and that full knowing God closely can intend to adult male. In maintaining with this intent, the subject of Hosea is a strong testimony against the Northern Kingdom because it had been unfaithful to its compact relationship with the Lord ( as demonstrated in its widespread corruptness in moral life both in populace and in private lives ) . Therefore, the prophesier seeks to acquire his countrymen to atone and return with remorseful Black Marias to their patient and loving God. This is presented from the point of view of Yahweh ‘s love to Israel as His ain beloved kids and as His covenant married woman.


The Book of Hosea trades with a people who needed to hear of the love of GOD ; a GOD who wanted to state them how great his love was and the lone manner through which it could be offered. The people thought they could purchase love ( “ Ephraim… hired lovers ” , 8:9 ) , that love was the chase of pleasance ( “ I will travel after my lovers, that give me… ” 2:5 ) , and that loving worthless things could convey something positive ( “ And they made abominations the objects of their love ” , 9:10 ) . GOD wanted Israel to cognize his love, which was offered to the rejected and disinherited ( “ When Israel was a kid, I loved him ” , 11:1 ) , who guided the people with soft subject ( “ with cords of love ” , 11:4 ) , and persevered despite of the peoples ‘ stupidity and opposition ( “ How could I abandon you? “ 11:8 ) .

The chief job was how to convey this message of GOD ‘S love to people who are non inclined to hear, and unaccustomed if they did hear. GOD ‘S solution was to let the prophesier ‘s life to go his ain discourse. Hosea married an impure adult female ( “ a married woman of prostitution ” , 1:2 ) , he genuinely loved her and had boies with her ( 1:3 ) . Furthermore, he went after her and made her return when she was lost ( “ Go, love ” , 3:1 ) . In other words, Hosea had to show, through his love for Gomer, the sort of love GOD felt for Israel. All these attacks to the transition issue from offended sense of what is right and incorrect. Hosea married a cocotte at God ‘s direct bid. In this manner, Hosea could show a lurid image of the hurting in GOD ‘S bosom because of the immorality of His Covenant People. Nevertheless, Hosea ‘s love for his contrary married woman reminds that the chief cogent evidence of the Spirit is love ( Gal. 5:22 ) . “ Because the love of GOD has been shed abroad in our Black Marias by the Holy Spirit which was given us ( Rom. 5:5 )

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